Posts Tagged ‘taxes’

Obama Will Cut Taxes for 95%?! BULL-$%*#!

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Saturday, October 18th, 2008 at 12:13 am



The Cartoon is absolutely correct. The Bush Tax Cuts, which Democrats want to repeal or allow to expire, represent an across the board tax cut for every American Taxpayer. If the Tax cuts do not get renewed in 2010 which is likely under a Democrat Controlled congress, it means that EVERYONE will be paying more in taxes during what is very likely to be an economic recession at that time!

This is absolute Insanity Folks! If you don’t believe me, take a look at your own tax return from the year 2000 which was before the Bush Cuts went into effect and redo your taxes for that year’s income under today’s tax code. Chances are, your taxes from 2000 are higher than what you would’ve paid for the same income under the Bush Tax Cuts! I did this and at that time, I made less than $30,000 and yet, my taxes in 2000 were 25% higher than they would’ve been if I were generating the same income today!

It is absolutely astounding that the people Obama is targeting for votes, are stupid enough to believe that their taxes are not going up! Perhaps even ‘Joe The Plumber’ does not realize that he doesn’t even have to buy a $250,000 business for Obama to raise his taxes and redistribute his wealth. All he has to do is keep making whatever amount he currently makes and if his employer can still afford to pay him after Obama begins further punishment of success, his taxes will be higher, guaranteed.


Additional Reading: "Searching for Obama’s 95%"

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Liberal Fascism Chronicles: The Thief State

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 16th, 2008 at 10:06 am

All of this talk of Joe the Plumber and Obama’s now admitted wealth redistribution inspired me to repost a blog I wrote long before I was a writer for Scoopthis:

"The war against illegal plunder has been fought since the beginning of the world. But how is… legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime. Then abolish this law without delay … If such a law is not abolished immediately it will spread, multiply and develop into a system." Source: "The Law" By Frederick Bastiat

A brilliant quote by a brilliant man. This quote captures the very essence of what is wrong with socialism/communism. If only Bastiat was read as much as Karl Marx, the world would be a more prosperous and better place. Instead, we in this country have an ever growing welfare state that progresses ever closer to total socialism.

Now, Socialism can lead in two directions, none of them ‘good.’ The first is Communism which is widely known so I won’t go into it. The second direction it can lead is Fascism. Now, that second direction of "Fascism" may shock some so I feel it is necessary to invoke the dictionary definition of Fascism. From Webster’s:

"1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascist) that exalts nation above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. "

There are three points in there that I found relevant to our current political direction.

1. Exalts nation above the individual:

Translation: "Fatherland or Death" (Not "Liberty or Death," mind you.)

"We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." - Hillary Clinton

2. Severe Economic and Social Regimentation:

Translation - "With Germany, Against Capitalism". Would it surprise you to learn that this poster did not come from the Soviet Era? In fact, this poster is propaganda from the Nazi Era… they were "national socialists" after all. So much for them being "right wing!"

"I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness" - Barrack Obama

"The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more." - Michele Obama

"I certainly think the free-market has failed." - Hillary Clinton

"I think it’s time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched." - Hillary Clinton

"It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few…and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity." - Hillary Clinton

3. Forceful Suppression of Opposition:

"First, [Democrats] failed on the radio airwaves with Air America, no one wanted to listen, Conservative radio is a huge threat and political advantage for Republicans and we have had to find a way to limit it. Second, it looks like the Republicans are going to have someone in the presidential race who has access to media in ways our folks don’t want, so we want to make sure the GOP has no advantages going into 2008." - Senior Adviser to Nanci Pelosi

"We’ve got to do something about [Conservative Talk Radio]. These are nothing but far rightwing extremists. We’ve got to have a balance. There’s got to be a legislative fix to this." - Hillary Clinton

I think those quotes pretty much speak for themselves. The institution of socialism in this country is the quickest way to ensure that we lose the principles of liberty that this nation was founded upon. When our Founding Fathers created this government, they had the goal of creating a government that would interfere with the lives of them and their countrymen as little as possible. Today, we have a government that is trying to do the exact opposite and people are getting elected on promises that they will further this trend. Are we powerless to stop them? Will principle, justice and liberty prevail once more in this country? I greatly fear the alternative.

"Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. " - Alexis de Touqueville

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Just like Barack, Joe Biden asks that his patriotism not be questioned.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 10:24 am

CNN Political Ticker

JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri (CNN) – Joe Biden Thursday night told Sarah Palin not to lecture him on patriotism, after week of attacks mocking him for his statement the wealthy should be patriotic and pay higher taxes because not enough has been asked of them.

“Sarah Palin had great fun saying Joe Biden thinks paying taxes is patriotic. Well, let me tell you what Joe Biden thinks,” the Delaware senator said at an outdoor rally. “Joe Biden thinks that anybody who takes millions of dollars offshore to avoid paying their fair share is unpatriotic.”

“Joe Biden thinks that anybody who takes millions of dollars offshore to avoid paying their fair share is unpatriotic.”

Like Ted Kennedy and the Kennedy family?

Please. No one questioned Joe Biden’s patriotism. Everyone has questioned his comment stating that paying taxes is patriotic. The American Revolutionary War was fought because paying taxes is not patriotic!

What is unpatriotic is Barack Obama and Joe Biden wanting to raise taxes on small business owners that do make more than $250,000 a year. These small businesses will help America pull out of the current financial crisis, but not if they are taxed to death by Obama and Biden.

Hat Tip: Hot Air Headlines

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New McCain ad: “Tax Cutter”

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 3rd, 2008 at 7:21 pm

I am glad John McCain keeps hammering away at Barack Obama’s supposed “tax cutter” persona. Barack Obama has never met a tax increase he did not love. Barack Obama spends more time in bed with taxes than his own wife. Again, Barack Obama says he wants to give 95% of taxpayers a $1,000 tax cut? How? With what money? Congress just passed a $700 billion bailout bill. Oh, excuse me, “rescue plan”.

The only way that Barack Obama would hope to pass effective tax cut legislation is to extend President Bush’s tax cuts. And Barack Obama does not agree with President Bush on anything, right?


Hat Tip: Hot Air

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New Sarah Palin ad: “Better Off”

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 11:51 am

As I keep posting, and I hope all of you are reading and agreeing with me, the taxes Barack Obama proposes will absolutely diminish the profits of small businesses and entrepreneurs. These profits go towards employee payroll, employee bonuses, office maintenance, monthly operating bills, business expansion, and so many other business needs. Barack Obama’s tax proposals will effectively stifle small business growth, and will lead to small company layoffs. The owners of these small businesses will be working half of the year just to pay their taxes!

This similar scenario also applies to people working in management positions making $250,000 and higher. $250,000 is a great income, but when it is broken down, it is not much money. For example, a husband (or a wife) with two kids makes $250,000. Barack Obama’s tax plan will take $125,000 of that money, so the family is left with $125,000. Divide $125,000 by 12 months in a year, and that means that family makes $10,416.67 a month. That is good, right?

Well, let us now take into consideration the monthly expenses of this family. These expenses include: property taxes, home insurance payments, mortgage payments, two car payments, two car insurance payments, two health insurance payments, two college tuition loan payments, as well as other bills including the light energy bill, water bill, utilities bill, cable television bill, internet bill, credit card bills, groceries, clothes, and school supplies. Perhaps I am missing some monthly expenses, but I believe my readers understand the point I am trying to make. How far can that family of four stretch $10,000? How much money can the husband and wife put towards their 401k plans and IRA and ROTH IRA accounts after all of these expenses? And if there is a family emergency, how much money will that family have in their savings account? Will it be enough for at least 6 months? How much of that $125,000 Barack Obama’s tax plan took (stole!) would have helped this family?

This is coming from a guy with $300 in his checking account. The class warfare Barack Obama supports does not exist on Scoop This.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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New RNC ad: “Worse”

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 at 10:47 am

Honestly, can you afford new taxes? If you can, will you pay mine? Barack Obama wants to fund wasteful government programs and international funds with our money - $1 trillion of our money! But Obama says we will get a $1,000 tax refund. Nice. If you are a single person, that is enough for one month’s worth of living expenses.

As I have continuously posted, Obama’s tax increase plan is targeting entrepreneurs and small business owners. These business owners cannot afford to fund Obama’s proposed government programs. Doing so would mean that these business owners will have to fire employees, and perhaps curtail their business expenses, such as maintenance and company outings, in order to pay their taxes.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Obama’s new ad: “Zero”

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, September 28th, 2008 at 9:16 am

I did not know that the “American dream” was to live in the “middle class”. Americans strive to be as successful as possible so they can make as much money as possible. That is not greed. That is determination, hard work, and sacrifice - the very ideals America was founded upon. These ideals are also synonymous with capitalism.

John McCain was right when he said that “$5 million is rich” at the Saddleback Forum. McCain was also right when he said that he wants everyone to be rich. Who doesn’t? But it takes hard work to get there, and John McCain understands that. If you want to be poor and live in poverty, then you are in the wrong country.

Barack Obama wants to raise taxes on people that make $250,000 and higher. Most of the people that make $250,000 are owners of small businesses who cannot afford such a tax. A tax increase on people that make $250,000, especially small business owners, means another $18,000 for the government. That money could have been used to hire another company employee, or used for employee bonuses and benefits, or used for building and office upgrades. An $18,000 tax increase for small business owners means at least 1 employee is going to get fired to make up the tax difference.

Small businesses are the “middle class”, Obama! And yes, these small businesses are struggling. They are not getting their fair “shake”, Obama. You want to shake all the extra money out of their pockets!

Yes, there will be a change in taxes if Obama is elected President, but there will be no hope.

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Obama cheers market crisis!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, September 19th, 2008 at 12:13 pm

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) - Top aides to Republian John McCain are claiming Democrat Barack Obama and his advisers are exploiting Wall Street’s financial problems for political gain.

Aide Steve Schmidt, who worked for the Bush-Cheney team in 2004, told reporters Thursday aboard McCain’s plane that Obama is “cheerleading this crisis.” He said McCain is seeking a bipartisan solution although Schmidt and aides Mark Salter and Nicole Wallace also said Democratic congressional leaders should be condemned for considering adjourning without addressing the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the sale of Merrill Lynch and the emergency government loan to insurer AIG.

The aides say the Arizona senator will make the same criticisms during his speeches.

Barack Obama thinks that this crisis will win him votes. As usual, Obama is wrong, especially since Obama is truly showing that he knows nothing about the stock market. Obama keeps saying, “We must not just have a plan for Wall Street, but a plan for Main Street.” Well, Obama, what do you think is in our IRA and ROTH IRA accounts and 401k plans? Stickers? It is stocks, stupid! What happens on Wall Street directly affects Americans on “Main Street”, especially if you own a retirement account.

Perhaps you should have attended Harvard Business School, Obama.

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New McCain Ad: A Patriotic Act

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, September 19th, 2008 at 11:04 am


I love it!

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Biden: “It’s patriotic to pay taxes.”

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, September 18th, 2008 at 4:24 pm

Full story on .

Paying taxes is patriotic? More like idiotic! The more government taxes us, the more they have to waste. Barack Obama’s tax cut plan is a joke. A $1,000 tax cut for the middle class? Great, I have enough money to pay bills and buy groceries for one month! I have paid less in taxes and received more money in tax rebate checks during President Bush’s administration then I will ever receive if Obama gets into the Presidential office!

Perhaps John McCain was right when he stated at the Saddleback Forum that people who make $5,000,000 million are truly rich. Why? Because Barack Obama’s plan to raise taxes on people that make $250,000 and higher means that Obama is targeting the entrepreneurs who work 18-hour days and use their profits to put back into their businesses! If Obama is elected President, small business owners will lose $12,000 to $18,000 a year. That means small business owners will have to layoff or fire their employees and terminate other luxuries in their business life, such as lawn service, maintenance service, and maid service. Also, entrepreneurs will decide to cut back on corporate lunches and dinners for their office staffs, thus meaning restaurants will not make any money, and then that restaurant will have to cut and fire staff! You see? Raising taxes affects everyone in America, as it is a vicious, circular cycle of pain.

Also, it is funny outrageous what liberal Democrats think is patriotic. Democrats supporting the troops? Not patriotic. Democrats placing their hands over their heart during the National Anthem? Not patriotic. Americans paying more taxes? Patriotic!

I have said this numerous times on Scoop This, and I will say it again: If Obama is elected President, I will not pay my federal income taxes.

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