Drudge Report
Fri Sep 05 2008 08:55:46 ET
Oprah Winfrey may have introduced Democrat Barack Obama to the women of America — but the talkshow queen is not rushing to embrace the first woman on a Republican presidential ticket, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
Oprah’s staff is sharply divided on the merits of booking Sarah Palin, insiders reveal.
“Half of her staff really want Sarah Palin her on, Oprah’s website is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama,” a source explains.
One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!
It is not clear if Oprah has softened her position after watching Palin’s historic convention speech.
In the past, Oprah has refused to have other high-profile Republicans on her top-rated show. Last year, Winfrey blocked an appearance by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, timed to a promotional tour of his autobiography.
Oprah and executive producer Shari Salata, who has contributed thousands of dollars to Obama’s campaign, refused requests for comment.
Half of Oprah’s audience are already pissed off that she’s shoving Barack Obama down their throats. Oprah is another hypocritical liberal. She fights for women’s rights, but when a woman elevates herself through hard work, and who happens to be Republican, all of a sudden her accomplishments are not noteworthy!
This is exactly why I left the Democrat party. The blatant and offensive hypocrisy of the Democratic party and their constituents is nauseating! And the Democrats want to push the Fairness Doctrine?
Oprah has issued a statement to TMZ — she won’t put Sarah Palin on her show until after the election.
Here’s the statement: “The item in today’s Drudge Report is categorically untrue. There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. At the beginning of this Presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates. I agree that Sarah Palin would be a fantastic interview, and I would love to have her on after the campaign is over.”
For the record, Barack Obama has been on “Oprah” twice — in January, 2005 and again in October, 2006 — before he announced his run for Prez.

Oprah is such a freaking liar.
I hope Sarah Palin declines any interview now.
UPDATE 2: From Hot Air
From Drudge Report: One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!
From Hot Air: One might assume that, given Winfrey’s demographics. The largest part of her audience is white females over 55 years of age. Almost four times as many women watch as men, although she does get about 1.7 million men a day to view her show.
How will that audience react to a freeze-out of Palin? Many want to see Palin speak to their issues, and might assume that the most successful woman in American entertainment would welcome the opportunity to make that introduction. Instead of making a business decision to do so, though, Winfrey has apparently made a political calculation that Palin will outshine the man she supports for President.
Oprah’s daily delays will keep winning votes for McCain and Palin.
UPDATE 3: Michelle Malkin asks: “How does it feel to lose your place as the most electrifying woman in America, Oprah?”
UPDATE 4: Hat Tip to Gateway Pundit for this picture.

Keep laughing, “O”.