This will be a new feature on Scoop This. We will be featuring email from the members of our society that espouse the most peace and love. I received two emails today from readers who want to express their profound and well-thought opinions of the writers at Scoop This.
Your Name: your a dumb fuck
Website: http://
To: Contact Carlos C.
Subject: General Comments
you guys are a bunch of dumb fucks
Thanks, we know. Yet, the public cannot get enough of us, and our blog numbers prove it!
Your Name: milidude
To: Contact Carlos C.
Subject: Other
carlos: you seem to be a hypocrite and a man posessing a forked(fucked) tongue since you have indeed sanctioned my comment from your pablum blog, as well as banned me too, so much for telling the truth. i stand by my words-i fought for this country and sacrificed my blood/sweat/tears to give pendeho/pendejo like you the opp to spread your zionist anti-american propoganda.
and to you kelsey: remove that ENEMY flag which is before the american on your myspace page or you will be considered an enemy combatant(terrorist).OVER HERE WE READ LEFT TO RIGHT NOT RIGHT TO LEFT BUT WE ALL KNOW THIS WAS NOT AN INNOCENT MISTAKE BUT WAS DONE WITH PURPOSE TO SUPPLANT THE SUPERIORITY OF THE SYMBOL OF THE AMERICAN FLAG WITH YOUR LUCIFERIAN SYMBOL. just as the blacks cry foul whenever anyone uses there jargon to label them(nigger) zionist pigs like kelsey hide behind the bleeding hearts that still feel sorry for the jew, when you are a primary infection in this country/ and the one who promulgated the falsicaust against the tru sephardic jew(whom i respect) which are not frauds as you ashkanazi jews are.. if you like the hexagram flag of hellsrael so much then get the fuck out of my country and go back to yours.
i warn you both: dont ever tell me a veteran or any other veteran of this country what we can and cant do, unless you are ready to defend yourselves with hand to hand combat. I have been on the front lines, you are not worthy to be considered a link in the chain of liberty which collectively allows dickheads such as you both to spread your bullshit around to dumbed down and unsuspecting goyim. if you really want to make a difference, then tell the truth about issues, and make yourself available to people thru direct emails.
most important : hypocracy is for nothing more than a communist prooganda tool meant to further hide the truth about an issue, which you carlos have executed repeatedly in your pablum postings. YOU KNOW, I THOUGHT I MIGHT APPEAL TO YOUR COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE, BUT THAT TAKES BRAINS OF WHICH YOU BOTH LACK, SO HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND: GO FUCK YOURSELVES, SINGULAR AND COLLECTIVELY. U BAN ME FROM YOUR BLOG, I BAN YOU FROM MY COUNTRY-GET THE FUCK OUT.
Well, I never banned Milidude. Perhaps I might have removed one of his posts if he was race baiting, which he obviously does in his email. This will be the first and last email I will feature from Milidude, especially since his email is full of racist diatribe.
Also, I have never banned any war veterans from posting on Scoop This. We honor war veterans and we thank them on this website. Scoop This has received comments from war veterans thanking us for this website and exposing the issues.
Keep the hatemail coming!