What if John McCain did not pick Sarah Palin for VP?
Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008 at 1:48 pmAccording to a Breitbart article, John McCain states that he fully vetted Sarah Palin before selecting her to run. John McCain knew of Sarah Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy and Todd Palin’s DUI arrest 22 years ago. John McCain picked Sarah Palin to run as Vice-President for two reasons:
1. She has 10 years worth of executive office experience. This is experience that Barack Obama does not have.
2. Sarah Palin’s selection has re-energized the conservative base. John McCain’s campaign raised $47 million in August and 25% of that money raised came after he chose Palin.
With the selection of Sarah Palin comes scrutiny. When the media learned that she has five children, the media asked, “Can she raise five children and be Vice-President?” That is a very sexist question, especially coming from the liberal mainstream media. Sarah Palin has not let her family duties affect her work as Alaska’s governor. Did the media ask this question 40 years ago when Joe Biden raised his two sons and worked in the Senate after his wife and daughter died in a car accident? Was Joe Biden asked to quit the Senate for the sake of his family? Or did he persevere? Yes, he did persevere, so why can’t the same be said of Sarah Palin?
Then, the media speculates that Sarah Palin was picked to woo women voters. Perhaps, but Sarah Palin’s nomination serves an even greater purpose. Palin is a rising star in the Grand Old Party. Now is her time to shine on center stage. Palin’s selection is invigorating, fresh, and unexpected. Palin is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-military, and pro-family. Palin is a staunch fiscal conservative, and her record proves it. This is a pick for the conservative base, not for women such as Susan Reimer, who, as a liberal woman, did what she does best yesterday in the Baltimore Sun, which is to bitch and complain. Susan Reimer is bitter that Hillary Clinton is not the woman we are all fawning over. Perhaps Susan should cling to guns and religion.
Next, Sarah Palin has to roll with and defuse the rumors. These rumors, reported twice by Scoop This (here and here) were started by the far-left liberal fringe website, Daily Kos. The Kos Kids speculated that Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, was the one to give birth to Trig, the son of Sarah Palin who has Down’s Syndrome. The Daily Kos, by a miraculous stroke of luck, somewhat “exposed” Bristol’s pregnancy. There is no doubt in my mind that these kooks are now stroking their ego. However, Bristol’s pregnancy will not stop Sarah Palin from running for the Vice-Presidential office, no matter how much liberals try to embarrass the Palin family. The greater sin would be if Sarah Palin did not run for office because Bristol is pregnant. How awful would that be to Bristol’s psyche if her mom did not run?
Now, to answer the blog’s headline question: How awful would John McCain be if he did not pick Sarah Palin because her daughter is pregnant? The liberal media would chastise and crucify John McCain for being a sexist! The liberal media would find ways to favorably compare Palin’s experience versus the experience of Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, or Joe Lieberman. The liberal media would fall in love with Palin’s story while demonizing McCain and his would-have-been Vice-Presidential selection. The liberal media would do everything in their power to make sure women voters pushed Obama into office.
The liberals are exposing themselves for the hateful breed that they are. Liberals want to empower women, and when a woman is empowered, they try to tear her down. Liberals say they champion privacy laws, but will “out” anyone that does not fit their agenda. By the negative reaction and outright fright of the liberal media, John McCain made the correct pick.
Filed Under: News & Politics
September 2nd, 2008 at 2:03 pm
Without Palin, Macca would still have won. However, Tim would have ensured the race was still close. Mitt would have put some of the energy back into this and ensured an 8-10 percent margin. Sarah now ensures that Macca will enjoy at least DOUBLE that margin. Obama could be this year’s Alf Landon!
September 2nd, 2008 at 2:08 pm
Liberal feminist women will only protect liberal women. Same as black Democrats will only protect/support black Democrats. If you are an opposing side whether a minority, opposite sex, or religion or creed they will viciously and ravenously attack until they’re finally squelched and full.
Watching the anarchists and idiot protestors downtown in my homestate while pisses me off that they have no respect for private property vandalizing, tagging, smashing signs and benches, angering the police, and bumrushing other protestors as a single majority but also makes me smile because it goes to show that these people are not only:
A. Incredibly misinformed, gullible, and stupid but also
B. Liberals or sympathize with Communists or other radicalists which leads me to:
C. Any independent watching the convention and see little hellraisers, delinquents, and hooligans like these will start to go, “Hmm…if they’re associated with or in line with the Democrats than maybe I won’t throw my vote away for Barack Obama if I am going to give those nutjobs power. Maybe I’ll pick McCain and hope those people get institutionalized or jailed for their idiocy.”
September 3rd, 2008 at 11:55 am
The above titled post could be called: Cole murmurs with complete lunacy