MJ fires Jabberjaw!

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 at 7:45 am

MJ, real name Todd Schnitt, is the host of the MJ Morning Show and The Schnitt Show in the afternoon. MJ / Schnitt just fired cast show member, Jabberjaw (real name Kim), for calling in sick with a “migraine” and attending today’s Barack Obama rally in Florida. MJ is mad that Jab did not ask for a personal day, which MJ says he would have granted her. Jab cleared her personal day with the show’s executive producer, Joey B, and manager, Tommy Chuck. However, Joey B and Tommy Chuck are NOT Jab’s boss. MJ is the boss. Also, if Joey B knew of Jab’s lie, he might be fired as well. Joey B stormed out of the studio while yelling and threatening MJ to fire him, too.

This is going to blow up in the liberal blogosphere, especially since MJ / Schnitt is a Republican radio show host. Last Friday the DailyKos website, dominated by the far-left lunatic fringe, posted a “diary” stating that Schnitt is participating in “voter intimidation”. DailyKos contends that Schnitt is intimidating Jab to vote for John McCain. I expect the DailyKos and other liberal kook websites to post blogs with themes such as “Republican bosses are firing Democrat employees”, and other similar topics.

Joey B, another Obama supporter, was just fired by MJ / Schnitt because Joey B conspired with Jab in order to lie to MJ about Jab’s true whereabouts today. Joey B might return to the show, though. Things are crazy in the studio right now.

When someone lies to their boss, that is grounds for dismissal. Politics have nothing to do with this, even though liberal blogs will DEFINITELY start bitching about this.

UPDATE 2: MJ has decided to keep Joey B on the show. Joey B left the show for an hour and hid in a coat room closet to gather himself.

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55 Responses to “MJ fires Jabberjaw!”

  1. says:

    Not very professional to talk about personnel issues to the public.

  2. Bonnie rabbit republican says:

    hmmm, none of my business. I don’t care why they fired MJ or who ever as long as it wasn’t illegal alll it gets is a shrug and I move on.

  3. says:

    I am just saying that the liberal blogosphere are going to bitch about this.

  4. says:

    I meant MJ talking about personnel issues, not you.

  5. A Realist in a room full of retards says:

    she lied plain and simple so he was right to fire her

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why would the democrats find this outrageous? She lied to him. I would have fired her too. So for you to try and make this something political is just absurd.

  7. says:

    I am saying that DailyKos has made this political, and most likely will again.

  8. Jennifer Gilmore says:

    Joey B sould have gotten fired as well, he helped Jab lie. Just as bad…

  9. Jeff says:

    I’m glad i stopped listening to this drama Queen. I dont care what happens and nor should anyone. CHANGE THE STATION !!!

  10. DiggyDog says:

    They should fire MJ. He is a sniveling little twit who has threatened to fire others for their political views.

    He has also made noises about firing his personal trainer. He claims that if Obama wins he won’t be able to afford their services.

    Schnitt is obviously drunk from the Repug Kool-Aid.

  11. says:

    Good riddance to the treasonous twat Jabberjaw. Maybe she can get a job with Randi ClosedMinds at Nova M Radio.

  12. mike says:

    Jab was all over Bubba’s show this morning spilling the dirt

  13. says:

    What did Jab say, Mike?

  14. Meechie says:

    Honestly I dont think it was that serious enough to fire her, but hey its not my decision. But I really do hope it has nothing to do with her supporting Obama! If so that tells you a lot about MJ!!!!

  15. mj show listener says:

    I listen every morning and mj is a sniveling tyrant, he would not have let her have the day off if she told him the truth he is totally against Obama is is intimidating and rude….jabber did alot on that show MJ is just a pig I guess I will change the channel, Froggy, good-bye

  16. Daisy B-F says:

    Brian Mora: if anyone is a twat it’s you. Why don’t you go back to your mom’s and take some more gay pictures of yourself? You’re one of those guys who will live with his mommy forever because no other woman would want him. I’d rather be a ‘treasonous twat’ than what you are a dumbass momma’s boy.

    As for you Carlos - you’re all up in Jab’s shiz on her myspace page but yet you’re talking smack about her here. BTW, take a different picture too — you look ridiculous in that damn tux. That is unless you’re auditioning to be a lounge act in a Las Vegas hotel or on a cruise ship. You’re a hypocritical ass.

  17. Daisy B-F says:

    For all the people who weren’t listening to the show very well she isn’t the one who lied, Joey B lied and told MJ she called in. She went through the proper channels to get the day off. MJ is a control freak who couldn’t stand that she didn’t tell him that she was going to be off. How smart would it be to call in then be right up at the podium during the rally where there were cameras from every news outlet in FL and the US?

    She even said \on Bubba no one on the crew likes him and they all make fun of him when he’s not in the stuido. The only one who doesn’t is that gold-digging ho Meredith because she sees dollar signs when she looks at him. I hope that Bubba can get proof that either MJ or Michelle has cheated. That would serve him right.

  18. says:

    Daisy, I never said anything bad about Jab. I am just trying to find out the truth. I can only go with what I hear on the radio.

    I have been a fan of Jab’s for a long time, so that’s why I posted this blog.

  19. lynn says:

    Carlos, I love Jab too.

    She said too much stuff on Bubba’s show about MJ, stuff that was slanderous.

    Daisey B-F- Tell Jab to play it low. She needs to do damage control now. She needs to be careful on Bubba Monday. Does she have an attorney?

    Bubba will be protecting himself. His legal defense will use Jab, but not necessarily protect her. Especially now that her character has been marked by revealing so much on Bubba. Clear Channel will use that against her.

  20. says:

    I love Jab, too. I can only go by what I hear on the radio. I did not hear what she said on Bubba’s show.

    As Jab’s friend, I am going to use my blog to protect her. I will be putting everyone on blast tomorrow, especially Daisy.

  21. Lee says:

    MJ is not HER BOSS. She is employed by Clear Channel–and her boss approved her taking the day off. MJ is an independent contractor and does not pay Jabs salary–Clear Channel does. Her Clear Channel supervisor approved the day off (she also does weather updates on 93.3, a Clear Channel station).
    She is on MJ’s show, but is an employee of Clear Channel. So she actually did nothing wrong.

  22. Lori says:

    are you kidding me? seriously, do you actually believe the bullshit you just wrote?

  23. The MAN says:

    She is an employee of MJ. He partially pays her wages out of his personal production company, which has nothing to do with Clear Channel.

  24. Rachael says:

    Jab was always interesting and funny, a lot better than those bozo’s and the ditz. She spoke her mind and I respected that. MJ would of given her crap anyways so it’s a good thing she didn’t tell MJ about the obama rally. If you don’t agree with MJ - forget about it.

  25. go jab says:

    I find it curious how MJ would have any power to fire anyone. I know they pay him alot of money to be where he is at and I used to listen to him but became annoyed with his outlook on life with his afternoon show.

    You can talk to him (on air) and if you dont see things his way he shuts it down and says that you’re full of it. Atleast Bubba admits it when he’s wrong.

    I hope Schnitt gets off the air. He such a whiney beotch that I dont know how anyone can stand his bullschnitt anymore.

  26. Kyra says:

    I have listened to MJ for way too long and this situation with Jab is what is FINALLY going to make me change the dial. He is such a self centered ego maniac! He has been so out of control nasty to so many people for so many years that honestly I hope this is the end to him. He thinks his listeners are complete idiots.I am asking myself now why I listened to him for as long as I did? This whole situation has made me realize what a SICK individual MJ is. He needs to get off the air and get help!

  27. Chris says:

    What does it matter if she lied to him. If she had personal time off available its none of his business what she did with it as long as notice was given.

  28. Lynn says:

    First of all, you all need to actually check your facts. MJ did not fire JabberJaw. He spoke about the possibility because he thought she had lied. When he looked into the matter, it turned out that she had not lied, but did disregard part of her obligations to him. She was reprimanded, and expected to return to work. She elected to walk off the show without notice. Although I aslo think MJ can be an egomaniac at times, I think it is unfair of everyone to blame him for the circumstances created by JabberJaw and Joey B.

  29. says:

    Kim was NOT an employee of Schnitt’s, as a few have erroneously stated here. He paid her CASH, $400 per month, to supplement her income only. She had no contract with the midget.. Thus, he had no right to fire her.
    No matter anyone’s opinion, try to keep it within the facts here.
    Schnitt is on his way out. You rats better start abandoning ship while you can.

  30. says:

    Lynn, WHERE did you hear that? I, along with everyone else, heard the tape… You know, the one where he called her cell phone and said “YOURE FIRED” and hung up on her, live on the air. That cannot be disputed.
    Femm-J is a self-absorbed blowhard. He doesnt deserve a microphone and amp, and his staff doesnt deserve to be abused like they are. Just wish they would leave him as well.

  31. says:

    Well, I am trying to keep everything within the facts, but none of you have the ability to read!

    Again, read the newest blog I posted regarding this issue.


  32. Corbin says:


    You said nothing in your new blog to shed any light on anything. If you have something to say, then say it. What’s “the whole story” then?

  33. says:

    I was posting that my original intent was to highlight Daily Kos tracking Schnitt. I overreacted with the title of this blog, but it was never intended to hurt Jab in any way.

    People do not understand that concept. I have explained it - twice!

  34. Sharon says:

    I think Jab did not want to be ribbed by mj so she took the path of least resistance and told Joey B about her day off. I don’t think it’s serious enough to fire her since she did tell the supervisor Joey B. But if she is committing slander, that would be grounds to fire her. But doesn’t it have to be prooven before she can be fired? Is she innocent until proven guilty? The relationship seems beyond repair.

  35. bubba mark says:

    mj is a fag bowwwwwwow bubba army bitches

  36. Chris says:

    God I love it Femjay and fester are trolling the internet posting comments on every site covering this story.

  37. DemsruleMJ says:

    MJ’s show is such BS….I’ve only listened a few times and I am not impressed at all. The “Crew” has nothing to say at all. It’s just garbage.

  38. DaveT says:

    You don’t have it exactly right. Clear Channel employee Kim, known to listeners as “Jabberjaw”, worked at 93.3 WFLZ Tampa, FL on the “MJ Show”. Jabber Jaw told her immediate supervisor that she wanted to take a personal day to attend the Obama rally in Dunedin held on 9-24-08. She also cleared this with the station’s program manager but not with MJ Kelly(the show’s host and namesake, who’s real name is Todd Schnit). She deliberately did not tell MJ/Schnit because he constantly belittles people on his show who support Obama.

    Now MJ/Schnit claims he would have given her the opportunity to go to the rally no questions asked, but many people have a hard time believing that since MJ is such a big McCain water carrier. i.e.: A few weeks ago MJ told Kim (actual quote) “if Obama is elected I will have to fire you because he wants to raise my taxes and I will not be able to afford to pay you anymore.” He also admitted that he told the same thing to his personal trainer who is also an Obama supporter.

    Kim lives with her parents. That Friday, two of the shows phone lines, plus the station switchboard, were forwarded to Kim’s house. MJ/Schnit would later claim on his show Monday that it was somehow “an accident”.

    In the days since the firing he has added new claims everyday saying she was always late, how she was always causing problems and even offered a very lame excuse about how all the studio phone lines were forwarded to her home. (another possibly actionable offense) BUT, he now also claims the day after he fired her, he arranged to have her hired on full-time. Which is it? Was she a lousy employee who deserved to be fired or was she worthy of a promotion? Why would you fire someone on Wednesday then turn around to promote and give them a raise the next day? Can you say: “credibility issues”?

    Kim was told she was fired Wednesday; all her info was removed from the show’s website. She met with MJ on Thursday and was not told she was hired back. After this meeting, Joey B asked her, “Are you coming back tomorrow?” Kim eplied, “Nothing has changed. He didn’t say to come back, so no.”

    So last Friday Kim went on a rival morning radio show called Bubba the Love Sponge (one that MJ has embroiled in a lawsuit for close to a year now, and which Kim had been transcribing daily tapes of this show for MJ for months). She has been on this show a few times now in the last week dishing the dirt on how much of MJ’s show is fake and how a lot of other members on MJ’s show can’t stand him and his antics. She has also said he belittles employees and listeners and is a complete narcissist.

    But this act goes way beyond MJ’s usual nastiness. This time he has broken the law by violating this woman’s civil rights. Please call Clear Channel’s corporate office and ask them to remove Todd Schnit from the airwaves.

  39. says:

    Dave, I posted this blog as it was happening live on the air.

    I posted a follow-up blog stating that I was highlighting what the Daily Kos posted two weeks ago.

    It was not my intention to highlight the drama that has ensued after the firing.

    I do not know why anyone does not understand this.

  40. Jodie T. says:

    I have listened to MJ for years and I did love the show but it has just become more and more of the Schnit show and I am sick of listening to politics in the morning. I listened to Bubba this morning and I head Jabs side and I am very dissapointed to hear all the bits are fake. No wonder Froggy never got fired. MJ is a fake ass who never lets anyone speak. I am so done with the MJ Morning Show.

  41. Matt says:

    It’s isn’t slander if it is true.

    And just because you didn’t intend this entry to become a rehash of the events, doesn’t mean that people have to focus on your intent.

    But to throw you a bone, MJ’s actions, while possibly not illegal, are clearly intended to scare his staff into voting for his candidate. Again, while possibly not illegal, it is at the very least, bordering on unethical.

  42. says:

    Matt, I am just trying to point out my intent. As some here have suggested, they believe my intent was to highlight Jab in a negative light, and that is NOT true.

    Obviously, if I was pissed off about any of this, if I was bitter about people not understanding simple facts, or bitter about people not understanding my original intentions, I would have deleted this blog days ago. However, I have let everything stand.

  43. American Idle says:

    Did anyone ever think that, just maybe, MJ and Bubba cooked all this crap up together to bolster *BOTH* their Arbitron ratings? I just cannot believe that two (supposed) adult men would act like such third graders. I’m done with both of them.

  44. role model for chloe&julean says:

    i am a rep. and stopped list. when froggy put shit in her boots. and mj did not fire him. at my work he would have been arrested..what a wus bag.

  45. Jeff says:

    What a bunch of ho haa. Mj is just upset he is nolonger ARBATRON rated number one…GET OVER IT…your show isnt that great..and never was.
    There is more on the radio than this TMZ, newspaper reading mj !!!!

  46. BUBBASBACK says:

    Hey femjay hows it feel not to be number one you little troll ooompa loompa?DID YOU FIRE YOUR LAWYER YET CAUSE HIS D U I ?????

  47. BUBBASBACK says:


  48. St. Louis Mike says:

    I used to listen every single day. Jabberjaw should have not been fired. Joey B should have been possibly punished. Either MJ should have apologized or he should have fired Joey B. Because of what MJ did, I am no longer a listener. I am a Republican — and yet I still asked my boss to no longer play MJ in the workplace. We have replaced his show with music.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Is mj’s personal trainer working? it doesnt look like it? He may need 2 trainers cause 1 isn’t doing it?
