NBC calls election for… Obama!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Like a 17-year-old kid having sex for the first time, NBC blows its load prematurely. Sorry for the crude sexual reference, but I am absolutely fed up with the liberal media. The sheer, unabashed lunatics that run the American media have made the election a mere formality, perhaps even hinting at the fact that voting on November 4th may be an inconvenience for the American electorate (that is you, my friends). Perhaps it will be an inconvenience to vote on November 4th. Who wants to wait around for hours just to cast a simple ballot? Our right to vote is just a perk. It is not like any men or women have died for this persistent, 4-year inconvenience. Not even Leonardo DiCaprio gives a anymore about this election.

Sarcasm aside, this rehearsal coronation for Barack Obama is reminiscent to another Democratic candidate who thought she won the Democratic nomination just by simply showing up. She won the electoral vote with 18 million votes, yet the media, and her beloved party, screwed her. Now, the media is trying to screw us. However, hell hath no fury, folks, so until then, do not believe the polls, do not believe the media, and definitely do not trust any pundits who work for NBC.

However, keep reading Scoop This.

Hat Tip: Say Anything Blog

(2 Ratings)

Tags: , , NBC
Filed Under: News & Politics

4 Responses to “NBC calls election for… Obama!”

  1. Asebes Says:

    Face it, Obama has won. Even your ultra conservative F-word network polls show Obama winning.

  2. Says:

    Asebes is today November 4th? Because if not, NO ONE has won yet. Sure Obama is WINNING..but he hasn’t won.

  3. Says:

    Asebes, you must be retarded. The media polls don’t tell the whole story.
    The fact of the matter is Macca and Palin are LEADING Osama BinBiden by the mirror opposite of the margins that the lying polls claim Osama BinBiden are leading by. The lying media pollsters are taking their cues from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his minions!

  4. Martha Says:

    Asebes if you take your cues from NBC then you need to get out more. They are dead last in the ratings because….anyone? anyone? They are biased and not credible!! Very good!! Now sweetie, I want you to do some research on the internet and come back when you have learned what bias and credible mean. Also, you are not allowed to watch any programming that has NBC in its logo. Take a deep breath and … GO !

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