American Al Qaeda terrorist, Adam Ghadan, not dead!

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, October 4th, 2008 at 2:17 pm

Unfortunately, the traitorous, terrorist, obese piece-of-shit, Adam Ghadan, also known as the American Al Qaeda, is not dead. Al Qaeda released a new video featuring Ghadan talking about some moon god and making funny noises with his throat. You can check the video out at . No, I will not feature his crap video on Scoop This.

I can’t wait until a Predator-drone missile flies up Ghadan’s ass!

Hat Tip: The Jawa Report

(2 Ratings)

Tags: Adam Ghadan,
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =

2 Responses to “American Al Qaeda terrorist, Adam Ghadan, not dead!”

  1. Martha Says:

    This guy is such a loser. He probably was a wus who got his ass kicked every day of the week and only found acceptance in Islam for his ability to speak english. I also hope a scud missile finds its way up his ass exits his mouth and explodes killing Ousama and his hate filled groupies.

  2. USAmomof4 Says:

    GOSH! Has anyone given Adam his absentee ballot? Obama needs all the votes he can get!

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