We’ll start with Obama Campaign Spokesman, Bill Burton’s quote:
“We’ve tried these policies for the last 8 years, where you give tax cuts to the corporations, where you give tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans; its not working. The wealth is not trickling down.”
Obviously he thinks the wealthy should be getting poorer, while the middle class should be getting richer, who will then get poorer again as soon as they become rich… there’s those circular conundrums again.
A liberal blowhard on a popular networking site, upon seeing my disdain for this quote, says this:
“Trickle down economics” is a REPUBLICAN ECONOMIC POLICY you freaking moron, started by Reagan, and remaining as the foundation of all republican economic policy since. The fact that you don’t know this is beyond disturbing, but not surprising, you are a wing nut after all.
That being said, trickle down economics was based on the premise, according to Republicans, that if you give all these handouts and tax breaks to the wealthy. it would “trickle down” to the other 95% of the population. Problem is, it’s been proven time and time again to NOT WORK, most disasterously proven over the last 8 years when the wealthy just got WAY wealthier, and the other 95% saw wages and income decline.
I can tell you, from personal experience, that my wages and income have not declined due to anything other than inflation and ridiculous taxation for liberal welfare and Social Security. That’s a hefty chunk out of my meager restitution! That, however, effects everyone, not just us middle-class Joes.
And pardon me for saying, but the economy was fine under the Bush tax cuts. When he employed the idea of cutting everyone a break, we were fine. Corporations and wealthy Americans whose money keeps the stock markets and businesses afloat, right down to the middle class Joes who work for them, enjoyed a healthy economy created by Reagan’s idea of supporting business and the economy and not strangling it with taxes and regulations. THAT is trickle-down economics a la Reagan, not some Marxist idea of transferring wealth from the accounts of the rich to the pocket of the Joes via excessive taxation on the former and redistributing that extra income to the latter!
Reagan’s economic policies were successful because he did not believe in PUNISHING private enterprise in this country just because a cluster of Marxist liberal asshats resent the fact that person (A) has more money than person (B).
The problems with our economy began when Bush adopted the liberal notion of spending like there is no tomorrow. And the problems we have now is from liberalism as well, in the forms of welfare and Social Security and even more of this “we’ll make it fair by force” stupidity these liberal morons consistently implement, as in the forms of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
“Be fair and give these poor [insert minority of choice] a home loan, even though they can’t repay. Lay aside your evil ideas of profit, and be fair!”
Now they are trying to do the same thing by raising the taxes of the wealthy, “cutting” the taxes of the middle class, thereby forcing only one group of people to foot a greater share of the federal bill. And summarily screwing us all by doing so.
And yet the liberals run around all day screeching that they are helping the middle class, and that they are not Communists. But here is a quote from Karl Marx which quite effectively punctuates this liberal resentment and coming punishment of the rich in this country that has been promised by the Obama campaign:
“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”
The proletariat is the “middle class”. Karl Marx’s rantings most often involved seething resentment of the bourgeois, the “ruling class”.
Sounds like something right out of an Obama campaign speech. Hows that for HOPE and CHANGE?