Posts Tagged ‘Tim Kaine’

Six Virginia State Police chaplains resign over new prayer rules.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, September 26th, 2008 at 8:29 am

Gov. Tim Kaine (VA-D) and Col. W. Steven Flaherty

Six of the 17 chaplains for the Virginia State Police force have resigned because of new restrictions on prayer.

Earlier this month Col. W. Steven Flaherty, the state police superintendent, asked chaplains to offer only non-denominational prayers for public events and ceremonies.

One trooper was left with the impression that mentioning the name of Jesus was not allowed - a claim police spokeswoman Corinne Geller denies.

“There was no written directive nor were chaplains specifically told in their meetings with the executive staff and colonel that they could not use ‘Jesus Christ’ in their prayer,” Geller said.

Flaherty said that the new rule does not apply to private ceremonies or individual counseling.

Still, many found that complying with the new directive would violate their conscience.

“There were several of us who felt that because of our convictions. about what the Bible says, we couldn’t agree to go along with a generic prayer policy,” said 13-year trooper Rex Carter, who works in Southwest Virginia.

Republican lawmakers in the state concurred, arguing that the new restrictions are a violation of the First Amendment and an attack on Christianity.

“For those of us who understand the importance of religion in American life and value the free expression of religion as one of our essential rights, the Kaine administration’s directive is disappointing and disheartening,” House Majority Leader H. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem, said.

“Censoring what these chaplains can say is a violation of their First Amendment right to freedom of expression,” Del. Charles W. Carrico Sr., said.

The former state trooper is currently putting together an online petition to get the police department to rescind the new rule.

The state chaplain program, created in 1979, was designed to minister to department employees and grieving loved ones.

Virginia’s governor, Democrat Tim Kaine, supports this new rule. So, a program started nearly 30 years ago, with all the intent and purpose to be a peaceful, loving, kind, and nurturing program for the Virginia state police, is now vilified by Democrats? Liberal Democrats, what is wrong with all of you? Why must liberals always chastise Christianity? Liberals act as if these chaplains are trying to convert the masses!

How about banning Allah from public prayer? Do you liberals in Virginia have the balls to do that? What is the purpose of a non-denominational prayer, anyways? Political correctness Inclusiveness? Is there even such a prayer? Please quit the hippie crap, please.

The next thing to be banned from non-denominational prayer will be any reference to G-d.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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Sarah Palin = Tim Kaine.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, August 29th, 2008 at 6:55 pm

Palin and Kaine are equal in experience. But they are not equal in respect when considered by the liberal mainstream media.

Two weeks ago, the LEFT and liberal mainstream media were “in love” with Tim Kaine.  Kaine is the first-term governor of Virginia.  Kaine was seriously vetted by the Obama campaign.  Obama’s supporters wanted Kaine as well, thus establishing a new, young guard for the Democratic party.  Heck, even Scoop This (me) speculated that Tim Kaine would be the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee!

But, TALKLEFT is stating:

I would add that Obama does not need to be arguing how important experience is. Let me also add that when Tim Kaine, who has exactly the same experience as Palin, was treated by the Media and the Dems as a serious and acceptable potential pick, it opens up charges of a double standard.

Yet, the Obama campaign has slammed McCain’s pick! Obama’s campaign says that Sarah Palin has “zero experience”, when Palin has more executive experience than Obama could dream of having! The Obama campaign has also insulted small-town America by disrespecting Palin’s service as a Mayor. These are the same “bitter” people that “cling” to guns and religion. What does Obama cling to? A feign sense of hope?

The bottom line is that John McCain, through brilliant strategy, or sheer luck, scored a coup of voters by selecting Sarah Palin. McCain gained the trust of the conservative base at the Saddleback Faith Forum, and has now cashed in and won the conservative base!

History will occur 67 days from now.

Hat Tips: ACE OF SPADES HQ and Instapundit

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Obama’s new attack ad: “Seven”

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, August 21st, 2008 at 1:59 pm

While interviewing with Politico, John McCain forgot that he and his wife Cindy own seven houses. The LEFT has decided to use McCain’s answer as an attack ad, painting McCain as someone with an “outlandishly rich lifestyle.” Tim Kaine, possible Vice Presidential nominee, chided McCain and said, “He couldn’t count high enough.”

What the LEFT fails to mention is that most of the property McCain and his wife Cindy own is investment property. Once again, Democrats distort the truth for political expediency. But, if we are going to talk about housing, let’s focus on Barack Obama’s half-brother, George Obama, who lives on $1 a month and lives in a small hut. While Barack Obama ignores his brother’s plight (since they barely speak), Obama recorded $4 million in book sales, spent a week in Hawaii on a private beach, and purchased his million-dollar mansion with the help of convicted slum-lord, Tony Rezko.

When will Democrats stop crying about people that work hard and make money? Democrats are hypocrites. Many rich Democrats have the same lifestyle as rich Republicans! The wealth both sides argue about is the same wealth that has been accumulated through a lifetime of hard work. Are Democrats demonizing the American dream?

UPDATE 1: Hot Air has all of the details regarding the RNC’s release of the Tony Rezko memo! Hopefully, the RNC or McCain campaign releases an ad highlighting Obama’s friendship and business dealings with Tony Rezko


UPDATE 3: Here is a of Obama using condescending, playground, cry-baby language when describing McCain’s success.

UPDATE 4: is reporting that McCain does NOT own any property. However, Cindy McCain and her children own 8 properties.

UDPATE 5: Ed Morrisey at Hot Air is suspecting that John and Cindy have a pre-nuptial agreement that separates their finances. Cindy McCain has investment properties in her name only. Again, the 8 properties in the McCain family solely belong to Cindy McCain and her children.

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Obama could make VP pick on Friday!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 at 7:07 pm

CBS News has confirmed that Barack Obama’s campaign now plans to announce Obama’s vice presidential choice to supporters via email and text message on Friday afternoon. (This plan could change, of course.)

He will then appear with his running mate at noon the next day in Springfield, Illinois, CBS News chief political consultant Marc Ambinder reports.

Media reports today have suggested that Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Delaware Senator Joseph Biden as the names now atop Obama’s list.

I’m not one to trust CBS News confirming a news story, but if it is true, a Friday afternoon announcement is suspect. Announcing the Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee in the (late) afternoon would keep the story away from morning and early afternoon conservative talk radio, and the announcement would receive more-than-likely positive reaction from liberal nightly news outlets.

I’m not speaking for the other Scoop This editors, but I believe Obama’s VP pick will be Tim Kaine. Obama believes that the state of Virginia and its 13 electoral votes are in play. Plus, Mark Warner, who is a current U.S. Senator and a former Democratic Governor of Virginia, will be the keynote speaker at the Democratic convention. I believe this too is a ploy for Obama to gain votes in Virginia.

Also, Scoop This reported earlier that Biden stated he’s “not the guy”.

UPDATE 1: Oops! Did Obama drop the ball?

Asked what his plan is to utilize his vice president as President Bush utilized his, Obama said, “Let me tell you first what I won’t do. I won’t hand over my energy policy to my vice president, without knowing necessarily what he’s doing.”

That might be a clue as to the sex of Obama’s Vice-Presidential candidate!

Sorry, Hillary and Kathleen!

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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