Posts Tagged ‘Amy S. Rosenberg’

Vote for President Bobby Kennedy!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 24th, 2008 at 7:04 am

Jim Treacher

That’s an actual poll at the Philadelphia Inquirer, attached to some story about how wonderful Obama is. (Just in case we’d all forgotten.) Please click on that image and vote for Bobby Kennedy, just to be silly geese. It’s an embarrassing mistake, but in the Inquirer’s defense, RFK died before most of the paper’s remaining staff members’ parents were born.

The real answer, of course, is None of the Above. It’s starting to look like the former president Obama resembles most is either Bill Clinton or… George W. Bush! No wonder our netroots friends are seething. But then, that’s their natural state.

The Philadelphia Inquirer poll has been fixed.

Amy S. Rosenberg, the writer of the Philadelphia Inquirer column, rivals the liberal stupidity of her New York Time colleague, Gail Collins.

Hat Tip: Hot Air Headlines

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