Posts Tagged ‘Robert Burck’

Naked Cowboy no longer a criminal?

Posted by Ricky Minton on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 at 4:32 am

That’s right.

The Naked Cowboy, born Robert Burck was arrested in San Francisco for singing in Union Square in his trademark outfit — underwear, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.  Our previous post on this subject has a few pictures of the “entertainer” in case you haven’t seen his act before.

The charges were dismissed on a technicality, reports The New York Post.  The officer entered the wrong code on the ticket, which resulted in the judge dismissing the charge.

ScoopThis is glad the First Amendment Rights of Burck, err, The Naked Cowboy, were not trampled on, that’s for sure.  We’re still totally against singing and dancing in only underwear. 

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Naked Cowboy Arrested in San Francisco

Posted by Ricky Minton on Monday, July 28th, 2008 at 3:13 pm

cowboy1 The Naked Cowboy, Robert Burck, was arrested in San Francisco just outside of Union Square.  He was charged with violating a posted rule against soliciting and playing an instrument in Union Square.

The Naked Cowboy has became famous for his singing in New York’s Times Square, clad only in his underwear, cowboy hat and boots.

ScoopThis frowns on any man doing anything publicly wearing nothing but his underwear, but, apparently, we’re in the minority on those feelings as The Naked Cowboy has become increasingly famous over the years.

Naked_Cowboy_and_M&M His fame can be partly blamed on a $6 million lawsuit against Mars, Inc., maker of the M&M candy for their advertisements depicting a blue M&M clad only in his underwear, cowboy hat and boots playing a guitar alongside views in New York City.  Those ads were played on billboards in Times Square.

Burck has trademarked his image and has made several TV and movie appearances in his outfit — or lack thereof.  He even made a televised audition on American Idol.

Burck was given a citation and is expected to appear in court today.

Do you think that’s the first time this police officer slapped the ‘cuffs on a guy in his underwear?  Geez, that picture could be mistaken for a scene from a gay porn video.

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