Top Hillary Clinton supporters defect to John McCain!
Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, September 18th, 2008 at 1:18 amWell, it is not like Hillary Clinton is really, truly, and wholeheartedly campaigning for Barack Obama, right?
Donald Trump, the flamboyant New York magnate, said on CNN’s “Larry King Live” on Wednesday night that he is supporting Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for president.
Trump, never shy with his opinions, went on to say that McCain appears to be winning, and that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) should have chosen Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as his running mate.
“I know John McCain, and John McCain’s a great guy, a tremendous guy,” Trump told King. “I’ve known him for a long time. And I’m with him, and I’m with him based on the fact that I have great knowledge of John McCain. Also, this is not the right time for tax increases. And Obama wants to increase your taxes drastically.”
“Barack… you’re fired!”
Also, Lynn Forester De Rothschild, a mega communications mogul, is defecting!
Wolf Blitzer looked like he was about to crap his pants!
Hillary Clinton supporters that are defecting to John McCain understand that McCain has the necessary experience to lead America. It pains for me to admit this, but Joe Biden is right - Hillary Clinton is highly qualified to be the President or Vice President of America. However, I disagree with her liberal policies, just as I disagree with Obama’s liberal policies. Perhaps in 2012, Hillary?
PUMA’s UNITE! And stay awhile, too.
Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit
Filed Under: News & Politics
September 18th, 2008 at 2:02 am
i care more about my country then my party. wise words
September 18th, 2008 at 11:23 am
I didn’t know Trump supported Clinton at any time. Him supporting a Democrat kind of goes against everything he says he’s “against” Obama for supporting.
September 18th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
Guys like Trump assume they are talking to people who make more than a quarter million annually when they say Obama is going to raise “our” taxes. Maybe if you’re rich you only see and acknowledge other rich people. From my perspective, we’re all getting a tax break with Obama… but I’m just an average (majority) American.
September 18th, 2008 at 12:58 pm
Trump was a top Clinton supporter? Does anyone actually care who he roots for?
September 18th, 2008 at 1:03 pm
Lynn Forester is a Rothschild.
A Rothschild supporting a Clinton?
The Rothschild and a Trump can’t support Obama?
Vote Obama!
September 18th, 2008 at 1:38 pm
What Leadership? Name one big difference between this guy and bush. Why don’t we just allow bush to run a third term. The Republicans and Libertarian ideas have gutted the Justice dept. Have gutted the FDA. They hired Christian right workers in the Justice Department who had no other qualifications then they came from a certain “Christian University… the same right wing nut jobs as Plain who cut money for the “Special Olympics in Alaska and forced Rape victims to pay for the own rape kits. These are facts check them yourself. If you voted for any presidential candidate because of their sex…that to me is not a informed citizenry that is sexism plain an simple no matter who practices it.
If America retains bush/McCain in the next election it will rightfully get what it deserves… a fake government along with the fake constitution they.
Joe Capp
September 18th, 2008 at 1:51 pm
Trump will do or say anything to get his arrogant sneering mug on TV. He is a political ambulance chaser. The real news is why the networks are so devoid of substance, insight, or creativity that they feel they must resort to hauling out tired old retreads like “The Donald” or the hag and then worse, acting as if these same folks were relevant.
September 18th, 2008 at 2:52 pm
As a small business sub-contractor who has worked for Trump in the past and am currently working for his outfit; i can tell you this guy embodies everything thats wrong w/American business. He has declared bankruptcy(twice) and when that happens it’s not clinical.Small guys like me are left holding the bag while Trump and his ilk skip out w/their millions.The last time he pulled this stunt he came to Florida, bought Mar a Lago and THEN declared bankruptcy.Why?Because in Florida, your primary residence CANNOT be taken in a bankruptcy.He just sold Mar A Lago and the payments are REALLY slowing down on these projects; so if future actions are based on past behaviour, he’s getting ready to screw the little guy again!Wake up, nobody is bailing out the average american.Greed, deception and theft thy name is GOP(mostly, but theres a lot of democrats,too).To paraphrase Dylan politicians all are phony and “money doesn’t talk,it swears”.
September 18th, 2008 at 3:21 pm
Mmm, so glad we got rid of two stinky troublmakers…whew! was THAT the stench around here?
I don’t remember Obama EVER asking anything of ROTHSCHILD or TRUMP. For godsakes, who needs THOSE kinds in a campaign of TRUTH, HONOR and CHANGE.
I don’t think there’s any tears shedding at the OBAMA CAMP. LOL
September 18th, 2008 at 3:29 pm
ADavis, Obama wants Trump’s and Rothchild’s money.
And Robin, no one is going to “Vote Obama”. Voting for Obama is childish.
September 18th, 2008 at 3:49 pm
Could it be the reason both of these people are so successful is they are smart enough to see what America doesn’t need…Obama!
September 18th, 2008 at 3:56 pm
Let McCain and his side kick win. The sooner they do so, the sooner the complete collapse of the US will occur, if the overseers let it. After the dust has settled, perhaps then we’ll have a revolution and get this ocuntry straightened out. The Repugs will once again steal the election, however, and that is why they aren’t concerned with who their candidates are—the stupider they are, the better they’lldo the masters’ bidding.
September 18th, 2008 at 4:20 pm
Juan McCain??
BarrBarr O’Reilly?
Where the F@ is Ron Paul?
Shit in a suit - shit in a Depends - and shit that the MSM wants to ignore so it will go away - is still shit. Hold your nose and punch that ticket. If you’re middle class, pull your head out of your ass and stainless steel appliances and realize for a moment that you are the meat on the chopping block. You have been had, and you asked for it.
Your Constitution has been whittled away and whittled away, as you sit and watch Oprah and exclaim, “well, I can see where that may be a good thing”. Well, F&$@ YOU! Your RIGHTS are moot! Your existence is moot! You have gotten what you asked for. And on a fitting note, so has everyone else in this country.
You had Liberty, you had Freedom, and you pissed it all away for personal comfort and the idiotic notion of being better than the next guy that you thought must be an asshole because he didn’t think the same as you.
I’m the next guy, and i say F%$@ you all for your lack of compassion and goodwill toward your fellow man.
Greed begets greed and you are now being eaten. To you sniveling shits that want it all from your government for free (that means taking it away from me to give to you) - good riddance!
September 18th, 2008 at 6:51 pm
Joe: “The Repugs will once again steal this election”.
Bingo! With 34 states with hackable electronic voting machines and eight years to fix the problem –why on earth would they NOT steal the election, which is a farce, a pretense, theatre, pretending that democracy still exists and that’s a hoot ain’t it? The polls are lying to make it appear a tight race so that when Diebold rears his ugly head, the stupid arrogant sheeple on their way to the slaughter won’t even know it. The US is now considered irrelevant anyway by most of the rest of the world: Feared, but disrespected and will be ignored. That’s how great empires fail.
September 18th, 2008 at 7:57 pm
With those wacky Diebold voting machines, where your vote goes nobody knows!
September 18th, 2008 at 10:02 pm
What a coward Obama is! He can’t handle the truth! If Larry Sinclair wasn’t telling the truth, Obama would be taking this head on, right out in the open, but NO, so he definitely has something to hide! Obama even put Larry on Secret Service watch! He is scared to death of the truth from Larry! Also, Philip J. Berg’s case will soon find Obama ineligible to be President! Then it will all be over for this coward!
September 18th, 2008 at 11:57 pm
Fellow americans–congress over sees all this and they are to blame–both parties–not just the republicans or the democrats. We have crooks and self serving congress people that we re-elect time and time again–why, because we are self serving and want what they give us–we need leaders that are self sacrificing and care more about the country. Therefore we are in trouble
September 19th, 2008 at 12:25 am
I would be more afraid to leave the Obamia then the Mafia.
The hatred here!
Ex obamies seem like they need a witness protection program
September 19th, 2008 at 11:18 am
As a small business owner - I wonder if most folks realize that everytime my business taxes get raised - that those tax dollars are dollars that would have paid for employee health insurance or employee raises and bonuses. Sometimes those tax increases mean letting an employee go becasue I need their payroll dollars to pay the new tax. If I wasnt so burdened by taxes I could hire many more people - pay them better and possibily pay 100% of their health insurance and maybe even daycare for their kids.
Raising taxes on many businesses is not going to solve our current problems.
September 19th, 2008 at 11:26 am
Somtimes I would like to see a law passed that mandated the salaries of the Senators and congressmen to be tied to the average wage of working americans.
I wonder if that would change things drastically in washington.
Those folk seem to be so out of touch with real-world america. How many of them have to make a payroll this friday or pay for their kid’s braces or struggle with what so many of us struggle with.
These bailouts seem to be an easy stopgap measure that indicates they havent a clue as to the real root of the problem.
I wonder if instead of giving billions and trillions to bail out these big corporations - maybe they should take that money and just send $200,000 to every american out there.
If they sent me $200,000 - I guarentee them I would go out and buy a new american car, Id but an american TV set, maybe buy some insurance from AIG, give some money to help the homeless and go out to eat to help the struggling restaurant industry. I could pay some on my morgage and put some money in the bank for them to loan out and opay their bills with.
After all - it’s our money that they are giving to these big corporations.
September 19th, 2008 at 11:42 am
I would love $200,000 as well.
September 19th, 2008 at 6:19 pm
It is our money they are giving away. Even if they only gave me $50,000 I would still guarentee them I would go out and buy a new American Automobile. I dont how much it would be to each family - but between the Fannie/Freddie mess and then Bear Stearns and the rest that now follows. Who knows when it ends. They wont bail me out - I dont know any little guys they are bailing out. I saw where AIG had donated $400,000.00 to the Obama campaign. So now with the bail out - is that not us donating to the Obama campaign.
Obama/Biden have never stood against their party. On anything. They are just the same old/same old touting change.
As a democrat - I have always liked McCain. Any republican that Rush Limbaugh hates cant be that bad. I like how he has always been his own man marching to a different drummer than his party - and he didnt care who he made mad or feathers he ruffled.
Sarah Palin is the same way. She answers to no one except the people of Alaska. Her approval rating is 87% favorable up there - her approval has never been below 80%. What politican has ever had a rating that high? That’s the thing the dems dont get. They think they are going to send the team of lawwyers and invertigators up ther and dig some stuff up - just like they do on the other politicans.
That is the thing - Sarah Palin is not a politican. And them dems dont know how to handle it - they dont know what to do - except make up and tell lies on her.
She is a servant of the people. She works for them and answers to them. She wants them and expects them to hold her accountable.
No wonder Washington is scared to death of her.
A state governor with an 87% approval rating?
September 19th, 2008 at 10:49 pm
Obama lost the race for the White House when the liberal media turned against Hillary Clinton. The media wants Obama to win, and why? The media understands that the way to make money is to place someone not qualified to run a boy scout troop and wait for him to make costly mistakes. The media does not care about the United States, they do not care about the Constitution, all they care about is sponsorship from corporations. Clinton supporters, moderates ad republicans can see through the lies, it’s the ignorant and uneducated americans that are blinded by the smoke.
September 20th, 2008 at 1:09 pm
What a facade!!! Scripted all the way. Some actors don’t get roles this juicy!