Casey Anthony PARTIES HER ASS OFF while her daughter is missing!
Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 at 3:39 pmThe mother of a missing 2-year-old Florida girl was caught by photographers partying at a club June 20 — after the date she claims her daughter disappeared.
The photographs, obtained by FOX News, show Casey Anthony smiling and posing with various people at an Orlando club called Fusion. She later would tell police that her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, had been missing since earlier in the month.
John Azzilano, the nightlife photographer who snapped the images, said 22-year-old Casey Anthony was enjoying herself.
“She seemed happy, as were most of the people there that night,” Azzilano told FOX News. “She seemed all right, having a good time, just like people our age would that night.”
The little girl pictured above is Caylee Marie Anthony. She went missing sometime between June 9th and June 15th. The party pictures were taken on June 20th! How does a parent PARTY while her daughter is missing?!?!
Honestly, I believe that little Caylee is dead, and that her mom either killed her, or knows who killed her. Hopefully, I am wrong.
Caylee Marie Anthony Disappearance Timeline
Filed Under: = BREAKING NEWS =, Crime
What a ho! I hate women like that.
Looks more and more like she’s responsible for her daughter’s death.
Ya, I agree. Pure trash. If, by some small chance, she didn’t have anything to do with her child’s disappearance, she deserves to be punished for being at that club while her daughter was missing.
What a lack of class. My suspicion of Casey was already confirmed with reports of death smells from the boot of a car…and now this…
She has a LOT to prove. As someone who never suspected any wrongdoing by OJ or Blake I find Casey has too much to hide from on this one. If the jury say Not Guilty it will be a miracle for her…which I may not be happy with but have no choice but to accept.
Show me a date??? Couldn’t those pictures have been taken 5 months ago?
she belongs in hell
The pictures were taken at a party that was of public knowledge. Hence the date is well established. I am sure a quick afvidavit by any person in the pic would be required by you. Perhaps a quick google would unveil more info for you. LOL where is the date..
I think Casey chloroformed her daughter one too many times. When she found her dead in the trunk, just kept her there to go partying. Once the smell became too bad, she dumped her somewhere. She is a sociopath, like Scott Peterson. The baby resembles Grandma Cindy, I must ask, What kind of grandmother or person are u Cindy?
This chick is cold. She drives around town with her dead daughter in the trunk until it smells so bad that she dumps the kid on the side of the road like a bag of trash. Man, we could use a few thousand like her on the front lines of the war on terror. Cold.