Archive for the ‘Entertainment’ Category

Who the hell would want to break up with Megan Fox?!?!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 at 8:20 am

“Well, that year my boyfriend broke up with me, and I decided — oh man, sorry, mommy! — that I was in love with this girl that worked at the Body Shop,” said Fox. “I decided that I was going to get her to love me back, and I went out of my way to create a relationship with this girl, a stripper named Nikita.”

Fox said Nikita would do “these beautiful slow dances to Aerosmith ballads.” The actress also said she would bring the Russian stripper gifts and try to inspire her to quit her line of work.

What “man” would want to break up with Megan Fox?! No wonder she went gay. (Scoop This supports hot “go gay” girls. LOL!) I bet this “man” is nearly suicidal after breaking up with this millionaire hottie!

Yeah… Megan, you really need to break up with 90210’s David Silver Brian Austin Green.

Hat Tip: The Jawa Report

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“Sarah Palin” on SNL!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, September 14th, 2008 at 6:16 am

Funny stuff. Hillary Clinton truly is a “boner shrinker”. I’m not sure if Hillary is a flurge, though.

Also, I have to admit that Tina Fey’s “Sarah Palin” accent is spot on!

I’m not sure about Nikki Finke’s politics, but I love the comments on her blog!

Tina definitely nailed Palin. However, I have to agree with Rupert’s earlier observation that Republican’s can be made fun of on their politics while Democrats are strictly made fun of for their personalities. It’s illustrative of the fact that while Palin and McCain are aggressively grilled by the Democrat operatives in the media, Barack Obama is treated with kid gloves and asked softball questions that any moron could answer. It amazes me that they can call themselves journalists while ignoring the fact that Obama’s associates are rabid leftists, self-proclaimed terrorists and thieves. I’d like to see Charlie Gibson ask Obama about his involvement with crooked Chicago politics and how he ran unopposed for the Illinois senate by successfully having his opponents removed from the ballot. He is a community organizer whose only claim to fame is the fact that he was endorsed by Oprah Winfrey for President. His resumé is void of real accomplishment and yet we are to believe he is more prepared to be President than a woman who has held executive office for a number of years and is currently the Governor of her state. The backlash is gonna be huge and I can’t wait to see the shell-shocked expressions on election night as the Republicans take the White House and regain control in the House of Representatives. I can hardly wait to see Nancy Pelosi knocked off her perch.

Americans understand that Obama is nothing but an empty suit! They understand Obama will never be challenged by the media. Obama will never be asked any tough questions. They know that experience trumps slogans, and they know that the Democrats time is running out.

Keep scratching and clawing, Hillary.

Hat Tip: Deadline Hollywood Daily

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Kanye West chaos!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, September 12th, 2008 at 7:36 am

Kanye West was reportedly headed to Hawaii with his manager when he went bananas on a TMZ cameraman! Kanye was mad that the cameraman took two pictures. Kanye grabbed the $10,000 camera and smashed it to the ground!

How much of an idiot is Kanye? He went ape-shit at an airport on 9-11! And he wonders why he was arrested and locked up for 4 hours? Kanye better hope his new cd sells millions of copies in order to pay off the impending lawsuits.

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The MTV VMA’s get political.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, September 7th, 2008 at 9:31 pm

Well, that didn’t take long.

British VMA host Russell Brand encouraged the audience to vote for Barack Obama after “8 years of President Bush”. Then, to keep it “fair and balanced”, Brand made crude jokes about Sarah Palin, her family, and Bristol Palin, Sarah’s pregnant daughter.

Keep it up, MTV.

The more Hollywood movie and music stars that support Barack Obama, the more Americans will resent him.

Also, Russell Brand is a perfect proponent for Barack Obama. Brand is consistently strung out on heroin, as well as high on crack. Great endorsement, Russell!

Can’t wait for the YouTube video!

Breaking News…


UPDATE 1: From the comments below.

Russell Brand called Republicans “inbreds” and joked about pedophiles.

Another ringing endorsement for Obama.

Michelle Malkin has the full video and transcript of Russell Brand’s comments.

There are over 4,500 angry comments about the show on the MTV Labs Blog.


obama vote
by burghnews

This is comedy?


LOS ANGELES (AP) - The MTV Video Music Awards are all about unique collaborations and blowout performances, but a few show guests Sunday added a touch of politics in this hot election year.

Host Russell Brand drew hearty applause when he said in his opening monologue he hoped the U.S. would elect Barack Obama in November.

He said that “some people—racists” may not be ready to elect a black man as president, but then he noted that the nation was open-minded enough to put a “dumb cowboy” in office for eight years.

Russell Simmons voiced his views on the red carpet before the show.

“Palin, what’s that?” Simmons asked about the John McCain’s running-mate choice. “He went all the way to the right and got the most conservative person who knows nothing about the struggle of most Americans and made her the vice presidential nominee. That’s amazing. Any skirt will do.”

T.I., meanwhile, took a quieter approach, wearing a T-shirt during his performance with Rihanna that read, “Respect my vote.”

Nice sexism, Russell. No wonder Kim left you.

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Entourage - Season 5 - TONIGHT!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, September 7th, 2008 at 9:12 pm

Make sure to check out the premier episode of Entourage tonight on HBO!

The first episode of season 5 will air at 10pm, then again at 1am on HBO.

Check out the Season 5 trailers!

The hit song for season 5 of Entourage is titled “All Flossed Out” by Cadence Blaze and Douglas Jones. I have been listening to this song since it dropped in July!

The titles of the first four episodes have been leaked. Again, season 5 will have 12 episodes with a ton of guest appearances!

Episode 1 - Fantasy Island

Episode 2 - Unlike A Virgin (There is a rumor that Vince Chase will take a pop star’s virginity in this episode. We’ll see!)

Episode 3 - The All Out Fall Out

Episode 4 - Fire Sale

Can’t wait!

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Seinfeld / Gates new Microsoft ad!

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, September 6th, 2008 at 4:56 pm

The commercial goes for the “show about nothing” angle. The commercial is interesting, but I have a hard time listing this commercial as “Humorous”. I like the last scene though. One, because the commercial is over, and two, I actually chuckled.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Lynne Spears authors new book about Britney!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 4:30 pm

Lynne Spears new book will be titled: Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World

So, what juicy details are in the book?

1. Britney started drinking at the age of 13.

2. Britney lost her viriginity at the age of 14 to a high school senior football player named Reg Jones, who, at the time, was 18 years old! (Illegal?) Also, Britney’s vow of abstinence until marriage was a media ploy.

3. Britney started to experiment with drugs at 15.

4. Britney was caught with marijuana and cocaine while boarding a private jet at the age of 16.

5. Lynne Spears says that she “allowed” Britney to have sex with Justin Timberlake when they were both 16.

Lynne Spears regrets “losing control of Britney’s career to handlers who promoted her as a sex object and put her in raunchy videos.”

Did you lose control of Jamie Lynne as well?

I have to agree with Perez Hilton that profiting from your children is a bad idea. Hopefully, Britney will see some of the book royalties!

Hat Tip: Perez Hilton

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Rock Band "Heart" asks McCain campaign to stop using their song "Barracuda"

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 10:39 am

Heart first started demanding that the campaign stop using their song after it was first used in and around Sarah Palin’s speech. After McCain’s speech the next night, the song was played again during the after party.

In response, Heart’s Nancy Wilson had this to say:

“”I think it’s completely unfair to be so misrepresented, I feel completely f—ed over.”

I think Heart is overestimating the implications of their silly song being used at the convention. For one, Americans don’t care what bands or anyone else from the Hollywood crowd think about politics nor do they speculate or care what Heart might think of the McCain campaign.

Does Mrs. Wilson really believe that she’s helping the Obama campaign by becoming yet another member of Hollywood to stick her no more qualified than the average American’s two cents into this election? A word of advice for those in Hollywood who want to get their communist candidate elected: Stick to what you know which is sex, drugs, and acting… stay away from the press.

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Oprah balks at Sarah Palin interview!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 9:18 am

Drudge Report



Fri Sep 05 2008 08:55:46 ET

Oprah Winfrey may have introduced Democrat Barack Obama to the women of America — but the talkshow queen is not rushing to embrace the first woman on a Republican presidential ticket, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Oprah’s staff is sharply divided on the merits of booking Sarah Palin, insiders reveal.

“Half of her staff really want Sarah Palin her on, Oprah’s website is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama,” a source explains.

One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!

It is not clear if Oprah has softened her position after watching Palin’s historic convention speech.

In the past, Oprah has refused to have other high-profile Republicans on her top-rated show. Last year, Winfrey blocked an appearance by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, timed to a promotional tour of his autobiography.

Oprah and executive producer Shari Salata, who has contributed thousands of dollars to Obama’s campaign, refused requests for comment.


Half of Oprah’s audience are already pissed off that she’s shoving Barack Obama down their throats. Oprah is another hypocritical liberal. She fights for women’s rights, but when a woman elevates herself through hard work, and who happens to be Republican, all of a sudden her accomplishments are not noteworthy!

This is exactly why I left the Democrat party. The blatant and offensive hypocrisy of the Democratic party and their constituents is nauseating! And the Democrats want to push the Fairness Doctrine?


Oprah has issued a statement to TMZ — she won’t put Sarah Palin on her show until after the election.

Here’s the statement: “The item in today’s Drudge Report is categorically untrue. There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. At the beginning of this Presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates. I agree that Sarah Palin would be a fantastic interview, and I would love to have her on after the campaign is over.”

For the record, Barack Obama has been on “Oprah” twice — in January, 2005 and again in October, 2006 — before he announced his run for Prez.

Oprah is such a freaking liar.

I hope Sarah Palin declines any interview now.

UPDATE 2: From Hot Air

From Drudge Report: One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!

From Hot Air: One might assume that, given Winfrey’s demographics. The largest part of her audience is white females over 55 years of age. Almost four times as many women watch as men, although she does get about 1.7 million men a day to view her show.

How will that audience react to a freeze-out of Palin? Many want to see Palin speak to their issues, and might assume that the most successful woman in American entertainment would welcome the opportunity to make that introduction. Instead of making a business decision to do so, though, Winfrey has apparently made a political calculation that Palin will outshine the man she supports for President.

Oprah’s daily delays will keep winning votes for McCain and Palin.

Michelle Malkin asks: “How does it feel to lose your place as the most electrifying woman in America, Oprah?”


UPDATE 4: Hat Tip to Gateway Pundit for this picture.

Keep laughing, “O”.

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Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, September 4th, 2008 at 8:36 pm

This is a viral video from the Indian reality tv show, Dadagiri!

This is television’s meanest game show!

Read more about this show at

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