Posts Tagged ‘Kathy Sawada’

How to brainwash kids: Sing for Change!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 at 11:22 am

Are these kids singing for Barack Obama or Kim Jong-Il?

I doubt these little kids, ages 5 through 12, know what the hell they are singing about. But their teacher, Kathy Sawada, who is an Obama supporter and financial contributor, sure does. Kathy Sawada willingly brainwashes her students with Hitler-esque platitudes of “Hope and Change”. What is worse, the parents are also willing participants.

Peaceful and hopeful (brainwashed) Socialism. Can’t beat it!


UPDATE 1: Hat Tip to Ryan in our Scoop This comments section.

If you want to respond to Kathy Sawada, send her an email!

She teaches at the Colburn School of Performing Arts, an elite academy in Los Angeles, CA.

UPDATE 2: Drudge Report has a link stating that the head of NBC Universal, Jeff Zucker, is behind the video, along with other Hollywood “bigwigs”. When the link becomes available, I will post it.


UPDATE 3: The link on Drudge goes to Barack Obama’s website. Yes, President and CEO of NBC Universal Jeffrey Zucker is definitely attached to this video. Oh, what was that about the mainstream media being in the tank for Obama?

Here is the Sing for Change website.

Check out the videos at the Hot Air blog comparing Sing for Change to Hitler Youth.

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