Posts Tagged ‘Joe Biden’

Mrs. Biden can’t keep her mouth shut.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 5:26 am


ABC News

During the taping of the Oprah Winfrey show today, Dr. Jill Biden said that her husband, the vice president-elect, was given a choice of being either vice president or secretary of State.

This revelation came after Vice President-elect Joe Biden told Oprah that after then-Sen. Obama offered the job of VP he asked for some time to think about it and talk it over with his family.

Mrs. Biden interjected: “Joe had the choice of being secretary of State or vice president.” She then seemed to realize she’d said something she wasn’t supposed to have said.

Her husband laughed.

Said Oprah, trying to continue the conversation, “You said, ‘Joe…?’”

“I said, ‘Joe if you are secretary of State you will be away, I’ll never see you,’” Mrs. Biden said. “We will see you at a state dinner once in a while. But I said if you are vice president, the entire family, because they worked so hard for the election, they can be involved … They can come to our home, they can go to events, they can be with us and that is what is important to us.”

Oprah turned to the VP-elect, asking “Were you worried about being number 2 because you wanted to be number one?”


Vice-President elect Biden picked the right position because since he is prone to making audible gaffes, he would have most likely embarrassed himself, and America, while meeting foreign dignitaries as Secretary of State.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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What up, Renegade? What up, Renaissance?

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 8:23 pm


The Secret Service traditionally has given pithy, private names to those whose lives they protect. The monikers are a throwback to a time when electronic communications were not encrypted, and they no longer serve a security function. Still, they give an occasional peek at the players’ personalities, in addition to serving as great trivia questions.

Barack Obama: Renegade
Michelle Obama: Renaissance
Malia Obama: Radiance
Sasha Obama: Rosebud

Joe Biden: Celtic
Jill Biden: Capri

George W. Bush: Tumbler
Laura Bush: Tempo

Malia and Sasha’s code names are cute.

Hat Tip: The Stranger

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Vice President-elect Joe Biden booed at Eagles-Giants game!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 2:18 am

The Giants and Eagles played in front of a special guest. Vice President-elect Joe Biden watched the game in a luxury suite with Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie. Biden was booed when he was showed on the video screen.

The game would have been better if the EAGLES won the game, but they lost 36 to 31 because the EAGLES cannot run for 1 yard when needed.

EAGLES fans should be careful, though. They could be arrested by the Philadelphia police for dissenting against the future Obama Administration.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

UPDATE 1: JammieWearingFool says that Biden was not booed.

You know what?


Hat Tip: Hot Air Headlines

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Liberal Semantics, Communist Conundrums, and Nonsensical Anathema

Posted by LoneStar on Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 at 10:08 pm

At exactly 5:41, Bill Burton, the Obama Campaign Spokesman, puts his liberal jackass hoof right in his mouth:

“We’ve tried these policies for the last 8 years, where you give tax cuts to the corporations, where you give tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans; its not working. The wealth is not trickling down.”

This is a tactic commonly referred to as playing semantics.

Or as William Shakespeare so eloquently put it: “A rose by any other name…”

Or in this case, a Marxist skunk by any other name…

When he is complaining about the tax cuts on the wealthy who pay more taxes than the middle class could envision in their worst nightmare, and saying the wealth isn’t trickling down, this is what he is saying:

“The wealth is not being re-distributed properly by giving tax cuts to people with the highest tax burden, along with tax cuts for everyone else too, as happened with President Bush’s tax cuts. We think the wealth should be re-distributing from the richest Americans to the middle class.”

Allow me to break this down into simple terms. We’ll start with two very simple questions:

1) Who do the “evil” wealthy corporations employ?

2) What do the “evil” wealthy Americans do with the money that is invested in various places in our economy?

If you answered:

1) the middle class 


2) pay the salaries of the middle class by funding (through various means) the corporations where the majority of the middle class works 

…you would be correct.

Now, one other question. We’ll make it multiple choice. If Barack Obama shifts the tax burden more heavily on the shoulders of the “wealthiest Americans”, what do you think will happen to the corporations:

A) Utopia. Corporations and wealthy Americans, who are mostly entrepreneurs anyway, don’t mind paying more and decidely unfair taxes to the government just because they happen to be successful where others are not. Ludicrously high taxes are patriotic. Joe Biden said so. They’ll just cheerfully pull more money out of their butt, take the loss, and we’ll all live happily ever after.

B) Disaster. Corporations will raise prices, slash “middle class” jobs, and cut “middle class” salaries to keep their business profitable. Research and development into new technology will shrivel due to lack of available funding. Wealth and businesses will be “re-distributed” outside of our country and more “middle class” jobs will be lost. The “middle class” won’t be able to get a tax break because they’ll be lucky if they still have an income to tax after Obama gets through with them.

You may post your answer in the comments, if you so choose.

And just as an aside. This is a question for liberals. Think very carefully (if such is not anathema or outright impossible):

If it is wrong to be a wealthy, corporate American and their wealth needs to “trickle down” to the middle class who deserves the riches of the wealthy more than the wealthy do, then what incentive is there for a middle class man to better himself? What incentive is there for a middle class man to save and work toward earning more money, when as soon as the middle-class man becomes wealthy he is viewed as selfish and undeserving of his profits by liberals, and they take his money and re-distribute it to some other ”middle-class” man?

What a conundrum…

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More Honest Reporting In Philadelphia!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, October 27th, 2008 at 5:39 pm

Joe Biden cannot honestly answer that Barack Obama wants to redistribute wealth.

Joe Biden cannot honestly answer that he gave his family $2 million in campaign cash.

CBS3 has been banned from further interviews, just like Barbara West and WFTV Channel 9 in Orlando.

If Barack Obama and Joe Biden cannot handle tough questions, how will they be able to handle tough crisis situation?

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

UPDATE 1: Gateway Pundit is reporting that the Obama Goon Squad has flooded CBS3 with emails.

The Obama Goon Squad is outraged that Joe Biden was asked questions about Barack Obama’s plan to redistribute wealth.

I love ambush journalism. That is what it takes to ask the tough questions, unfortunately.

UPDATE 2: The Daily Kos have already built a dossier against Barbara West of WFTV Channel 9 News, as well as her husband.

How about building a dossier against Barack Obama and all of his questions friends and sordid past? Useful liberal idiots.

Safe link to Hot Air about the Daily Kos.

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Halloween Palin Prop Sparks Controversy.

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, October 27th, 2008 at 4:56 am

WEST HOLLYWOOD (CBS News) ― Sarah Palin is not considered to be a friend of the gay community, but the Republican vice presidential candidate seems to be looming over the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival.

First, a rumor got started that city officials were going to ban Sarah Palin drag queens at its upcoming costumed street party, which draws some 500,000 people annually. The rumor turned out to be false, but tonight comes word that a mannequin has been outfitted to look like Palin — with glasses, a beehive wig and a red business suit — and is hanging from a noose outside a WeHo residence.

The display also depicts a devilish John McCain emerging from flames.

“We see people stopping and taking pictures, and the tour buses are stopping and slowing down … people reach out and take pictures,”display creator Chad Michael Morrisette said.

However, some neighbors said the effigy is in bad taste.

“I know it’s Halloween, but when you’re using a vice presidential candidate with a noose around her neck, that to me has gone too far,” a man identified only as “George” stated. “Whether I’m Republican or Democrat, it’s not about that. It’s about this and a noose, and it’s just wrong.” “I know if we had done it with Barack Obama, people would’ve probably thrown things through our windows,” Morrisette said. “The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman — for our country — in the history of our country.”

Morrisette said his display might be unacceptable any other month, but his subjects are fair game during the Halloween season.

“It should be seen as art and it should be seen within the month of October. It is Halloween. It’s time to be scary. It’s time to be spooky,” Morrisette said.

Canadian tourist Ron Hernando, who stopped by to take a picture, said he was not shocked by the display. “This is West Hollywood, after all,” he said. “It was kind of cruel, but it made me laugh, too. What can I say?”

A city spokesperson was not immediately available to comment on the effigy.

The 21st annual Halloween Carnaval will be held from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday along Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood. The street will be closed for the event.

The prospect of a Barack Obama presidency is so scary to me, I believe I will hang an Obama mannequin in effigy and set him on fire!

It is only a little political expression and art, right?

UPDATE 1: I saw this on Michelle Malkin’s website:

Barack Obama supporters, at an Obama rally in Denver this past Sunday, “beheaded” President Bush.

Perhaps I should “behead” Joe Biden along with my burning Barack Obama mannequin display this Halloween.

It is just art, right?

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Finally! An Honest Reporter!

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at 2:52 pm

AllahPundit writes:

Each question is funnier than the last, culminating with, “Are you forewarning Americans that nothing will be done and that America’s days as the world’s leading power are over?” As if he might say, “Sure.”

She probably figured she was in for the same old talking points everyone’s heard from both sides umpteen thousand times by now, so she might as well shoot for viral video immortality by making him squirm. Mission accomplished. On to the petty campaign revenge!

Oh, his claim that Team Barry hasn’t paid a penny to ACORN for GOTV efforts? Highly nuanced.

Joe Biden has been caught in his lies.

Joe Biden says that the Obama Adminstration will not “spread the wealth”, when Barack Obama said that they will “spread the wealth” last week!

Barbara West works for WFTV in Orlando. I wonder how long it will be before Obama campaign surrogates are looking through her financial, driving, voting, and other private records?

Others Blogging:

Gateway Pundit

Hot Air

Michelle Malkin

Right Voices

The Jawa Report

This video is everywhere.

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New McCain ad: “Ladies and Gentlemen”

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, October 24th, 2008 at 6:50 pm

And there you have it, folks. Joe Biden says that Barack Obama will be tested with a crisis within the first 6 months of his potential Presidency. I believe the crisis will be a terrorist attack. Or, it could be a nuclear war.

First, remember that Barack Obama failed to distinguish between the countries of Georgia and Russia when Russia, as the aggressor, invaded its neighbor, Georgia. Barack Obama called for Georgia to stop the violence before he left to go on vacation in Hawaii for the Olympics. After his campaign staffers explained to Barack Obama that he erred on his denouncement, Barack Obama immediately issued another statement against Russia to stop the violence. Apparently, Vladamir Putin did not get Obama’s love note and marched deeper into Georgia. How can Barack Obama be taken seriously when he does not even know world geography?

And John McCain? He was the first American politician to denounce Russia and call an end to the war. This denouncement was made while President Bush was getting ready to fly to China for the Olympics.

Second, Joe Biden’s own words specifically state that since Barack Obama is untested and inexperienced, he will face an international crisis in order to prove his inexperience. The despots and dictators all around the world are salivating at the prospect of an Obama Administration.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad knows that Barack Obama will not order the American military to stop the Iranian military from launching nuclear weapons and bombing Israel.

Hugo Chavez knows that Barack Obama will not put pressure on him to stop purchasing Russian military airplanes, tanks, and other weapons. Also, Chavez knows that Obama will not be able to pressure him to stop from increasing the cost of oil.

Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah know that the American military will not be ordered to protect Israel, especially not under an Obama Administration.

If you want absolute failure, chaos, and unchecked global terrorism, then you should cast your vote for Barack Obama.

If you want prosperity, peace, and freedom, then you should cast your vote John McCain.

Vote wisely. And remember which side has all of the guns.

Hat Tip: Hot Air (video)

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Joe Biden is not front-page news.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 12:53 pm

The New York Post

Joe Biden warned that America’s enemies would test Barack Obama with an international crisis within six months if he’s elected president - a shocking comment John McCain eagerly pounced on yesterday to claim Obama isn’t ready to be commander-in-chief.

Yes, if Sarah Palin said something similar, such as, “John McCain’s age will cause an international crisis.”, this would be front-page news. However, the liberal media elite are shielding Barack Obama and his campaign from any more scrutiny for the next two weeks, so stories such as this will not be front-page news. These stories will not even have a blurb on the back page of any newspaper.

Unfortunately for Barack Obama, the liberal cable news networks and newspapers now have no choice but to cover this story and spin some damage control. I can almost guarantee that Joe Biden will not appear in many public events in the waning days of the election. Also, just to make this more interesting, Joe Biden’s medical records, such as his brain scan records, will not be released. Joe Biden has had two brain aneurysms.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Can you spell “potato”?

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, October 20th, 2008 at 6:29 pm

Or “jobs”?

The editors of Scoop This have blogged extensively about the jobs, the economy, and the Wall Street bailout. I heard President Bush say last week that it will take some time for the bailout to take effect, but President Bush reassured everyone that the bailout will work. I hope that the bailout does work and jobs come back, especially in the semi-rural area where I live, but I believe that the trillion dollar plus bailout (that number includes previous bailouts) was spent unwisely.

Perhaps I am crazy, but I would have allowed the free market system to reign supreme and let these banks and sub-prime mortgage businesses fail. If these people cannot make sound business decisions, why give them more money that they should not be trusted with? Instead of bailing out banks and sub-prime mortgage lenders, that money should have been allocated to small and medium-sized businesses and allow those businesses to expand, grow, and hire more workers from the unemployed work force. Also, this money could have been used to start new businesses that have a clear mission objective to make money and expand. Does this sound like socialized capitalism? Is there such a thing?

My point is that this money should have been given to small and midsized businesses, as well as aspiring entrepreneurs, that will truly use the money to build, grow, and expand their business, while hiring from a pool of workers eager to continue their careers, and above all, make money for their families. I believe my plan is as good as any to jump start America’s economy and create Joe Biden’s magical three-letter word: J-O-B-S.

(As an aside, I will try to continue to blog more tonight, but I have been sick with fatigue, among other symptoms, though I hope to be back blogging full time tomorrow. I know I keep saying I will be back soon, but when I lay down my head, I fall asleep for nearly a whole day. What is worse, when I wake up, I still feel fatigued and run down. Oh well. I guess I need more Vitamin C. And orange juice.)

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