Posts Tagged ‘Eric Holder’

Barack Obama’s Attorney General will investigate President Bush.

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 24th, 2008 at 11:56 am

One of his first acts as president is going to be to call in his new Attorney General to review every single executive order… that are promoting this cockamanie theory of unitary government and if they can find that any laws were broken, obviously accountability would be his Attorney General’s job.

Barack Obama says in the video that he will govern within the Constitution, but the Constitution says that only an American can be President, and Barack Obama has provided no proof that he is an actual citizen born within the United States. (And no, I do not trust the obviously phony Hawaiian birth certificate posted on Obama’s campaign website.)

Also, Barack Obama’s has nominated Eric Holder for the Attorney General’s job, and Holder is someone who hates President Bush. Yeah, he is going to be objective.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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