SMEAR: Sarah Palin bought a tanning bed.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 at 6:08 am

Ben Smith at is reporting that Sarah Palin purchased a used tanning bed, with her own money, and installed it in the Governor’s mansion. And, surprise! Us Weekly has decided to turn this into a “scandal”.

Seriously? Is this a scandal? Sarah Palin purchasing a used tanning bed with her own money? I am starting to think that the mainstream media, tabloids, and leftist bloggers are the ones with Down’s Syndrome. I know liberalism is a mental disorder, but this is just ridiculous! Us Weekly, how about trying to get Bill Ayers documents from the University of Chicago? These documents could be damning to Barack Obama’s candidacy.


Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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3 Responses to “SMEAR: Sarah Palin bought a tanning bed.”

  1. Alex Randall Says:

    She lives in Alaska… They dont see alot of sun, She needs her Vitamin D whats wrong with that?

  2. jemms Says:

    i actually agree here.

  3. Ricky Minton Says:

    I’ve seen it all now.

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