Posts Tagged ‘terrorists’

Al Qaeda blooper reels!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 24th, 2008 at 6:46 am

Ziad Jarrah liked to drink beer and attend discos while at college. Then five years later, he steered Flight 93 into the ground, killing everyone on board.

I would almost surmise from the video that he is not “down for the cause”, but his murderous actions on September 11, 2001 prove otherwise.

Burn in hell, Ziad.

Hat Tip:
Hot Air

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Who’s Throwing an Obama Party?

Posted by LoneStar on Thursday, November 6th, 2008 at 9:01 pm

Besides liberals. Why, Hamas of course.

They doggedly supported Obama during his campaign, as John Hawkins of Right Wing News reported back on April 16, 2008:

On the eve of a planned meeting with former President Jimmy Carter, the isolated Hamas terrorist organization has expressed “hope” Sen. Barack Obama will win the presidential elections and “change” America’s foreign policy.

 “We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections,” Ahmed Yousuf, Hamas’ top political adviser in the Gaza Strip, said in an exclusive interview with WND and with the John Batchelor Show on WABC Radio in New York.

“I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political discourse. … I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principal. And he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance,” Yousuf said, speaking from Gaza.

…Together with presidential candidates John McCain and Hillary Clinton, Obama called Hamas a “terrorist organization” that should remain isolated until it renounces violence and recognizes Israel. Obama told reporters he opposed Carter’s meeting with Hamas.

But Yousuf chalked up Obama’s statements to political posturing.

“I understand American politics and this is the season for elections and everybody tries to sound like he’s a friend of the Israelis … so whatever [the] Israelis didn’t like they will take from all those candidates,” he said.

Yousuf said that in Hamas’ view, Obama has “a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with humiliation and arrogance.”

I think Yousef just insulted John Kennedy, who for all his faults didn’t just hide under his desk with threats to our country, or kiss the terrorists’ butts in the name of “peace at any price” like Dumbo is going to. But Yousef is likely right on the “he’s just acting like a friend of Israelies to get elected” quote. We with a brain in our head think its posturing too, that he’s pretending to be friends of Israel. Especially since liberals hate Israel and label anyone who supports them “evil Zionists” and “hawkish”, and Obama said Israel needs to make more concessions because the conflict, which is all their fault, is a “constant sore”.

Somehow I doubt Mr. Personality 2008 will take a stand for Israel when he hates his own damn country, along with his loudmouth wife. For that matter, we think he’s pretending to be friends even of true Americans, which he has yet to prove that he is. Coward.

 But apparently, Hamas got their wish, thanks to the liberals. Merry Chistmas, Hamas! Uh, wait a minute…

Wonder how it feels to know you’re doing exactly what terrorists wish you to do.

These same people that celebrated the death of THOUSANDS of our citizens with candy and revelry:

Are now celebrating the election of Barack Obama: Hamas Celebrates Obama Victory with Massive Rocket Attack. So is Iran: Iranian Islamo-Nazis Cheer. Guess ol’ McCain should have grown a set and agreed with the guy that said terrorists would be dancing in the street if Obama won. Truth isn’t always nice.

And you liberals think you’re on the right side.

I want a president where the terrorist mofo’s are pissed off, not celebrating.

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CIA led Syrian raid that killed top Al Qaeda terrorist leader.

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, October 27th, 2008 at 10:22 pm

McClatchy reports:

WASHINGTON — A CIA-led raid on a compound in eastern Syria killed an al Qaida in Iraq commander who oversaw the smuggling into Iraq of foreign fighters whose attacks claimed thousands of Iraqi and American lives, three U.S. officials said Monday.

The body of Badran Turki Hishan al Mazidih, an Iraqi national who used the nom de guerre Abu Ghadiya, was flown out of Syria on a U.S. helicopter at the end of the operation Sunday by CIA paramilitary officers and special forces, one U.S. official said.

“It was a successful operation,” a second U.S. official told McClatchy. “The bottom line: This was a significant blow to the foreign fighter pipeline between Syria and Iraq.”

A senior U.S. military officer said the raid was launched after human and technical intelligence confirmed that al Mazidih was present at the compound close to Syria’s border with Iraq. “The situation finally presented itself,” he said.

The three U.S. officials, who all spoke on the condition of anonymity because the operation was classified, declined to reveal other details of the raid. A CIA spokesman declined to comment.

Also from the article:

The more that U.S. Intelligence personnel learned about Badran Turki Hishan al Mazidih (also known as Abu Ghadiya), the higher al Mazidih ranked on the U.S. most-wanted list. Mazidih produced the most prolific foreign fighter network, which led to thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths, as well as U.S. military deaths. The U.S. Treasury Department froze all assets belonging to Mazidih earlier this year on the 28th of February. Mazidih took direct orders from al Zarqawi and al Masri, both Al Qaeda in Iraq leaders. Mazidih was a High Value Target, especially since he was appointed by al Zarqawi as the groups Syrian commander.

The Bush Administration has refused to publicly acknowledge the operation. Pentagon officials are also not speaking about the operation, though their actions clearly state that they will go after terrorists inside nations that sponsor terrorism or turn a blind eye to terrorists, such as Syria.

Scoop This first reported about the Syrian raid on Sunday afternoon, just as soon as the story broke.

Hat Tip:
Hot Air Headlines

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