Barack Obama is trying to silence free speech!

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 12:25 pm

Barack Obama and his lawyers seek to silence free speech they do not agree with!

Obama and his campaign do not want you to see this independently funded, legal, and factual ad:

Ben Smith at reports that Obama’s lawyers are trying to get the Justice Department to bring charges on Harold Simmons, the financier of the commercial. Also, Obama’s lawyers are using strong-arm tactics to pressure television stations to not air the ad by threatening to contact their sponsors. The ad is still being run in local markets.

I have featured this ad twice on Scoop This (American Issues Project attacks Barack Obama and Fox News refuses to run “Bill Ayers” ad). If I have to, I will feature this ad everyday on Scoop This, and I will make sure that all other conservative websites feature this ad at least once a day. I dare Obama’s lawyers to come after me.

(1 Ratings)

Tags: American Issues Project, , , free speech rights
Filed Under: News & Politics

One Response to “Barack Obama is trying to silence free speech!”

  1. ProtestWarrior Says:

    Oooo, don’t make the messiah angry now…

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