Bailout Bill Passes

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 3rd, 2008 at 3:49 pm

Remember that bill that was rejected by the house a few days ago? You know, the one that authorized the president to gift 700 Billion Taxpayer dollars to companies that made bad business decisions?

Well, the Senate tacked the bill rejected by the house onto a previously approved tax bill in addition to 150 Billion dollars in extra  earmarks, rushed it through the conference committee, and sent it back to the house for a vote. Well apparently the $150 Billion dollars in earmarks was all many in the house thought the bill was missing because despite nothing else in the bailout bill changing, the house passed it in a 263 to 171 vote early this afternoon!


This is compared to the vote for the same bill just a few days ago of 205 "Yeas" to 233 "Nays." Way to stand up for the Taxpayers Congress!

I am glad to see that my Congressman, John Carter, voted to reject this bill. For those not living in Carter’s district, here’s a vote tally so you can make sure that your congressman doesn’t get your vote on November 4th if he voted the wrong way on this bill.

(2 Ratings)

Tags: , John Carter,
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, News & Politics

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