Posts Tagged ‘Sharon Osbourne’

Sharon Osbourne: “Go back to Alaska, Sarah!”

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 at 4:08 pm

“She should not be president, vice president, whatever the hell they want to do with that woman. But, go back to Alaska. Go back.”

Sharon, how are you a good mother when your kids consistently enter drug and alcohol rehab?

Go back to England, Sharon. I hope Ozzy keeps banging chicks behind your back!

UPDATE 1: Welcome to the PMSisterhood, Sharon!

Liberal, female celebrities are truly coming out in full force in all of their Hepatitis C-filled glory.

Who would you rather have your daughter grow up to be like?
a) Sharon Osbourne
b) Pamela Anderson
c) Lindsay Lohan
d) Margaret Cho
e) Sandra Bernhard
f) Sarah Palin

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