Scoop This embarks on its 11th week of existence following our July 18th website re-launch, and it is going better than I or Ricky could have expected. The national print and television media, radio shows, and other high traffic bloggers and blog sites know about us. Scoop This is building sources in the media and blogosphere, and we are becoming a source of information for other bloggers and for radio shows. With notoriety comes scrutiny, and the writers at Scoop This are pissing off liberals, racists, Obama-bots, far-left kooks, far-right kooks, and people that are just purely jealous of our success. It is a success that we share with our loyal readers, even those that post idiotic liberal comments.
Before I continue, I would like to explain why I re-launched Scoop This. The reasons include:
1. I am a purveyor of gossip. I enjoy political gossip and Hollywood celebrity gossip.
2. I am a seeker of the truth. Conservative blogs do what the mass liberal media do not - report the truth.
I do my best to expose that truth, such as my “Barack Obama - Not ready to lead!” blog. This blog exposes that the Democrats wanted Obama to take control of the bailout crisis meeting last week, undermine President Bush, and create a myth that Obama took charge and looked “Presidential”, but Obama failed miserably. The American Spectator had the inside information about the meeting, and I posted it on Scoop This. After this information about the meeting was leaked, Nancy Pelosi decided to confiscate the cell phones and Blackberry’s from Congressional aides so no more information was “leaked”. Liberals are pissed that Scoop This is part of this leak, especially when it exposes Barack Obama as an incompetent person who is not ready to lead America, and cannot even lead a simple meeting.
One thing that I do not do, and it is something that I have been accused of, is use my blog to attack my friends. A reader named “Daisy B-F” constantly accuses me of attacking my friend Kim (a.k.a Jabberjaw, formerly of the MJ Morning Show). Let’s take a look at the facts. Two weeks ago, Daily Kos wrote a diary stating that MJ was telling Jabberjaw she would be fired if Barack Obama wins the Presidency. The Daily Kos had no proof that MJ violated any law, but they posted the diary anyways. The Daily Kos has a steady streak of sensationalizing the truth and posting unnecessary innuendos that favor their position, even when that position is based in falsehoods. MJ was just trying to point out that if his taxes go up, he might not be able to pay Jabberjaw.
Now, if you read the blog I posted, “MJ fires Jabberjaw!“, you will read that the main focus of that blog is about the response that will come from the liberal blogosphere about MJ firing Jabberjaw, especially since the Daily Kos was writing about MJ. Also, I posted what I heard on the radio. I, like everyone else who heard the show last Wednesday, the day I posted that blog, did not know the whole story! No one knew the whole story until today! I am still in shock of what I heard today on the radio concerning my friend, Kim.
“Daisy B-F” keeps on posting in the Scoop This comment sections that I was only Jabberjaw’s friend on MySpace for “inside information” about the show. Bullshit! Kim and I have been friends for a long time. She posts on my MySpace page as well. I do not care that she is voting for Obama. To end a friendship because of political differences is stupid. Also, I am friends with several people at 93.3 FLZ, the radio station that carries the MJ Morning Show. These are people I hang out with at Tampa night clubs.
Honestly, why would I want “inside information” on a Tampa morning show when I have inside information on Barack Obama? Dirt on Barack Obama gets Scoop This more blog hits than any morning show.
I just wanted to set things straight. I feel bad for Kim. I feel bad about the whole situation that has transpired on the morning show. I wish nothing but the best for Kim.