The MTV VMA’s get political.
Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, September 7th, 2008 at 9:31 pmWell, that didn’t take long.
British VMA host Russell Brand encouraged the audience to vote for Barack Obama after “8 years of President Bush”. Then, to keep it “fair and balanced”, Brand made crude jokes about Sarah Palin, her family, and Bristol Palin, Sarah’s pregnant daughter.
Keep it up, MTV.
The more Hollywood movie and music stars that support Barack Obama, the more Americans will resent him.
Also, Russell Brand is a perfect proponent for Barack Obama. Brand is consistently strung out on heroin, as well as high on crack. Great endorsement, Russell!
Can’t wait for the YouTube video!
Breaking News…
UPDATE 1: From the comments below.
Russell Brand called Republicans “inbreds” and joked about pedophiles.
Another ringing endorsement for Obama.
UPDATE 2: Michelle Malkin has the full video and transcript of Russell Brand’s comments.
UPDATE 3: There are over 4,500 angry comments about the show on the MTV Labs Blog.
This is comedy?
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The MTV Video Music Awards are all about unique collaborations and blowout performances, but a few show guests Sunday added a touch of politics in this hot election year.
Host Russell Brand drew hearty applause when he said in his opening monologue he hoped the U.S. would elect Barack Obama in November.
He said that “some people—racists” may not be ready to elect a black man as president, but then he noted that the nation was open-minded enough to put a “dumb cowboy” in office for eight years.
Russell Simmons voiced his views on the red carpet before the show.
“Palin, what’s that?” Simmons asked about the John McCain’s running-mate choice. “He went all the way to the right and got the most conservative person who knows nothing about the struggle of most Americans and made her the vice presidential nominee. That’s amazing. Any skirt will do.”
T.I., meanwhile, took a quieter approach, wearing a T-shirt during his performance with Rihanna that read, “Respect my vote.”
Nice sexism, Russell. No wonder Kim left you.
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, Entertainment, News & Politics
September 7th, 2008 at 9:53 pm
Am I the only one offended that he was bashing the Jonas Brothers for doing something that is actually HONORABLE. This guy is scum
September 7th, 2008 at 10:07 pm
I was so turned off by him. You know, I was laughing at him before the show started b.c he was funny, but as soon as he chimed in with that BS, I was disgusted. oo bad for the VMA’s. 2 bad years in a row.
September 7th, 2008 at 10:10 pm
I can’t believe a room full of Americans let a british scumbag stand in front of them and call their president “retarded”. As much as we may or may not agree with him, there’s no way I would allow a lowlife foreigner to stand in front of us and insult our president. Not one person in the audience had the guts to stand up and tell him to shut his yap. I weep for the future.
September 7th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
As soon as that neanderthal started bloviating about how he is a “fellow citizen of the world” and that we should vote for Barack, I quickly changed the channel. It’s one thing for people to show up in vehicles decked out in Obama propaganda, but it’s another for their paid hosts to push political views on a national stage. He can go back to Europe if he enjoys the idea of socialism so much.
September 7th, 2008 at 10:24 pm
Are you kidding me MTV?!?!
I love how, as usual, the Obama supporters completely contredict themselves! First, they talk shit about a 17 year old girl that made the choice for life, and then talk shit about responsible teens that have made the decision to wait till marriage! what the hell! which do you want?!?!
The best part…the audience reaction. they completely shut down. The good news is, although college students (the main MTV audience) support a canidate, most will not vote.
I agree, it does not matter who our president is; they are our president and we need to stand united behind them. Don’t let some foreigner stand on our soil and insult him! Any true american would know that!
September 7th, 2008 at 11:02 pm
I completely agree. Does MTV think no one with any intelligence is left? Do they think we won’t catch on that they pulled out a nobody loser to tell the uneducated public what to do?
I posted a blog about this, and I got reamed by some left wing idiots. Read Here
September 7th, 2008 at 11:18 pm
Thanks for posting Nate.
I’ll make sure to check out your blog.
September 7th, 2008 at 11:24 pm
Seriously disgusting. that’s all I am going to say..and joking about pedophilia? WTF?!?
September 8th, 2008 at 3:30 am
Russell Brand also showed up to work at MTV UK dressed as Osama Bin Laden the day after 9/11…class act this guy.
The “pedophilia” joke went something like this…(not a direct quote)
after watching Katy Perry’s performance he said something similar to…
“now that I know teenage girls will do anything for the taste of cherry chap stick, I go through 9 tubes a day and my **** has never been more moisturized. ”
He’s a 33 year old man
so I guess not pedophilia exactly..but def. statutory.
September 8th, 2008 at 10:16 am
Throw this guy in the trash. Seriously, why isn’t the FCC filing up paperwork right now to go after MTV and him.
People can have their opinions about Bush all they want but when it’s a foreigner coming from abroad to diss our president, no one should be clapping their hands or laughing, or even smirking at it, there should be demurral and dissent from the people.
And going after Palin’s family and making those jokes—no wonder America is waking up and realizing they don’t want to a elect a man with no experience, who’s just being overhyped and overexploited just because some dumb celebrities who’s only good is to make movies not to make opinions say we should elect him.
The left is becoming more insidious and abusive in their attacks, smears, and just their way of thinking that I still am making a prediction that sooner or later, this country is going to have to stand up to it. We either keep letting these people be discourteous and do nothing or we stand up, vote in McCain/Palin and hope these low-life losers, strung-up druggies, idiotic loudmouth celebrities, and one-note rappers and musicians will move out of this country just so we can send a message that we are Middle America, we are the Heartland, we are not racist, inbred hicks as the stupid New Englanders and snooty Northeast want to think we are.
We are not some toothless, brainless, gun-toting, Bible-thumping maniacs as the Left always want to make us out to be but in truth we are family-loving, morally-balanced, proud patriotic people who yes do own guns and do go to church annually every Sunday.
We are good people and these people are toe-fungus.
September 8th, 2008 at 10:56 am
That’s about as useful to Obama as… nothing, I can’t think of anything.
But the people that might vote based upon immaturity are the young and the liberal. Historically, they don’t show up in the droves that their candidates hope. It will be the same for Obama. Real Adults with grown-up brains won’t vote for him.
September 8th, 2008 at 12:18 pm
Yes vote McCain/Palin so all our daughters can grow up to be little fornicators like her daugther. People are you serious? Everyone says how great it is that her daughter made a choice for life but are we forgetting she obviously missed the lecture on abstinence. McCain was doing perfectly fine until he picked this woman who can’t raise her children to do right. How is she supposed to run a country? I find it appauling that you would even consider having her represent the country. Believe me you are not a bible thumper becuase if you were you would recall a passage from 1 Tim. 4-5 “He must manage his own household well and keep his children in control without losing his dignity. But if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for the_____?”
September 8th, 2008 at 12:28 pm
No one is “thumping the Bible”.
Plus, everyone is acting like Bristol Palin is the only pregnant 17-year-old girl in the country. Bristol Palin’s pregnancy is not indicative of Sarah Palin’s governing skills or parenting skills. Bristol made a decision to have sex and have a baby. Bristol will be an 18-year-old adult in a few months.
Honestly, everyone needs to stop bitching.
September 8th, 2008 at 12:36 pm
I don’t know what to think of a Brit who comes over here and tells the U.S. how to vote. MYOB comes to mind. Nevertheless, I continued watching to see just what kind of man would support Obama. I was not impressed and, like others have said, his endorsement only hurt the Obama campaign. Way to go Russell.
Just a few additional comments. He ridicules those who don’t have premarital sex (Jonas Brothers), but bashes those have (Palin’s daughter).
What an all-around jerk.
That comment about the bat being used to make Madonna feel like a virgin again was extremely crude. I’m not surprised the audience shut down and I was one of those who was so disgusted I didn’t watch the full show. Hope MTV learned their lesson.
The next flight to the UK is leaving in 30 minutes, HURRY RUSSELL!
September 8th, 2008 at 1:14 pm
Yeah i saw that last night and immediately turned it off.
September 9th, 2008 at 12:50 am
Is there seriously a “viewer backlash” against MTV for getting political? Isn’t their target audience in the tween to teen range?
Maybe I’m underestimating that age group but last I checked, they were more interested in the latest $80 T-shirt at Hot Topic than they were in politics.
October 2nd, 2008 at 4:08 pm
Blin … really beautifully written! All this is so familiar … and truthfully!
October 2nd, 2008 at 5:30 pm
Pardon me? A British person has the audacity to call Republicans inbred, when up until the 20th century and likely even after, the Brits were still marrying their cousins for family wealth and titles? Where do you think that ugly mug and funky set of chompers came from? IN-BREEDING.
How LITERALLY inbred is the blue-blood royal family over there??? Buahahaha! Wonder what this British jackass is going to have to say when Sharia Law completely takes over his country?
And yeah, that makes a whole lot of damn sense, liberals constantly insinuating that Bristol Palin is a slut when she quite obviously followed what the liberals want kids to do instead of what conservatives want for their kids. Bristol Palin made the WRONG choice, the LIBERAL choice, and they’re making fun of her and her boyfriend for it. Brilliant.
Keep it up, liberals… you’re calling YOURSELVES a bunch of sluts, and you’re obviously too stupid to realize it.
October 2nd, 2008 at 10:25 pm
so everyone on here saying that votin for Palin tells our kids its ok to have sex…NEWSFLASH!…they prob. are already! Really…dont tell me that you are so narrow minded to think that kids are not having sex. If anything this points out how big of a problem teen pregnancy is!
And all the people saying stuff about her, its none of our business.
Did you wait till marriage? I doubt it.
October 3rd, 2008 at 11:08 am
Russell Brand is retarded, pure and simple. He makes a person with Downs Syndrome look like Leonardo DaFREAKINGVinci.
He should go join Sinneth Paltry, Joy Butt-Hair, and Rosie DOWNS SYNDROME O’Dipshit in the mentally retarded celebrities queue.
November 5th, 2008 at 11:38 pm
I would like to see the inscription “to be continied”:-D
December 5th, 2008 at 10:34 pm
hah! look at all these inbred scum trying to slag off one of the most hilarious guys in comedy, Yes your current president is a straight up slack jawed sister fudging RETART and ill say it again HES A RETARD. ive seen 5 year olds with more intalectual stability than that jibbering TWAT. and the reason no one said anything to him is because he was telling the straight up truth, so all you “haters” need to stop fucking your siblings (thats brothers and sisters no all you spackers) and step into the 21st century. Russell Brand Rules!!!!!! i hope you hate this coment you RETARTDS
December 5th, 2008 at 10:38 pm
oh and i forgot to say hes been off the drugs and alcohol since oh i dont know for years do some research you fucking inbreds and for a final time RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS… RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS… RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…RETARDS…
December 5th, 2008 at 10:53 pm
sorry to stop you fudging your sisters again but i just came to my attention that you guys think where inbred and that our royal family is too but news flash tards our royal family isnt inbred its actually part german part french part whatevers there and they suck (the money grabbing twats) but remember cockmunchers that if it wasnt for good old merry england and our crazy ways you would have been born here and WE yes i said it WE the GREAT BRITS would have not collinised your land so dont forget your fathers fathers fathers we no dout posibly brits. and if you thing were dicks then stop butchering OUR language (yes its called english for a reason) and make your own you R-TARDS