Ashley Judd and Sarah Palin Lock Horns

Posted by Holly Martin on Thursday, February 5th, 2009 at 8:47 pm

A new video for the group Defenders of Wildlife features an impassioned statement from Ashley Judd aimed at Sarah Palin.

Governor Sarah Palin is an avid supporter of Alaska’s predator control program which advocates the shooting of wolves from airplanes. Palin says that the wolves are depleting the wildlife supply that many Alaska natives count on for food. The state currently allows hunters to shoot wolves from air or on land.

Judd states in a videotape commercial for Defenders of Wildlife, “It’s time to stop Sarah Palin and stop this senseless savagery.” Judd then goes on to ask for money to go towards fighting the cause.

Palin responded to Ms. Judd and the group’s attack on her by saying she considers it “reprehensible and hypocritical” that the group would use her and the state of Alaska to solicit money from hard-working Americans in these trying economic times.

I hate to think what these Hollywood liberals would do if they ran out of tofu and salad and had to depend on killing animals to live. They are so disconnected from the working-class Americans that they would literally rather have them starve to death than to kill a wolf. There are millions of people across the world that depend on the meat they catch from hunting or fishing to feed their families. I think it’s time to do a fly-by over California and weed out the predators in Hollywood.

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I am sorry for my absence.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, February 5th, 2009 at 6:54 pm

I have developed some type of tendinitis in my right arm and right hand. I have dedicated thousands of hours to this website and now that loyalty has taken its toll. Half my right hand is numb due to the pain and my right arm constantly hurts. I am taking medicine to bring down the tendon swelling. I do not know how long this will last.

I am avoiding typing as much as possible so I can heal faster. Hopefully, Scoop This will be able to rebuild its readership. I truly apologize to our readers and fans of this website.

I hope to start blogging again full time in one or two weeks, depending on what my doctor says.

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Congressman Carter (R-TX) introduces new "Rangel Rule" to help tax evaders

Posted by Kelsey G on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 at 3:17 am

rep_carter_f In response to corrupt and above-the-law tax cheats like the Democrat Chairman of the House Weighs and Means Committee, Charlie Rangel, my congressman has done something bordering on comedy and at the same time, grounded in the spirit of reason and good ole fashioned “equal protection under the law.” On January 28th, John Carter, a congressman from Round Rock, TX, introduced a bill titled the “Rangel Rule Act of 2009, HR 735.”

In the bill, Carter introduces a new concept called the “Rangel Rule.” The rule is simple: if you’ve failed to pay your taxes for years upon years, the IRS can be legally barred from charging penalties and interest if the delinquent tax payer simply writes “Rangel Rule” on their tax return.

From an article on the Congressman’s web-site:

“We must show the American people that Congress is following the same law, and the same legal process as we expect them to follow,” says Carter.  “That has not been done in the ongoing case against Chairman Rangel, nor in the instance of our new Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.  If we don’t hold our highest elected officials to the same standards as regular working folks, we owe it to our constituents to change those standards so everyone is abiding by the same law.  Americans believe in blind justice, which shows no favoritism to the wealthy or powerful.”

Carter also said the tax law change will provide good economic stimulus benefits, as it would free many taxpayers from massive debts to the IRS, restoring those funds to the free market to help create jobs.

Laws like the one proposed by my congressman couldn’t come a moment too soon. It seems that a lot of prominent Democrats are having trouble with this idea of paying the taxes which they so vehemently supported while in office or campaigning despite the patriotic implications of paying taxes as suggested by our new Vice President. I heard that Tom Dashle who once accused tax cheats of “hurting us all,” is in a bit of a mess from hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes which he didn’t pay (his not-on-purpose mistake, he said). It’d be awfully nice for soon-to-remain private citizen Dashle, if he could legally and fairly avoid the penalties rather than doing it the old fashioned democrat way by falling back on his corrupt buddies in his “say one thing” and “do another,” party. It’d be equally nice if all Americans who for whatever reason, didn’t pay their taxes, to be able to make amends without the filthy IRS ruining their lives based upon laws passed by Democrats… to be followed by everyone but them.

I have another proposal for a bill my congressman could introduce. It’s called the “It’s too difficult” rule. Simply put, any American can break a commitment, contract, or promise without much criticism from the press or legal penalty simply by declaring “it’s too difficult” to a member of the media or shouting the phrase in public if the media is unavailable. This would enable all Americans, even those despised-of Republicans, to share the same benefits as Democrats like our President, who just found it “too difficult” to follow his own rules about not hiring former lobbyists to work in his administration. What’s good for them is good for the rest of us if we live in a society of equal protection under the law and proper due diligence in the press.

Remember, if these tax cheats and liars were Republicans, they’d be long gone by now.

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Obama’s ‘Non-believer’ Remarks Already Causing Concern

Posted by Holly Martin on Saturday, January 24th, 2009 at 10:40 pm

In his inaugural address, President Barack Obama delivered a lofty speech about the future of America. A multitude of Americans walked away euphoric. Others…not so much.

One statement, or rather one particular word has ruffled the feathers of even his strongest supporters. During the speech, President Obama said, “”We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers.” The mention of atheism has people wondering if the new President is a closet heretic. Bishop E.W. Jackson of the Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Virginia says that this one statement suggests that Obama “seems to be trying to redefine American culture, which is distinctively Christian.” On ‘Janet Parshall’s America’ a Christian radio show, listeners called in, many of whom said they were African-Americans, to express their concern over Obama’s statement. One African-American man also criticized President Obama’s seemingly strong stand on civil rights. He claims that abortion rates are higher among blacks and declared, “Black kids are dying each day through abortion. President Obama is supportive of abortion, and that’s a genocide on black folks. Nobody wants to talk about that as a civil rights issue.”

On the other hand, Atheists are pleased as pie with Obama’s reference. One member of American Atheists pointed out Obama‘s mother‘s distance from religion stating, “His mother would have been proud. And so are we.”

Obviously, the issue is not with tolerance and acceptance of atheism, because most Christians respect the freedom of religion. Rather, the issue is with the President of the United States’ subliminal effort to mainstream atheism. No one can deny that America was founded on Christanity. Our entire system depends on the adherence to those principles. Suggesting otherwise is a clear slap in the face to our forefathers and to the millions of Americans. Obama’s presumptuous attempt to define America through atheism is reckless at the least, but could have much more disturbing implications.

As President George H.W. Bush once said, I don’t think that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.”

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Tags: American Atheists, Bishop E.W. Jackson, George H.W. Bush, Inagural address, Janet Parshall's America, President Barack Obama
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Vatican Slams Obama’s Abortion Decision

Posted by Holly Martin on Saturday, January 24th, 2009 at 9:31 pm

An Italian newspaper published an article on Saturday in which senior Vatican officia,l Monsignor Rino Fisichella, speaks out against Obama’s move to reinstate funding abroad for Family Planning clinics that perform abortions. Monsignor Fisichella pleaded with Obama to ignore “the arrogance of those who, being in power, believe they can decide of life and death.” The fear held by the Vatican and many of people across the world is that this move will open the door to advocating more widespread abortion practices. Another Vatican official stated that Obama’s decision deals a huge blow to American Catholics that are crusading against “the slaughter of the innocents”.

The ban on US Funding of abortion practices abroad was first instituted in 1984 by President Reagan. Bill Clinton lifted the ban during his presidency, but was later reinstated by President George W. Bush. According to the White House, this move will align America with other countries that are battling poverty and trying to promote healthcare.

“If this is one of President Obama’s first acts, I have to say, in all due respect, that we’re heading quickly toward disappointment,” Monsignor Fisichella warned.

Get used to it. “Disappointment” is Barack Obama’s middle name. Well, aside from Hussein…

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Obama Irritated at Reporter

Posted by Holly Martin on Friday, January 23rd, 2009 at 1:02 pm

During an impromtu meeting with the White House Press Corps on Thursday, President Barack Obama put the breaks on one inquiring mind. A reporter for Politico, Jonathan Martin asked Obama about his choice for deputy Secretary of Defense, William Lynn. Obama said he was not there to take questions and ignored the reporter, saying, “I can’t end up visiting you guys and shaking hands if I am going to grilled every time I come down here.”

Undeterred, Martin continued his line of questioning at which point President Obama placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, sternly stared him in the eyes, and clearly irritated said, “All right, come on. We will be having a press conference, at which time you can feel free to [ask] questions.”

Mr. Martin was referring to Obama’s nominee for deputy Secretary of Defense, William Lynn. Lynn is a former lobbyist for defense contractor Raytheon. Clearly, this choice is in stark contrast to Obama’s outspoken anti-lobbying statements made during the election.

Well, well, well…President Obama may have to get used to reporters actually asking tough questions, instead of bowing and scraping to him. If he’s already feeling the heat, God only knows how long he’ll last in the kitchen.

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Castro Praises Obama

Posted by Holly Martin on Friday, January 23rd, 2009 at 12:31 pm

New picture released by Argentina

There’s a ringing endorsement.

Former Cuban President, Fidel Castro posted an essay Thursday on his “Reflections” website that stated: “Obama has transformed himself under the inspiration of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. to the point of becoming a living symbol of the American dream.” Abraham Lincoln…really? Lincoln freed slaves. The only people Obama will free are terrorists.

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O’Reilly vs. Alba.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 7:59 pm

It’s Switzerland, bitch.

Just kidding.

I still love you, Jess. Even if you did marry a douche bag.

Hat Tip:
Hot Air

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Michelle Malkin on the “My President is Black” controversy.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 7:41 pm

This story has really blown up.

I thought that Young Jeezy saying he was glad shoes were thrown at President Bush would be a big controversy, but many people are offended by the “N” word, as well as the rude and outlandish behavior exhibited by Jay Z and Young Jeezy.

The Huffington Post totally missed the entire point of the outrage and freely called all Conservatives “racists”. They do not fact check at that website.

Many people, especially Blacks, are offended by the actions and words of Jay Z and Young Jeezy. As a fan of Jay Z myself, I thought he was more mature than going on a rant against President Bush. I listened to conservative talk radio today and many Blacks called into Limbaugh, Hannity, and Schnitt today expressing their disgust at Jay Z and Young Jeezy.

Hopefully, President Obama denounces Jay Z and Young Jeezy, but I doubt that happens.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Man dies trapped between two cars! Woman kept foot on the gas peddle.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 5:37 pm

A 62-year-old man died after being pinned between two vehicles in the parking lot of a Metairie drug store Tuesday morning, authorities said.

Rodney Conti, 5908 Marcie St., Metairie, was was pronounced dead about 4 p.m. at University Hospital, according to a news released issued by Sheriff Newell Normand.

The accident occurred about 11:43 a.m. at C’s Discount Pharmacy, 1401 Veterans Memorial Blvd., according to Col. John Fortunato, spokesman for the department.

Conti was walking toward the pharmacy when a 1994 Nissan Sentra, driven by Audrey Bentle, 73, of 315 Ash Street in Metairie, accidentally accelerated. Conti was pinned between her vehicle and an unoccupied 2004 Ford Crown Victoria, according to traffic fatality investigator Brandon Nielsen.

According to witnesses, the woman never took her foot off the accelerator, and Conti repeatedly pleaded for someone to get the car off of him while her tires continued to spin and smoke.

It was the smoke that attracted a trio of off-duty firefighters from the East Bank Consolidated Fire Department. Glen “Smurf” Hankel, John Dunn and Jerry Schaefer were working at the temporary headquarters of the Jefferson Parish Firefighters Association in the 800 block of Homestead Avenue and rushed over to help.

Several witnesses who tried to call 911 got only busy signals, so the firefighters dialed up the nearest firehouse and had them contact dispatch, according to pharmacy employees and firefighters.

The firefighters were careful not to move any of the vehicles until paramedics arrived. Schaefer said he tried to keep Conti calm until he was freed about 11:56 a.m.

Bentle was not issued any citations, but the district attorney’s office will be consulted in the case, Normand said in the release.


Maybe it is time to reconsider the driving privileges of senior citizens.

Thanks to Scoop This reader Jcresanto for the tip.

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