“Assimilist” is the new racist.
Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 3rd, 2008 at 7:00 pmMichelle Malkin received hate mail today from a woman named Sheila McCray.
McCray writes:
My sympathies. I did some research, and you are exactly what I thought - an assimilist with no knowledge of themselves. What a hater! You attract minions of jealous non-thinkers. Thank you for making me proud to have voted for Obama.
Well, “assimilist” is not a word, though McCray is trying to create a new word from the root word “assimilate”.
Get ready, folks. No matter what happens tomorrow, the race card will be played at an all-time high.
Filed Under: News & Politics
November 3rd, 2008 at 7:36 pm
How would being an assimilist be a bad thing? (If assimilist was even a word.) Assimilation is what everyone tries to do, because people are uncomfortable around dissimilar objects and people. Here in America we are supposed to be a melting pot not a tossed salad. So let’s just say assimilists unite.