Posts Tagged ‘porn’

Al-Aqsa TV airs pornographic images.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 7:55 pm


Hamas-controlled Al-Aqsa television aired pornographic scenes of two women overnight.


These chicks are hot.

Maybe Hamas should make love, not war.

Hat Tip: The Jawa Report

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XXX Bailout.

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 at 5:20 pm


NY Daily News

Is the porn industry up next for a bailout? If porn titans Joe Francis and Larry Flynt have anything to do with it, it will.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, the titans of pornography are begging for a bailout.

Joe Francis, creator of the “Girl’s Gone Wild” video series, and Larry Flynt, founder of Hustler, will ask Congress for a $5 billion bailout, according to TMZ.

Why does the porn industry need a bailout? Because apparently even porn is getting smacked by the recession.

XXX DVD sales have taken a hit - about a 22% hit, according the TMZ.

“With all this economic misery and people losing all that money, sex is the farthest thing from their mind,” Flynt is quoted as saying on TMZ. “It’s time for Congress to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America.”

Francis thinks that the porn industry deserves a bailout just like the auto and financial industries got, and he said he’ll go to DC to get it, according to TMZ.

“Congress seems willing to help shore up our nation’s most important businesses; we feel we deserve the same consideration,” Francis is quoted as saying on TMZ.

Is the porn industry really experiencing a severe downturn? It depends on who you ask.

Francis Koenig’s fund AdultVest, which invests in porn-related assets, was up 50% in 2008, according to Tom Johansmeyer’s article in next month’s Atlantic (as reported by The Huffington Post). But video sales are down.

“The industry’s not going anywhere,” Koenig says. “You’ve got 6 billion people on the planet,” he laughs, “and they’re all horny.”

The porn industry generated about $12 billion in 2007, according to the Atlantic article.

$12 billion in 2007 for a bunch of dvd’s?

How much did the “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin” dvd sell, Mr. Flynt?

You don’t need a bailout, dude. You need new legs!

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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Porn director offers Sarah Palin $2,000,000!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, November 13th, 2008 at 6:52 pm

The Juice

Forget Hustler’s spoof Nailin’ Paylin’, former veep candidate Sarah Palin has gotten an official offer to star in a pornographic film, says. “Porn aficionado” Cezar Capone (a.k.a. Miami director Bill Fisher, who brought us classics like Agent Filthy 0069 and MILF School 8.) has offered the Alaska governor $2 million to be the centerpiece of one of his movies.

“Dear Governor Palin: Please let this writing serve as an official request. In light of the recent election results, Cezar Capone Productions would like to make you a formal offer of $2,000,000 to star in an adult ‘MILF’ production,” a letter sent to the governor’s mansion via certified mail reads. “I am sure you are unaware that Cezar Capone is the KING of all ‘MILF’ films. This one time offer also guarantees that you can walk away from our beautiful set with a newer and sexier wardrobe to make up for the $150,000 worth of clothes you had to give back to the GOP.”

Now, Fisher is no idiot, and realizes Palin might not want to star in a flick with “male talent” other than her husband, so he’s offering First Dude Todd $100,000 to join her. Besides posting the letter at, Fisher has offered to put the entire sum in an escrow account to prove his seriousness on the issue.

Really, what can we add to that? And don’t go asking us what a MILF is, because if you don’t know by now, you shouldn’t be reading The Juice*.

Yes, I am sure this is going to happen.

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Check out the “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?” script!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 6:54 am

TMZ got its mits on the entire script for Hustler’s upcoming porn parody: “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?”

Uber MILF Lisa Ann will be steaming it up with a certain snowmobile salesman and a Bi-Partisan pundit named “Hilly” who’s, well, just plain “Bi”.

The film shoots this weekend, just in time for the election. Does it promise to deliver the goods? You betcha!

The script is 15 pages long! Damn!

The dialogue consists of cliches, unfortunately. The script calls for AVN-award worthy lines such as, “So, do you come here often?”, and “Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My jaw!” Hopefully, the uninhibited sex rescues the paltry parley of this porn.

There could be a “drill baby drill” chant!

And “Bill O’Rally” makes a cameo!

What this film lacks in linguistics will be made up in comedy. And sex.

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Lisa Ann will play “Sarah Palin” in porn movie.

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 4th, 2008 at 4:25 pm

Media Bistro

“Lisa Ann, a 36-year-old adult movie actress from Huntington Beach, will play Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in a video from porn mogul Larry Flynt’s Hustler Video.

“Because Pedro wants to keep his job, we’ll just give you clues to the movie’s typically punny porn title: two words, the first a carpentry-based euphemism for sex, the second being “Paylin,” a mispelling perhaps to dodge any legal assaults.

“We’ll also skip around the plot, though expect cameos from actors playing “Condi Rice,” “Hillary Clinton” and in what [we] think and hope is a clothed role, “Bill O’Reilly.”

The movie will be called “Nailin’ Paylin”.

Other good movie titles would be: Pounding Paylin, Juneau You Want Me, and Sarah’s Snowjob.

Scoop This has been all over this story. Naturally.

Previous Blogs:

Ala-skin porn! Larry Flynt casts Sarah Palin look-a-like.

Porn Producers looking for a Sarah Palin look-a-like!

Hat Tip: JammieWearingFool

UPDATE 1: Here is the porn script in PDF form.

Hat Tip:

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Ala-skin porn! Larry Flynt casts Sarah Palin look-a-like.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 3rd, 2008 at 5:48 pm

Two days ago, Scoop This posted a blog about porn producers wanting to cast a Sarah Palin look-a-like for a porn film.

The anonymous CraigsList ad was posted by infamous Hustler founder, Larry Flynt.

NY Daily News

Larry Flynt is using the power of porn to express his views on Sarah Palin.

The Hustler founder and freedom of speech advocate has produced an X-rated movie using an adult-film actress who resembles the Republican vice presidential candidate.

Flynt’s producers posted an anonymous help-wanted ad on Craigslist in L.A. just days after the Republican convention. “Looking for a Sarah Palin look-alike,” read the ad, “for an adult film to be shot in the next 10 days.” The actress would be paid $3,000 for the part, said the ad.

No, it’s not Tina Fey.

Adam Bryant of TV Guide asks, “Has Larry gone too far?”

Some would say yes, Adam. I am sure many women will be enraged by this news story.

Amanda Carpenter, conservative writer for Glamour magazine, says, “Simply put, conservative women who don’t hide their femininity are forced to pay a price. Luckily, women like Palin are willing to pay it with a smile to make it easier for all the young women who will follow in her footsteps later.”

Larry Flynt may be overplaying his “freedom of speech” card by angering women who will now vote in droves for the McCain-Palin ticket. What is that saying? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

The Gates of Hades are ajar.

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Porn Producers looking for a Sarah Palin look-a-like!

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 6:04 pm

First it was Playboy. Now it is porn producers. A “major adult studio” is looking for a Sarah Palin look-a-like for a movie that will be shot in the next 10 days. Hey, at least it pays $2000 to $3000!

Plus, no anal required.

It could be worse. At least no porn producers are looking for a Hillary Clinton look-a-like.


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