Barack Obama - Not ready to lead!

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, September 26th, 2008 at 3:01 pm

And here is the proof!

When Sen. Barack Obama was given the floor to speak during White House negotiations, according to White House aides, he did so raising concerns about a House Republican alternative to the Paulson/Bernanke $700 billion bailout. But those concerns weren’t necessarily his, as he was not aware of the GOP plan before reviewing notes provided him by Paulson loyalists in Treasury prior to entering the meeting.

According to an Obama campaign source, the notes were passed to Obama via senior aides traveling with him, who had been emailed the document via a current Goldman Sachs employee and Wall Street fundraiser for the Obama campaign. “It was made clear that the memo was from ‘friends’ and was reliable,” says the campaign source.

The memo allowed Obama and his fellow Democrats to box in Republican attendees and essentially took what President Bush had billed as a negotiating meeting off the rails.

“Paulson and his team have not acted in good faith for this President or the administration for which they serve,” says a House Republican leader who was not present at the White House meeting, but who instead is part of the team hammering out the House GOP alternative. “We keep hearing about how Secretary Paulson is working with Democrats on this or that, yet he never seems to consider working with the party that essentially hired him. Perhaps he’s auditioning for a Democratic administration job. Our proposal didn’t just spring forth fully formed; we’ve been working on this for several days, and Treasury staff has known about it.”

I alluded to this on my previous Scoop This blog “The debate is on!” in the updates I posted.

The Democrats tried to create a situation where Barack Obama would come into Washington, D.C., take order of the meeting at the White House, dictate orders to President Bush and everyone else in the meeting room as to the best course of solving this crisis, then after the meeting, Democrats would create an even more mythical icon of Barack Obama by stating how he took the lead at the meeting and looked, sounded, and acted Presidential!

What a bunch of bullshit! Instead, Barack Obama, without any knowledge of what the Republican proposal was, proceeds to spout talking points about the Republican proposal of which he, Barack Obama, knew nothing about! Barack Obama then tried to talk about Paulson’s plan, and he knew nothing about that either!

Like Mayor Giuliani said at the Republican National Convention - “Barack Obama has never led anything! Nothing! Nada!” The Democrats at this meeting wanted to make Obama look Presidential, and he failed! Obama does not know how to run a meeting! Obama does not even know how to read email! Obama does not know how to lead!

Honestly, if you vote for Barack Obama, you are fucking stupid. You have been fooled by a fucking shyster. I do not know how to say it any harsher. Yet, you are the same people that are fooled into believing that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a peaceful man, Iran’s nuclear program is just for “energy” purposes, America sucks in every aspect, Israel is evil, and the Palestinian people are innocent.

(6 Ratings)

Filed Under: News & Politics

11 Responses to “Barack Obama - Not ready to lead!”

  1. Garrett Says:

    amen brother

  2. Says:

    Thanks, Garrett.

    And thank you for your service in Iraq.

  3. carol Says:

    obama has to take his attention off himself and pelosi.. mccain tried to keep this from happening with a house bill that obama and dems defeated.. the dems cannot blame this one on bush..

  4. Says:


    The house GOP are my heroes right now. As for the Democrats and Bush… I’m just glad that a lot of them will be forced to retire on election day right now.

  5. A Realist in a room full of retards Says:

    well i dont know about you but anything is better than bush and mccain hell i setlle for a monkey oh wait we got one pres.bush!!!

  6. Martha Says:

    Great post. Can’t wait to see McCain show Obama how to debate tonight!

  7. LoneStar Says:

    I heard about this on my way to work. Is anyone really surprised?

    “I, er, uh… der… eh…” That is ALL Barack Hussein Obama is capable of saying if there is no teleprompter to be found. He’s nothing more than a clown who can’t even run the Democrat circus, much less a country.

    And the “Realist in a Room Full of Retards”… the only thing your frighteningly unintelligent comments reveal is that the only retard in the room is YOU.

    As many verbal gaffes as Bush has had, Obama is a hundred times worse. At least Bush can lead a meeting. Obama couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with directions on the heel.

  8. Kelsey Golden Says:

    “A Realist in a room full of retards,”

    Last comment you left here, you were talking about people needing to be shot if they had ideas or made statements which you didn’t like. You used the same anonymous name for yourself in that comment which frankly, proved that you were the “retard.”

    Now, you come here and dare to use the same name while posting a comment befitting of an elementary school playground bully. If that’s what makes you a “realist in a room full of retards”… I’d hate to see what you actually think is smart.

  9. Says:

    Baraq Soetoro Osama shows he is not ready to lead almost every time he opens his big fat yap.

  10. Daisy B-F Says:

    Carlos you’re fucking stupid. Why does voting for Obama lead to all Dem’s thinking that Ahmadinejad is a peaceful man and Iran is using nukes for power?? You spew the same Right-wing bullshit as Limbaugh, MJ, and Hannity. Hope and change, that’s all anyone can say who is voting for Obama. I’m throwing the bullshit flag on that one I have read what Obama stands for and I agree with everything he represents with the exception of global warming.

    For all the posters on here, please go to Jab’s myspace page and see how far up her ass Carlos is/was. He was trying to befriend her probably with the hopes of getting some ’scoop’ on the inner workings of the show. If you wanted to know what was really happening, then you should have listened to her on Bubba Friday.

    Dude, you’re a douchebag.

  11. Kelsey Golden Says:

    “Carlos you’re fucking stupid.”

    After reading the first sentance, I can already tell that your comment is too immature to read any further.

    Grow up.

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