Lisa Ann will play “Sarah Palin” in porn movie.

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 4th, 2008 at 4:25 pm

Media Bistro

“Lisa Ann, a 36-year-old adult movie actress from Huntington Beach, will play Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in a video from porn mogul Larry Flynt’s Hustler Video.

“Because Pedro wants to keep his job, we’ll just give you clues to the movie’s typically punny porn title: two words, the first a carpentry-based euphemism for sex, the second being “Paylin,” a mispelling perhaps to dodge any legal assaults.

“We’ll also skip around the plot, though expect cameos from actors playing “Condi Rice,” “Hillary Clinton” and in what [we] think and hope is a clothed role, “Bill O’Reilly.”

The movie will be called “Nailin’ Paylin”.

Other good movie titles would be: Pounding Paylin, Juneau You Want Me, and Sarah’s Snowjob.

Scoop This has been all over this story. Naturally.

Previous Blogs:

Ala-skin porn! Larry Flynt casts Sarah Palin look-a-like.

Porn Producers looking for a Sarah Palin look-a-like!

Hat Tip: JammieWearingFool

UPDATE 1: Here is the porn script in PDF form.

Hat Tip:

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