Posts Tagged ‘Nancy Pelosi’

Nancy Pelosi is the perfect woman.

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, January 12th, 2009 at 4:53 pm

WASHINGTON (AFP) — House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday said there should be more women in the incoming administration of president-elect Barack Obama, but praised the “diversity” of his team.

“We always want more. There is no question about it,” Pelosi, the first woman in history to head the Congress, told CNN when asked if the gender balance in Obama’s cabinet picks was to her liking.

“When I went to my first meeting at the White House as a leader and looked around and saw that I was the first woman in history to be seated at that table, my first thought was, ‘We want more,’” she said recalling events a year ago.

“But I feel confident (in) the diversity in (Obama’s) cabinet and among the advisers to the president, who, as you know, are as important in many ways as members of the Cabinet,” Pelosi said of her fellow Democrat’s team.

Obama’s 18-strong cabinet-in-waiting includes five women.

Pelosi, 68, was elected House speaker on January 4, 2007. Her first White House meeting was with the cabinet of now outgoing President George W. Bush.

Yes, Nancy Pelosi does want more, which makes her the perfect woman.

She will take your money, spend it, then ask for more.


Hat Tip:
Michelle Malkin

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Barack Obama officially elected President.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, January 9th, 2009 at 5:31 am

At least the Democrats acted like adults this time and did not walk out in protest like the past two elections.

Also, did you see Nancy Pelosi start an applause? G-d, I hate that bitch.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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The Card Check ad CBS does not want you to see.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, November 21st, 2008 at 8:00 pm

Americans for Job Security
stated the following press release:

“According to our media buyers, CBS officials cited the appearance of Nancy Pelosi as one of the primary reasons for the denial of the advertisement. One CBS representative felt that viewers would be “confused” by its contents within their program,” said Stephen DeMaura, President of Americans for Job Security.

The advertisement will be running on CNN, FNC, CNBC, MSNBC, and FOX.

“CBS executives obviously believe their viewers are not smart enough to recognize the difference between CBS propaganda and American free speech. There is no room on our public airwaves for the coddling of powerful politicians and the censoring of a serious public policy debate,” DeMaura added.

I am inclined to agree with Ed Morrissey on Hot Air when he says that this is not censorship because CBS, a private business, made a decision to not air a commercial which might be considered offensive to a person, Nancy Pelosi, who will be a guest on the CBS show, Face The Nation. CBS can air any commercial that they want, or none at all.

Also, censorship is government intervention to prevent speech.

However, CBS is silly to ban a commercial just for one guest. I guess they are afraid of Nancy Pelosi’s congressional power.

Hat Tip:
Hot Air

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The debate is back on!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, September 26th, 2008 at 11:58 am

John McCain will debate Barack Obama!

Per Drudge Report and

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) announces: “The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.

The text of a statement from his camapign at about 11:20 a.m. Eastern:

John McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign was made in the hopes that politics could be set aside to address our economic crisis.

Well, John McCain is heading to Mississippi for tonight’s debate. Nothing really got done in Washington, D.C. The bailout talks ended in chaos yesterday. No one could agree on anything. Senator Chris Dodd implied that Senator John McCain sandbagged the negotiations with alternative proposals, though four independent sources said that John McCain did not bring up any of those proposals. Marc Ambinder reports:

Though Sen. Chris Dodd implied that Sen. McCain sandbagged the rest of the negotiators by bringing up alternative proposals, McCain himself did not bring up those proposals, according to four independent sources briefed by four different principals inside the meeting, including two Republicans and two Democrats.

“McCain has not attacked the Paulson deal,” said a third Republican who was briefed by McCain direclty. “Unlike the [Democrats] in the [White House] meeting, he didn’t raise his voice or cause a ruckus. He is urging all sides to come together.”

I can just imagine Nancy Pelosi shrieking at the top of her lungs for attention. President Bush could barely keep control of the meeting. Is it too much to ask for Democrats to act like adults? Also, I know some Republicans are holding their ground and remaining true to their fiscal conservative promises, but can you guys at least come back to the negotiating table? Be true Fiscal Conservative Republicans and show President Bush, Nancy Pelosi, and everyone else not willing to listen that this path of Socialism is not the right idea! There must be another way to come to an agreement on the $700 billion bailout package and protect American taxpayers.

I really do not want to pay $2,333 for something I did not cause.

UPDATE 1: Rush Limbaugh is saying that Democrats passed the chairmanship of the meeting to Barack Obama so they, Democrats, could prove Obama’s “leadership” skills! It was a disaster! Obama ripped apart Paulson’s plan without ever reading the plan! Obama later said that he did not receive a copy of Paulson’s plan, though the plan was sent to him! The room turned chaotic!

This is huge, folks. I am trying to find a link to the story Rush Limbaugh is citing. Rush said that he is citing The American Spectator blog.


UPDATE 2: Rush Limbaugh stated that the Democrats wanted to create a myth about Barack Obama coming into the White House and taking over the meeting, so Obama could look “Presidential”.

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Nancy Pelosi is stupid!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, August 26th, 2008 at 11:08 pm

And there is video proof!

Nancy Pelosi called private citizens and American voters “handmaidens of Big Oil”. Nancy Pelosi verbally threatened the crowd by asking if she “can drill their brains”.

Also, in the video, a man from Ohio, which is a key battleground state and could decide this year’s election, stated that he was not an employee of big oil. He stated that he used his own money to protest Nancy Pelosi and demand that Pelosi call Congress back to session so they can vote to drill offshore!

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Nancy Pelosi, can we drill your heart?

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, August 26th, 2008 at 5:44 pm

House Democratic leaders and protesters waving McCain signs had a war of words Tuesday at a press event outside an old train station. The demonstrators interrupted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with chants of “Drill here! Drill now!”

Pelosi paused and asked the group, “Right here?”

Seeming to enjoy the back and forth, she followed with another question: “Can we drill your brains?”

She went on to refer to the protesters, who continued to chant sporadically, as “handmaidens of Big Oil.” Arguing that increased offshore drilling would only reduce gas prices two cents in 10 years, she referred to the demonstrators as the “two-cents-in-ten-years-crowd.”

Nancy, you must be so proud of your wit! The only way to bring down gas prices long-term is to start drilling for our own supply. Thanks to you and your do-nothing Congress, gas increased by $2.00 at the pump. Nancy, you stated in 2006 you have an energy plan. Where is it? Do you not care about people

Also, how can you (and Joe Biden) be Catholic Christians and be pro-choice? As a Catholic Christian myself, I know that God is wholeheartedly pro-life, so too must His Church be pro-life. I hope neither you, Joe Biden, John Kerry, or any other pro-choice Catholic receive communion.

Nancy Pelosi, where is your heart?

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Pelosi shouted down at book tour event!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, August 15th, 2008 at 8:58 am

Liberals are not only stupid and heartless, but they are crazy!

I bet Pelosi never thought she would encounter this at The American University of Judaism!

Peter Thottam, founder of the LA Impeachment Center, shouted at Pelosi to “do her job” and impeach President Bush.

“Who gave you the right to take the constitution and shove it down the toilet? Who gave you the right to take impeachment off the table? Nobody told them to do this,” Thottam shouted at Pelosi moments before Secret Service agents removed him from the packed auditorium and turned him over to officers with the Los Angeles Police Department. “One million Iraqis are dead. Five thousand Americans are dead. You have destroyed the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments.”

Pelosi responded to the tirade: “I have complete comfort with the frustration. I’m from the streets.”


Liberals, let me preach honestly to all of you.

How does it feel, liberals? For all of your wanton lust and desire to impeach President Bush, you have been failed by Democrats. Liberals, you have no power. No one will listen to your crying, whining, bitching, and moaning. Liberals, how soulless are all of you to deny freedom to the Iraqis? How dare any of you belittle the sacrifice of American troops in Iraq? Liberals, you are able to protest due to the sacrifices of these troops and the past heroes that have come before us!

Liberals, you have been blinded by freedom. None of you appreciate what you have, yet deny this basic human right to Iraqis. Freedom is not an exclusivity for Americans only. It is for all humans. However, liberals, all of you fail to understand that freedom must be fought for, and if necessary, die for. We must all be prepared to make any and all of these sacrifices. Otherwise, we forfeit our future, and become enslaved, raped, tortured, and killed by despotic dictators. That is what happened to the Iraqis.

Instead of letting this depravity continue, President Bush has led the greatest fighting force ever assembled, the United States military, to free Iraq from further destruction. No one is denying that mistakes have been made in Iraq. No one is denying that innocent people have been killed. Winning this war will not be easy, but there will come a day when Iraqi children will be born into complete freedom. They will learn of the hell wrought on the Iraqi people by Saddam Hussein and his sons. They will understand that the world heard their parents cries for help. And they will thank us for rescuing their parents.

Liberals, let us not be enemies in this endeavor, but friends. As united Americans, we must support our troops so they can complete Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Pelosi Responds to House GOP Revolt

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 at 9:36 pm

Today, Nancy Pelosi released a letter that she sent to Republican John Boehner in response to his and other Republicans’ demands that she reconvene congress and hold an up or down vote on “The American Energy Act.” The act, whose purpose is to lower energy prices for all Americans, includes an “all of the above” approach to energy which would encourage the full use of our oil and natural gas resources as well as solar, wind, nuclear, bio-fuels, and other forms of “alternative energy.” Republicans began a revolt of sorts after Pelosi adjourned congress for the next 5 weeks, without considering the Energy Legislation. More on the Energy Revolt Here.

Pelosi began her letter by stating “if we repealed the offshore drilling ban today, oil and gas production would not begin there until 2017, and impact on prices before 2030 would be “insignificant.” We cannot drill our way out of this problem.”

Later in the letter, she mentions that Democrats have repeatedly called for the President to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in order to have a near immediate effect upon prices.

So in one breath,

she says that more drilling or “more oil supply” would have and “insignificant” effect upon prices. In the next breath, she points out that Democrats want “more oil” released in order to “ease the pain American families and businesses are feeling every day.” She goes on to cite instances where releases from the SPR resulted in as much as 33% drops in fuel prices!

So which is it Madam Speaker? Are you saying that increasing supply causes “insignificant” decreases in prices or “major” decreases in prices? I’d love to see the look on your face in November when you realize that the majority of the voters in this country actually know the correct answer to that question.

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Media Continues Four Day Blackout on House Republican Energy Revolt

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 at 12:23 am

Several months ago, The House Republicans put fourth an “All of the Above” energy plan titled “The American Energy Act.” The bill sought to lower prices at the pump by vastly decreasing our dependence on foreign supplies of energy. Even though the bill included provisions for wind, solar, clean coal, nuclear, and alternative energy solutions in addition to drilling and polls show that an overwhelming majority of Americans support such measures, the Democratic leadership of the House has refused to allow debate or a vote on the bill. Instead, they chose on Friday to go on a five week recess while their constituents continue to suffer at the pump.

In response to Nancy Pelosi’s decision to adjourn congress without considering the act, House Republicans immediately and spontaneously ceased the floor and began demanding that congress not be adjourned until they voted on the American Energy Act. Pelosi responded with an order to shut off the lights, the microphones, and turned off the CSPAN cameras in the House Chambers.

Following the congressional adjournment, several Republican Congressmen continued, without microphones, to demand that the people’s voice be heard and a vote on the act occur. Bystanders began recording video on cell phones and posting them to which is still the only way to see footage of the revolt. The minutes became hours and as word spread, more Republican Congressmen began filtering back into the chambers to participate, having canceled their flights home. After ordering Pizza, they remained for another five hours before retiring to their Washington DC residences and not before vowing to return on Monday.

As I anxiously awaited the evening news, I was certain the revolt would be one of the top stories. But from my local news to the national network news, there was not a single mention of what house republicans were continuing to do even as the news networks went live! I then awaited the next morning’s paper and I was certain that the story would be on the front page. Alas, the story was not in the paper at all! Sunday morning - more of the same. Across the Internet, I’ve found token mention of the story most often in Newspaper blogs but I have yet to see the story mentioned during prime time or in an actual printed newspaper where the vast majority of American voters will notice it.

Then came Monday when the morning paper yielded no new surprises in their lack of willingness to cover the story.  Despite their lack of media attention, the GOP Congressmen not only returned to the floor, they held a press conference and they vowed to stay through the week, if not the entire recess! Despite this, there was little if any mention of it in the national newspapers, the 24/7 television news networks, or the major network evening news. Below is today’s press conference, split into 3 parts:

When and if the media finally does decide to start giving this story the attention it deserves, I wonder what the headline will look like. Maybe It’ll begin with something like “Two weeks ago…”

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