Posts Tagged ‘Junior Fraternity Regiment’

The reason why the “Barack Obama - Junior Fraternity Regiment” video was taken down.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 at 12:29 pm

The video hosted by You Tube user “keepitwildtv”, and updated with breaking news from Mr. L of Chimpsy Radio, was taken down by the owners of Keep It Wild TV. I emailed Keep It Wild TV, and this is their response:

Someone else was on the account, someone with an anti-Obama website. I did not mind the video so much as I did all the black vs. white crap. I’m not like that. I’ve changed the password and taken everything down. I work in wildlife conservation and that’s what the site was to be used for and that’s what it will be used for.

Thank You

I believe that this email references the comments below the You Tube video. Perhaps the comments turned into a “black versus white” bash fest. I did not get a chance to read the You Tube comments before that particular video was taken down.

Remember, Scoop This was the first to feature this video, then the story exploded across the blogosphere and Internet.

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Barack Obama - Junior Fraternity Regiment. (Part 4)

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, October 6th, 2008 at 5:52 pm

Well, the first original video was taken down, which Scoop This posted first. The second original video has now been taken down. Scoop This posted that video twice, and it too has now been taken down. I emailed the person behind the second video as to why it was taken down and I am now waiting for a return email.

UPDATE 1: Here is a to all of the Junior Fraternity Regiment videos.


According to FOX News, the school suspended the teacher in charge of the after school activity for insubordination after he posted the video online.

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Barack Obama - Junior Fraternity Regiment. (Part 3)

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 at 6:25 pm

Remember, Scoop This brought this video to you FIRST!

This video is everywhere now and Drudge Report just linked to it.

The more exposure, the better.

As Scoop This reported on October 1st, this video was posted on June 13th of this year. The video only had 283 views. After a day on Scoop This, this video garnered 3,000 views before it was removed by the owner. The video was promptly put back up on October 2nd by Scoop This reader, Daniel, and Scoop This once again featured this video exclusively before any other website (minus You Tube, of course).

This story was also broken wide open by Mr. L of Chimpsy Radio. You can read the information he has about this video by visiting this video’s page.

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Barack Obama - Junior Fraternity Regiment. (Part 2)

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 at 4:31 pm

The You Tube video was taken down by the user, but the video has been on You Tube!

After Scoop This posted the original video, it received over 3,000 views in one day. The video was removed earlier today. Are the people behind this video embarrassed? Or could a possible crime have been committed by the people that posted this video originally?

Trust me, the editors at Scoop This are checking into this video.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE 1: The following is posted on You Tube. Thanks to Scoop This reader and Chimpsy Radio host, Mr. L, for taking the initiative.

There’s an update regarding the video with the African American teens shown on YouTube in the video below. This morning, I received a message from a friend named Dan who gave me the address of the school where this video was filmed. This is the name:

18th & Vine District, Kansas City, MO
Educational Organization

I called and spoke to Bernard, who said he was the assistant Dean. He was very gentlemanly and when I voiced my concerns about the video, he told me that this was taken at the school last year when Obama was beginning his campaign. He assured me that they stopped this “regiment” because they felt the person who was organizing it was pushing his political agenda.


He assured me that he didn’t know it was on YouTube. I gave him the link to where to go for this video and when he found it he said, “Oh this is not good. I had no idea” I told him I’d take his word for it. He then asked me, nicely, “what’s the main concern? Because I want to understand where you’re coming from so that I can figure out how to handle this.”

Nicely, I told him that the video looked militant. I told him about the Colburn School video and how it resembles propaganda films from Communist dictatorships. I told him that the US military is frowned upon for going to high schools trying to recruit potential grads into joining their ranks. Why shouldn’t we frown upon those who come to a school like yours to encourage kids to worship a politician? One who is not even a president.

I also said that if this was done to make kids feel better about themselves, why do it in the name of Obama? Why not encourage kids to believe in the power of themselves?

He assured me that he would get to the bottom of the situation, thanked me for my call and we hung up.

That’s all for now.

Hopefully, Dean Bernard does get down to the bottom of this.

Scoop This will post further updates when we get them.

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Barack Obama - Junior Fraternity Regiment.

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 3:15 pm

Urban middle school students uniquely display their understanding of the democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama’s health care reform plan. The chant “omega, alpha” symbolizes the end of the old way of thinking, and the newness in their ideas and thoughts. Barack Obama has invoked thought even in the minds of the youth.

Holy crap!

This is just as freaky as the Sing for Change kids!

The last kid at the end says that, “Because of Barack Obama, I am inspired to be the next entrepreneur.” Well, get ready to pay half of your income in taxes, kid!

This video was added to You Tube on June 13th, and only has 283 views, but it is going to get thousands of views now!

I want to thank Scoop This reader, Daniel, for emailing this You Tube video to me.

UPDATE 1: After almost 7 hours that this video has been posted on Scoop This, it has received nearly 1,000 hits on You Tube.

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