Posts Tagged ‘voter fraud’


Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 4:26 pm

Just a friendly reminder from your friends at Scoop This.

If you get asked to take an exit poll survey, just tell them to kiss off.

Stand in line as long as you have to! Remember, there are soldiers, airmen, seamen, Marines, and SEALS that are fighting for you, taking bullets for you, and have died for you!

This is a precious right! Many people have fought and died for this sacred treasure!

Honor our heroes by voting today. Rain or shine - no matter how long the time - you can stand in line.

Scoop This thanks all of our military heroes, past and present. With our votes today, we will protect you.

Vote! Vote! Vote!

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Massive voter fraud across Florida, Georgia and Ohio!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 11:37 am

ATLANTA — Georgia’s Secretary of State has launched a full investigation and may seek criminal charges against three Georgia men who appear to have early-voted twice.

“This is extraordinarily disturbing,” said Secretary of State Karen Handel.

A team of investigative journalists from WSB-TV in Atlanta, WFTV in Orlando and WFTS in Tampa and WCPO in Cincinnati compared Georgia’s voter rolls with those in Florida and Ohio and found more than 100,000 people who appear to be registered to vote in more than one state, with no government oversight to catch it.

100,000 people registered across three states? Unholy voter fraud!

100,000 can sway the election to either candidate in those three states, especially Ohio.

Check out the WSBTV video report.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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GOP election board members tossed out in Philadelphia!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 9:16 am

GOP Election Board members have been have been tossed out of polling stations in more than half a dozen polling stations in Philadelphia because of their party status.

A liberal judge previously ruled that court-appointed Republican poll watchers could be removed from their boards by an on-site election judge, citing their “minority” status as cause.

It is the duty of election board workers to monitor and guard the integrity of the voting process.

Those on site as describing it as “pandemonium” and there may be video coming of the chaos.

Some of the precincts where Republicans have been removed are: the 44th Ward, 12th and 13th divisions; 6th Ward, 12th division; 32nd Ward, Division 28.

“Election board officials guard the legitimacy of the election process and the idea that Republicans are being intimidated and banned for partisan purposes does not allow for an honest and open election process,” said McCain-Palin spokesman Ben Porritt in a statement to Townhall.

The City of Brotherly Love was roiled in controversy during the 2004 election because of rigged voting machines that showed nearly 2,000 votes for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry before the polls had opened. A man also used a gun to intimidate poll workers at Ward 30, division 11 in 2004.

Another revolution in Philadelphia?

I bet this will cause a few fistfights. Perhaps even a murder, because, of course, this is Philadelphia.

UPDATE 1: JammieWearingFool has the video.

There are tons of problems in Philadelphia, especially voter intimidation:

Fox News is now reporting Black Panthers, once carrying a nightstick, is blocking media and poll worker access. Lovely.

Maybe those Black Panthers are auditioning for Obama’s Civilian Defense Force.

The police wre forced to come and remove the thug.

Is this Iraq or Philadelphia?

UPDATE 2: Michelle Malkin confirms this story.

Looks like the New Black Panther Party sent out party members to make sure their “interests” are met.

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Massive swing state voter fraud!

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, November 3rd, 2008 at 8:57 pm

Obama campaign staffers are voting in swing states across the county – and it appears they are bypassing state residency requirements.’s voter fraud investigation started in Ohio where the law entitles only permanent residents, who intend to remain in the state, the right to vote in Ohio. In the past two weeks, 14 temporary Obama staffers who registered to vote have withdrawn their ballots. The individuals did not meet the legal requirements to cast a ballot in Ohio. When this was brought to their attention, they pulled their ballots. The Prosecuting attorney believes this was a misunderstanding by some “very excited and loyal volunteers.”

On Thursday October 30, turned our attention west to New Mexico. We found a former California delegate to the Democratic National Convention, Shayne Adamski, registered to vote in Albuquerque. New Mexico’s Secretary of State, Mary Herrera (D), said she would turn Adamski’s information over to the FBI to investigate.

Two swing states with similar stories sparked my curiosity. So I checked into the other prominent states in play: North Carolina, Florida, Missouri, Virginia and Nevada. The trend continued. From swing state to swing state, some out-of-state campaigners are casting ballots without following election law. also found Farah Minwalla, an Obama field organizer in North Carolina. Minwalla is registered to vote in North Carolina, Nevada, and New York.

And another one - William Jay Urquhart is a field organizer for the Obama campaign in Missouri. Along with getting out the vote, Urquhart decided to register to cast a vote of his own in Boone County. His current cell phone has a Washington, D.C. area code. Urquhart would have to be a permanent resident of Missouri in order to vote in Missouri, though he is not.

And from Warren Throckmorton’s blog, Julietta Appleton took a leave of absence from work to support Obama. On a posting Appleton writes, “I knew Florida was a swing state and I am fluent in Spanish. So I left my job (unpaid) for 6 weeks.”

Appleton moved to Miami to get out the vote. Now, she’s out of money and requesting help to get back to New York. Appleton’s post continues, “The next four days I will be working 24/7, then celebrating victory, then resting for a day, and then flying home to NY.” Appleton included a picture of herself voting for Obama in Miami. Florida election laws only allow permanent residents to vote.

And here is Julietta Appleton’s blog entry:

As a permanent resident of Florida myself, I know Julietta Appleton must be a permanent resident of Florida in order to vote in Florida. Appleton is a permanent resident of New York.

There could be, and most likely will be, voter fraud in California and Nevada. Nevada only requires a person to be a resident of Nevada for 30 days. How many Barack Obama supporters will “live” in Nevada for 30 days in order to turn that state blue?

I hope John McCain’s campaign contests each and every single account of voter fraud.

Hat Tip:
Michelle Malkin

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Obama supporters steal the votes of the disabled and mentally challenged.

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 at 4:19 pm

Jack Justice’s vote for John McCain was stolen.

ALBANY, GA (WALB) - There are allegations of voter fraud, as a Dougherty County family claims the vote of a mentally challenged relative was stolen.

They say the adult day rehab program where Jack Justice attends took him to vote, without the family’s permission. What’s worse is Justice says the person helping him wouldn’t cast the ballot for his choice for President.

Jack Justice has been voting since he turned 18. Typically his family takes him to their neighborhood precinct. This time Primus Industries, his adult day rehab program, took him to vote. His family was shocked, but what shocked them more was that Jack claims that his aide commandeered his vote.

“They told me to vote for Obama, I said no I wanted to vote for McCain,” said Jack Justice, a voter.

Jack Justice says the person helping him, selected Obama’s name. His sister says the family is often asked to sign a permission slips for trips, but for this they were never notified.

“No permission slips, no nothing, he just came home and said he had gone,” said Nancy Justice, Jack’s sister.

Basically, Barack Obama supporters kidnapped Mr. Jack Justice and stole his vote.

That is two felony counts. Nice.

SONORA, CA - The California Republican party is asking the secretary of state to investigate an organized voting campaign involving developmentally disabled adults in Tuolumne County.

As many as ten clients of the Thumbs Up! adult care center have already cast absentee ballots under the supervision of center director David Simerley, and nearly all of them were for Barack Obama.

“We all registered to vote and we all sat together as a group and went over our ballots and voted,” Simerley told News10.

Among those voting was Michael Rascon, 56, whose father described him as having the mental capacity of a 5-year-old.

“What kind of people would do this to somebody like that,” asked Sam Rascon, who discovered his son had registered and voted only after seeing him with an Obama button last Thursday. “He wouldn’t know one candidate from another.”

News10 spoke to Michael Rascon at the Thumbs Up! center about the election. When asked which candidate he’d voted for, Rascon answered “the black man.” He was unable to remember Obama’s name.

Simerley said the absentee voting followed field trips to both local Republican and Democratic party headquarters.

“When we register people to vote, we try to be totally non-partisan,” Simerley said. He insists he exerted no influence over his clients despite the fact nearly all of them voted Democratic in an otherwise Republican county.

“I think maybe Obama would appeal to people with disabilities,” he explained.

No, Mr. Smirley, Barack Obama does not appeal to people with disabilities. However, you and other Barack Obama supporters stole the votes of mentally handicapped people that do not even have the mental competence to vote wisely, such as the Mr. Michael Ranson, who has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old.

Mr. Sam Rascon asks what kind of people will do something like this to his son. Well, Mr. Rascon, the answer is liberal fascist Barack Obama supporters who seek to usurp the voting rights of all people, not just the mentally challenged.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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AP: House GOP Leader asks Bush to Cut Off Acorn Funds

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 at 1:09 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republican leader John Boehner on Wednesday urged President Bush to block all federal funds to a grass-roots community group that has been accused of voter registration fraud.

"It is evident that ACORN is incapable of using federal funds in a manner that is consistent with the law," Boehner, R-Ohio, wrote Bush, saying that funds should be blocked until all federal investigations into the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now are completed.

Read the rest of the story

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Liberal Fascism Chronicles: Voter Fraud Edition

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 1:57 am

More fuel to the fire:

Federal Election Commission reports show ACORN-affiliated Citizens Services Inc. got $832,598 from the Obama campaign for get-out-the-vote work during the primaries. - Washington Times

207706_votefraud This comes amid several raids of ACORN offices across the country in swing states alleging voter fraud. If Obama wins by a few hundred to a few thousand votes in these swing states which is very possible, we could be seeing the first president in our country’s history that didn’t win the election through legal means. Not even Nixon could top this!

It’s no wonder that the political party which is advocating against something as common sense as having to show a valid photo ID at the polling place, is the Democratic Party. They are trying to fix elections folks. If they keep geting away with it, it’s the end of our self Government experiment.

Watergate-Nixon1974 In the 1970s, we recall another Presidential Candidate (and incumbent) in one Richard Millhouse Nixon who was eventually connected, by a capable and truly investigative press, to a robbery against Democrat offices in the Watergate Hotel. Today, we have a presidential candidate who’s worked for and has recently funded an organization actively engaged in making sure democrat votes count more than once. Obama and his cronies are actively trying to steal this election and unlike the 1970s, when such behavior would not be tolerated by a responsible press, today, we have a press corps that largely ignores these fundamental dangers to our constitutional right to choose our leaders.

Photo of the Constitution of the United States of America. A feather quill is included in the photo.The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America and is the oldest codified written national constitution still in force. It was completed on September 17, 1787.

The founding father’s vision was that we were to maintain a Government by the people and for the people. According to ACORN, who was about to get funding from the recently passed the bailout no thanks to congressional Democrats, their vision of our government is a Government by the few who vote more than once and for the few who voted more than once. The media shares ACORN’s vision as is apparent by their inaction on this issue despite numerous instances of voter fraud over several years in favor of Democrats.

This stuff is serious folks! Freedom itself is at stake when a mainstream political party is regularly getting away with illegally tampering with our elections. Remember to vote on November 4th. We need every vote we can in order to counter the thousands of Jane Does registered thousands of times by ACORN.

Additional Reading: ACORN Fraud during 2004 Ohio Election, ACORN FRAUD in 2006 Missouri Election, ACORN Workers Admit Fraud in April 2008, ACORN Fraud in Michigan, 2008, ,  ACORN Fraud in Ohio, 2008, ACORN Submits 7000 Fraudulent Voter Registrations in Indiana, 2008… the list keeps growing.

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“You know, do his thug thizzle!”

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 1:59 pm

Homeless Ohioans for Obama are registering as if the government will be giving them a free cup of coffee and sandwich on election day!

Could they turn the election?

The guy promoting the free taxi program to register the homeless in Ohio exults: “It’s a perfect opportunity for them to come in, register at a temporary address like a homeless shelter or a YMCA or something like that. They can register at that address because they don’t know where they’re going to be tomorrow or next week.”

Another woman describes trolling bus stops and picking up prospects: “I asked ‘em if they’re registered to vote and if they weren’t, I said ‘Get in the car, I’m bringing you!’”

A homeless thug now registered to vote comments: “They picked me up. They seen me walkin’ around. So day said, ‘You wanna vote?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I’ll vote.’ (laughs) Day said, ‘We’ll take you anywhere you want.’ I said, ‘Dat’s cool’…If day say ’sign the ballot,’ just give ‘em and do exactly what they want you to do.’ I mean, hey, dis is America, you know?” (laughs).

Who does this new voter support?

“Barack! I mean, I want him to do his thang. You know, do his thug thizzle. You know. That’s how I like it to be. You know. (laughs).”

Organizers hoped to sign up 1,000 like him by the end of the day yesterday — and more all week.

I would love to know if any of these people featured in the video know exactly what they are voting for. However, I cannot believe this registration drive is legal. If it is legal, it is unethical. If these people do not have a permanent address, they could be shuttled from precinct to precinct and given a ballot on November 4th. If you live in Ohio, I hope that you raise holy hell about this!

“You know, do his thug thizzle!”

Yes, we know Obama is using thug tactics.

Hat Tip:
Michelle Malkin

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