Barack Obama falsely takes credit for creating Stimulus Package.

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 at 7:47 am

From Jake Tapper at

In Golden, Colo., today, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., took credit for the stimulus package that passed earlier this year.

“In January, I outlined a plan to help revive our faltering economy,” Obama said, “which formed the basis for a bipartisan stimulus package that passed the Congress.”

Is that true?

Democrats on Capitol Hill who support Obama say no.

Wanting Obama to win, however, none will say so on the record.

But media accounts from the time make it clear that even though Obama, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., all offered legislation to provide stimulus to the economy, congressional leaders looped them and their legislation out of negotiations…

[T]hough the bill that eventually passed more closely resembled Obama’s than either Clinton’s or McCain’s, those involved in the drafting of the legislation say it was more a matter of agreeing on a good idea [to issue rebate checks] and was not a matter of, as Obama claimed, his proposal having “formed the basis for a bipartisan stimulus package that passed the Congress.”

For what it is worth, Jake Tapper of ABC News has been very fair and objective in his reporting during the election.

Barack Obama falsely took credit for creating a Stimulus Package he did not create! As John McCain states in the video below, Barack Obama did not even show up for the Stimulus Package vote!

Stop lying, Obama! Why does Barack Obama lie about his thin Senate resume every week? All he does is expose himself for the fraud that he is to the voting American public. Even Democrats in the House and Senate are exposing this lie.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Tags: , , Stimulus Package
Filed Under: News & Politics

38 Responses to “Barack Obama falsely takes credit for creating Stimulus Package.”

  1. Says:

    I get the feeling that Congressional Democrats are starting to distance themselves from Obama because his constant gaffs and falling campaign is going to cost them seats in the legislature. Obama’s recent refusal to give Harry Reid campaign funds to help re-elect democrats could be a sign of this internal struggle going on.

  2. Martha Says:

    I would like an audit on Obama’s funds myself. I’d like to know where all that money is coming from!!!

  3. David Says:

    Whats the argument the stimulus pkg is a failure
    it will nothing for Americans except drive up inflation
    When the long black train of inflation arrives at full steam
    Americans will be cursing the stimulus pkg that is unless they are brain dead
    ,Of which I am starting to think that they are indeed brain dead.

  4. alexz Says:

    for someone who claims that McCain is out of touch (because he doesn’t use a computer) … hasn’t he (BO) figured out how quickly the truth can be found on the internet?

    or, quoting Homer Simpson: D’oh.

  5. TheVin Says:

    To understand Obama is to understand Karl Marx. All of this is right out of the play book. We are on the cusp of electing out first true Marxist. Unfortunately both choices are not the best so I’m voting for the guy who has ideals closer to out founders. Obama has a foreign ideology. He is the enemy within.

  6. windsor Says:

    If we were Chinese you would get a bullet in the back of the neck for fraud and other crimes against the national political economy and this is the main evidence against you..from your own hit piece.
    ‘[T]hough the bill that eventually passed more closely resembled Obama’s than either Clinton’s or McCain’s, those involved in the drafting of the legislation say it was more a matter of agreeing on a good idea [to issue rebate checks] and was not a matter of, as Obama claimed, his proposal having “formed the basis for a bipartisan stimulus package that passed the Congress.”’

    How much do they pay you and is it really worth it? Honestly, if I were you I would enlist for the 82d. At least then I wouldn’t be a worthless piece of…

  7. Says:

    Windsor, Obama did not write this legislation. Obama’s proposal mirrors the legislation that was passed. That does not mean Obama wrote it.

  8. fly on the wall Says:

    The public does not really know a lot about him. There is a lot of conflicting information that is difficult to prove or disprove. In my opinion, he is a scary “dude”.

  9. Patriarch Verlch Says:

    Listen, I heard ambulance chasing trail lawyers are who is giving Nobamba all the money. Those greedy self serving bone heads would sell their own mothers for a dollar. Watch them very closely.

  10. Brett Says:

    So Obama came up with a stimulus plan, got “looped out of negotiations”, then they end up passing a similar plan, and he doesn’t get to say “Hey that was my idea!”? This is, at best, an overstatement but could not hardly be called a lie.

  11. Dedalus Says:

    Martha Says:

    September 17th, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    I would like an audit on Obama’s funds myself. I’d like to know where all that money is coming from!!!

    Not a bad idea Martha.
    For me personally, I’d like to see an audit - if that’s the word in this case - on any documentation Obama has that can prove to the Country he wants to run whether or not he’s even an American citizen!

  12. American Slave Says:

    Obama a Marxist? That’s a laugh. If Obama were truly a Marxist, or even a mere socialist, I might vote for him. But the fact is that Obama is a neocon fascist, just like Bush, Bush Senior, and the Clintons.

  13. Says:

    I would have never thought Obama described as a Neocon Fascist.


  14. Susan Says:

    I think that the closer the election comes, Barky is going to start to take himself a little too seriously and begin to make some really serious gaffs. He believes that he is the messiah and Hollyweird just confirmed that he is again. He wants their glitz, name recognition, and glamour. He don’t give a damn about the American people, just what they can do for him.

    He’d better start walking on water soon or the Obombats are going to discover their god has clay feet!

    You know why he needs a teleprompter? He can’t string three words together without saying ummmm, ahhhhh, hummmm between each word. He’s a terrible speaker without a written speech to read from. Not only is he an empty suit, he desperately needs a couple of years in Toastmasters to learn to speak extemporaneously!

  15. CARY G DEAN Says:

    Listen up people, I’m just an old limey fart, but if little monkey boy President attack’s Iran before Nov the 4th, there won’t be any Bloody Election, he’ll stand up to the podium and say, sorry folk’s I’m the WWIII President, Commander Guy, Decider, and I’m staying here untill the next mission is accomplished, how quick everyone just forget’s what these lunatic’s have done over the past 8 year’s, what make’s you all think they are going to give it all up now, WAKE UP!!!!!.

  16. Jon W Says:

    I’m sorry you can’t come up with any more rational critique… Your message would appear much more consistent if you owned up to your inherent bigotry or cultural conceits and simply wrote that you are repulsed by the idea of having a black man/ democrat as your commander in chief…

  17. Says:

    Jon W: it has NOTHING to do with Commie Obama being a black man for president; not all white folks are prejudiced, you know. The simple fact, or so it seems, is that Obama doesn’t even qualify for the prsidency since he cannot definitively proof he’s even a U.S. citizen. I’m more qualified to run for the presidency than he is, probably even more so than McCain. Another fact of the matter is that no matter which idiot we “put” into office (what a farce, that), the same old agenda, which has been in effect for over 200 years, will still continue forward.

    I wonder what it would look like if everyone woke up at once, and nobody decided to “vote” in November…

  18. ADavis Says:

    [T]hough the bill that eventually passed more closely resembled Obama’s than either Clinton’s or McCain’s,”

    That’s enough for me. this statement taken directly from your article means that Barack’s proposal was mirrored thru the proposal of Barack Obama. Why shouldn’t he take credit for it? It is not a stretch of the truth, it is the truth. People need to understand what they are reading. Even the writer of the article exposed the truth in the lie he was creating. You guys need to get a grip and know the difference between the truth and a lie.

  19. Steve Says:

    Whichever one of these clowns wins it’ s more war and less liberty. Less liberty makes it easier to start more wars.

  20. Mojo Says:

    You know why all the Political Hacks are shrills for Isreal? A company mostly owned by the Isralie Gov controls all the electronic equipment. They can listen in on every phone call in the US. Once they got the goods on you, you better Perp walk their way or you are exposed and finished. Guess whom might have hacked Palins personal email…

  21. anne Says:

    Obama lied again what a suprise. He is a marxist, he and his wife both dislike America and have shown that over and over again. He is so afraid of Palin winning that he is doing everything in his power to discredit a Vice President Nominee that shows his fear of her. Does he not realize that Palin is not who he is running against? This race is between Obama and McCain but since he can’t find anything dirty on McCain that will get him the election (other than making fun of McCains war injuries that he got while defending America) so now he is after Palin.

    The Democratic Messiah seems to be unraveling quickly and more and more of his lies are finally being recognized by the American People. I just love that America has let him say that he sat in a church for 20 years and never heard anything Rev. Wright said and yet Wright was his spiritual advisor (as Obama claimed in interviews) but he knew nothing of how Wright felt. Come on do we all look like we just fell off the turnip truck Obama?

  22. Says:

    Jon W Says:
    “I’m sorry you can’t come up with any more rational critique… Your message would appear much more consistent if you owned up to your inherent bigotry or cultural conceits and simply wrote that you are repulsed by the idea of having a black man/ democrat as your commander in chief…”

    These race card players don’t even realize how racist they are. When a person walks into the room, the color of their skin is the first thing Jon W sees.

    In this case, Jon W believes that Obama’s “Black Skin” is all he needs to be president and voting against him, is a vote against his “black skin.” Interesting proposition considering that Obama’s “black skin” won’t be what socializes medecine, his “black skin” won’t be what increases the defecit even more, his “black skin” won’t be what raises taxes, his “black skin” won’t be what keeps us dependent on foriegn sources of oil, and his “black skin” won’t be what allows Iran to get Nuclear Weapons.

    Ah The Democratic Party… the party of Race….ism.

  23. Ming Says:

    Obama will be the greatest President in my lifetime and I’m 52.
    Obama…YES !!

  24. Paul Says:

    Whichever is elected, makes no difference. US is the mother of all deceit

  25. angrynana Says:

    How many times will MSM ignore his lies. We seem to be on a giant monopoly game and Obi None has all the pass go cards. He used one each for Wright, Rezko, COLB, Ayers, Acorn, Woods, CAC, no or pass votes in Congress, Born Alive Act, salacious comments by fans, Michelle, Larry Sinclair and Don Young, Father P. , and on, and on. His plance sor a Service Corp. is downright scary. Do you really think that the big wigs at MSM will stand by while their children spend 2 years in some service capacity? I’m sure special friends will be given one of the extra pass go cards his savy techs who hack can copy.

  26. Says:

    ADavis - Obama did NOT write this legislation!

    Just because the legislation “mirrors” what Obama wrote does not mean Obama wrote it.

    The Stimulus Package only managed a paltry 3% improvement in the economy - in July! If Obama wants to get credit for that, and that is the best Obama can do, then we should elect McCain in a landslide since Obama will not do jack crap for the economy.

  27. The Lone Nut Says:

    None of this matters, becasue there is a Federal lawsuit that claims Obama is NOT “Born in the USA” which makes him ineligible to be President. Now ask yourself why you haven’t heard about this!

  28. lotus Says:

    The top five contributors for Barak Obama are, Goldman Sachs $628,000; the University of California $523,000; JP Morgan Chase $398,000; Citigroup $394,000 and UBS $378,000. You can see where Obama’s interests will lie.


    for Sean Hannity’s Fox News interview with Obama supporter Imam Musa. He heads The As-Sabiqun movement, which is based in Washington, D.C., and claims to have branches in Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, and Philadelphia. The organization was created by Imam Musa in the early 1990s, at the Masjid Al-Islam mosque in Philadelphia, PA. Its stated goal is creation of an Islamic state in the US by 2050.

    Keep in mind that Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Libya have all effectively endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States. This is a fact, not an opinion. Regardless of how he feels about the matter, the Islamo-Nazis believe his ascendancy to power to be in their best interest. One reason: Only eight days after 9/11, Obama urged the US government to respond to the attacks with caution and restraint, and spoke most passionately about defending the rights of Muslims–including non-citizens. Another reason: Obama backs unconditional talks with nuclear-arming Iran, which needs more time to achieve a nuclear breakthrough that will enable it to produce nuclear weapons.

    A partial listing of Obama-backing villains is set forth below.

    Edward Said, a talented, anti-American intellectual and brilliant liar, who was Obama’s English professor at Columbia University and may have ghost-written his memoir, Dreams From My Father. Said, an American citizen with a privileged upbringing–who was born in Egypt–parlayed a fabricated tale of being born in and exiled from pre-Israeli independence Jerusalem into becoming, arguably, the most famous and influential Palestinian “refugee” after PLO chief Yasser Arafat–who was also born in Egypt. Unlike Arafat, Said sided with the most radical–rejectionist–PLO factions and never accepted the two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict (creation of a Palestinian mini-state in the so-called West Bank and Gaza alongside Israel).

    Bill Ayers, unrepentant former member of the ultra-left-wing, terrorist Weather Underground, in whose home Obama’s political career was formally launched.

    Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, aka Don Warden, a notorious, America-hating anti-Semite, black separatist, and former adviser to the criminal, pseudo-Maoist Black Panthers. Texas-born Warden is a link between radical groups–especially in the black community–and multi-billionaire Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who may have funded Obama’s above-referenced memoir–and probably subsidized his Harvard Law School education.

    Tony Rezko, the (now imprisoned) Syrian-born crook. Supposedly a Christian, he was nevertheless deeply involved with anti-Israel Jabir Herbert Muhammad, son of Nation of Islam (NOI) founder Elijah Muhammad.

    Louis Farrakhan, longtime NOI leader–a black Nazi commonly believed to have supported the assassination of Malcolm X.

    Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor and spiritual adviser of 20 years, an admirer of Farrakhan, who infamously blamed–and damned–America for the Sept. 11 attacks, and subsequently published and distributed Hamas propaganda under Church cover.

    Father Michael Pfleger, Obama’s foaming, former friend and adviser, a fanatically anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-NOI Catholic priest.

    Enough said. Obama’s nomination is an insult to the memory of the Sept. 11 victims.


    ***: “American flag disappears from Obama campaign jet”, World Net Daily, July 21, 2008
    “As part of a month-long aircraft makeover, a painted American flag was removed from the tail of Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign airplane and was replaced with the presidential candidate’s trademark ‘O’ symbol.”
    “Both Fox News and the Chicago Sun-Times posted pictures of the Obama campaign’s redressed airplane, which does not have an American flag or any other U.S. national symbols on the section that sports the airplane door from which Obama and his team will enter and exit. The airplane boasts Obama’s anthem, ‘Change We Can Believe In’ and the candidate’s website address.”

    ***consider the numerous affronts he has delivered to Americans already:

    * He refused to cover his heart with his hand during a Pledge of Allegiance

    * He refused initially to condemn the vitriolic anti-American diatribe from his long-term pastor, friend and confidant, Jeremiah Wright. This pastor repeatedly said, “God d**n America” during his sermons.

    * Many people suspect he is a Muslim despite his many attempts to deny it.
    Muslims consider Obama to be a Muslim since his biological father and his adoptive father were both Muslims.

    The Far East led by China and Japan do not think Barack HUSSEIN Obama would become President. I agree with my Far Eastern neighbours.


  29. Vickie Connell Says:

    what is so different about this. He lies everyday. He is an evil man and if I show up dead somewhere, trust me I did not commit suicide

    Oh wait, I’m a woman. barack only kills off his gay lovers

    barack is pushing for the bombing of Iran right now and I think its going to happen soon. See he has to prove he is even a legal citizen by the 24th ………..he is NOT an American inside or out.

  30. lotus Says:

    Bush will soon declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’

  31. mark Says:

    Yes, I have listened and studied you and Jeff. I am waiting for this request to provide documents to his “born in the usa” Arnold could not make the pres. why should OB. I really don’t need anymore stress, I can’t wait for the games to end.

  32. huh Says:

    Stop your whining until someone goes on record. Until then, reporting this as fact with no substantiated sources who will talk publicly amounts to campaign propaganda.

    Instead, why not cover the lies that can and have been proven conclusively by legitimate media outlets. I’m talking about those coming out of the mouths of McCain and Palin. is your friend, unless you don’t care about the truth.

  33. Says:

    “huh” - ABC News is a reliable source.


  34. lIAM Says:

    “[T]hough the bill that eventually passed more closely resembled Obama’s than either Clinton’s or McCain’s” THIS LINE SHOWS THAT THE ONLY LIE HERE IS ON THE PART OF THE AUTHOR OF THIS ARTICLE.

  35. GrannyBgood Says:

    What a crock of Rightwing BS here!
    You people really sink to new lows of ignorance and idiocy!
    A friend retorted “All politicians Lie”
    Well, but we’ve seen an absolute MARATHON of lies these past 8 years from the biggest liars of all: the Repugs!
    And as McSAME keeps showing us, they LIE and THEN Forget about it!
    And just this morning we see McSAME boostering for “Accountability” for this financial meltdown, when JUST MONDAY he was telling us the economy was doing “Just fine”.
    What!? He already forgot about that? Certainly he already forgot which party has presided over this wrecked economy these past miserable 8-12 years! (What’s that running down your leg..your Retirement Fund?)
    And he’s hoping Americans have their heads so far up their asses they don’t “Remember”! I guess he’s doing “Just FINE”
    with THIS crowd of Morons!

  36. Says:

    Again, just because the language in the Stimulus Package resembled what Obama proposed does not mean Obama wrote it.

    Obama did not write the Stimulus Package. Liberals cannot understand that fact.

  37. Ginger Says:

    Just for your information, is a Anenberg offshoot. Do not believe anything they tell you. Obama is not a natural born US citizen. All he has do do is present a fault copy of his birth certificate and he has been unable to do this. He has until next Wednesday to prove it and I doubt he will be able to. I have been A RN for many years and I know people. The first time I laid eyes on him I knew he was very evil.


  1. Obama caught LYING! « Pumas Unleashed

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