At exactly 5:41, Bill Burton, the Obama Campaign Spokesman, puts his liberal jackass hoof right in his mouth:
“We’ve tried these policies for the last 8 years, where you give tax cuts to the corporations, where you give tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans; its not working. The wealth is not trickling down.”
This is a tactic commonly referred to as playing semantics.
Or as William Shakespeare so eloquently put it: “A rose by any other name…”
Or in this case, a Marxist skunk by any other name…
When he is complaining about the tax cuts on the wealthy who pay more taxes than the middle class could envision in their worst nightmare, and saying the wealth isn’t trickling down, this is what he is saying:
“The wealth is not being re-distributed properly by giving tax cuts to people with the highest tax burden, along with tax cuts for everyone else too, as happened with President Bush’s tax cuts. We think the wealth should be re-distributing from the richest Americans to the middle class.”
Allow me to break this down into simple terms. We’ll start with two very simple questions:
1) Who do the “evil” wealthy corporations employ?
2) What do the “evil” wealthy Americans do with the money that is invested in various places in our economy?
If you answered:
1) the middle class
2) pay the salaries of the middle class by funding (through various means) the corporations where the majority of the middle class works
…you would be correct.
Now, one other question. We’ll make it multiple choice. If Barack Obama shifts the tax burden more heavily on the shoulders of the “wealthiest Americans”, what do you think will happen to the corporations:
A) Utopia. Corporations and wealthy Americans, who are mostly entrepreneurs anyway, don’t mind paying more and decidely unfair taxes to the government just because they happen to be successful where others are not. Ludicrously high taxes are patriotic. Joe Biden said so. They’ll just cheerfully pull more money out of their butt, take the loss, and we’ll all live happily ever after.
B) Disaster. Corporations will raise prices, slash “middle class” jobs, and cut “middle class” salaries to keep their business profitable. Research and development into new technology will shrivel due to lack of available funding. Wealth and businesses will be “re-distributed” outside of our country and more “middle class” jobs will be lost. The “middle class” won’t be able to get a tax break because they’ll be lucky if they still have an income to tax after Obama gets through with them.
You may post your answer in the comments, if you so choose.
And just as an aside. This is a question for liberals. Think very carefully (if such is not anathema or outright impossible):
If it is wrong to be a wealthy, corporate American and their wealth needs to “trickle down” to the middle class who deserves the riches of the wealthy more than the wealthy do, then what incentive is there for a middle class man to better himself? What incentive is there for a middle class man to save and work toward earning more money, when as soon as the middle-class man becomes wealthy he is viewed as selfish and undeserving of his profits by liberals, and they take his money and re-distribute it to some other ”middle-class” man?
What a conundrum…