Congressman Carter (R-TX) introduces new "Rangel Rule" to help tax evaders

Posted by Kelsey G on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 at 3:17 am

rep_carter_f In response to corrupt and above-the-law tax cheats like the Democrat Chairman of the House Weighs and Means Committee, Charlie Rangel, my congressman has done something bordering on comedy and at the same time, grounded in the spirit of reason and good ole fashioned “equal protection under the law.” On January 28th, John Carter, a congressman from Round Rock, TX, introduced a bill titled the “Rangel Rule Act of 2009, HR 735.”

In the bill, Carter introduces a new concept called the “Rangel Rule.” The rule is simple: if you’ve failed to pay your taxes for years upon years, the IRS can be legally barred from charging penalties and interest if the delinquent tax payer simply writes “Rangel Rule” on their tax return.

From an article on the Congressman’s web-site:

“We must show the American people that Congress is following the same law, and the same legal process as we expect them to follow,” says Carter.  “That has not been done in the ongoing case against Chairman Rangel, nor in the instance of our new Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.  If we don’t hold our highest elected officials to the same standards as regular working folks, we owe it to our constituents to change those standards so everyone is abiding by the same law.  Americans believe in blind justice, which shows no favoritism to the wealthy or powerful.”

Carter also said the tax law change will provide good economic stimulus benefits, as it would free many taxpayers from massive debts to the IRS, restoring those funds to the free market to help create jobs.

Laws like the one proposed by my congressman couldn’t come a moment too soon. It seems that a lot of prominent Democrats are having trouble with this idea of paying the taxes which they so vehemently supported while in office or campaigning despite the patriotic implications of paying taxes as suggested by our new Vice President. I heard that Tom Dashle who once accused tax cheats of “hurting us all,” is in a bit of a mess from hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes which he didn’t pay (his not-on-purpose mistake, he said). It’d be awfully nice for soon-to-remain private citizen Dashle, if he could legally and fairly avoid the penalties rather than doing it the old fashioned democrat way by falling back on his corrupt buddies in his “say one thing” and “do another,” party. It’d be equally nice if all Americans who for whatever reason, didn’t pay their taxes, to be able to make amends without the filthy IRS ruining their lives based upon laws passed by Democrats… to be followed by everyone but them.

I have another proposal for a bill my congressman could introduce. It’s called the “It’s too difficult” rule. Simply put, any American can break a commitment, contract, or promise without much criticism from the press or legal penalty simply by declaring “it’s too difficult” to a member of the media or shouting the phrase in public if the media is unavailable. This would enable all Americans, even those despised-of Republicans, to share the same benefits as Democrats like our President, who just found it “too difficult” to follow his own rules about not hiring former lobbyists to work in his administration. What’s good for them is good for the rest of us if we live in a society of equal protection under the law and proper due diligence in the press.

Remember, if these tax cheats and liars were Republicans, they’d be long gone by now.

(4 Ratings)

Tags: John Carter, Rangel Rule
Filed Under: News & Politics

One Response to “Congressman Carter (R-TX) introduces new "Rangel Rule" to help tax evaders”

  1. Holly says:

    Awesome concept! I freakin’ love it!!! Now if only I could run for President with no experience, get rich from the assistance of terrorists, and break every promise I ever made and call it “Obama’s Rule.”
