Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

Obama to Raid Social Security

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 10:59 am

“WASHINGTON (AP) - Pointing with concern to “red ink as far as the eye can see,” President-elect Barack Obama pledged Wednesday to tackle out-of-control Social Security and Medicare spending and named a special watchdog to clamp down on other federal programs - even as he campaigned anew to spend the largest pile of taxpayer money in history to revive the sinking economy.” SOURCE

You know that extra tax for social security and medicare on your paycheck? Under Obama’s plan, you’ll likely see that tax continue or increase AND the money won’t even be spent on the government programs for which it derives its name because he’ll be cutting those programs without cutting the tax associated with them!

And who could forget this little gem of a commercial Obama’s campaign released in mid-October:

Gaff after Gaff and he isn’t even President yet! NBC just doesn’t know the goldmine they’re missing out on by not criticizing him. Speaking of which, be sure to visit our advertisers, we’re making a killing off of criticizing Obama!

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Posted by LoneStar on Thursday, October 30th, 2008 at 3:44 pm

We’ll start with Obama Campaign Spokesman, Bill Burton’s quote:

“We’ve tried these policies for the last 8 years, where you give tax cuts to the corporations, where you give tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans; its not working. The wealth is not trickling down.”

Obviously he thinks the wealthy should be getting poorer, while the middle class should be getting richer, who will then get poorer again as soon as they become rich… there’s those circular conundrums again.

A liberal blowhard on a popular networking site, upon seeing my disdain for this quote, says this:

“Trickle down economics” is a REPUBLICAN ECONOMIC POLICY you freaking moron, started by Reagan, and remaining as the foundation of all republican economic policy since. The fact that you don’t know this is beyond disturbing, but not surprising, you are a wing nut after all.

That being said, trickle down economics was based on the premise, according to Republicans, that if you give all these handouts and tax breaks to the wealthy. it would “trickle down” to the other 95% of the population. Problem is, it’s been proven time and time again to NOT WORK, most disasterously proven over the last 8 years when the wealthy just got WAY wealthier, and the other 95% saw wages and income decline.

I can tell you, from personal experience, that my wages and income have not declined due to anything other than inflation and ridiculous taxation for liberal welfare and Social Security. That’s a hefty chunk out of my meager restitution! That, however, effects everyone, not just us middle-class Joes.

And pardon me for saying, but the economy was fine under the Bush tax cuts. When he employed the idea of cutting everyone a break, we were fine. Corporations and wealthy Americans whose money keeps the stock markets and businesses afloat, right down to the middle class Joes who work for them, enjoyed a healthy economy created by Reagan’s idea of supporting business and the economy and not strangling it with taxes and regulations. THAT is trickle-down economics a la Reagan, not some Marxist idea of transferring wealth from the accounts of the rich to the pocket of the Joes via excessive taxation on the former and redistributing that extra income to the latter!

Reagan’s economic policies were successful because he did not believe in PUNISHING private enterprise in this country just because a cluster of Marxist liberal asshats resent the fact that person (A) has more money than person (B).

The problems with our economy began when Bush adopted the liberal notion of spending like there is no tomorrow. And the problems we have now is from liberalism as well, in the forms of welfare and Social Security and even more of this “we’ll make it fair by force” stupidity these liberal morons consistently implement, as in the forms of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

“Be fair and give these poor [insert minority of choice] a home loan, even though they can’t repay. Lay aside your evil ideas of profit, and be fair!”

Now they are trying to do the same thing by raising the taxes of the wealthy, “cutting” the taxes of the middle class, thereby forcing only one group of people to foot a greater share of the federal bill. And summarily screwing us all by doing so.  

And yet the liberals run around all day screeching that they are helping the middle class, and that they are not Communists. But here is a quote from Karl Marx which quite effectively punctuates this liberal resentment and coming punishment of the rich in this country that has been promised by the Obama campaign:

“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”

The proletariat is the “middle class”. Karl Marx’s rantings most often involved seething resentment of the bourgeois, the “ruling class”.

Sounds like something right out of an Obama campaign speech. Hows that for HOPE and CHANGE?

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Another Poll Bites The Dust

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 at 1:43 am

Yesterday, reported that the battleground poll narrowed Obama’s lead to just 1 point above McCain which puts him well within not only the poll’s stated margin of error, but in signifigant danger of actually losing the election since polls tend to err on the side of Democrats in the first place.

Today, the AP Poll shows Obama with a mere 1% lead over McCain. A deeper look into the poll reveals some interesting details. When asked how ‘definite’ their voting preference was, 88% of Obama Supporters responded "yes" which was exactly equal to McCain supporters. While both candidates had the exact same number of "definite" voters, the remaining 12% of their supporters differed in their commitment. For Obama, 8% of his supports said they’d "probably vote for him" and 4% said "they could change their mind." On McCain’s side, 10 to 11% said "probably" when asked about their commitment while only 2% said they "could change their mind."

According to page 10 of the poll, more respondents thought the economy would get "a lot worse" under Obama compared to McCain. Even more of the respondents thought their taxes would go up under Obama (page 12).

Even more significant is that 71% thought McCain is qualified to be President while only 46% said the same of Barrack Obama. Yet, somehow we’re supposed to believe Obama commands a huge lead over McCain even though more than half the country won’t even say he’s qualified to be president! This is an astounding thing the media is trying to feed us when reports continue to suggest that Obama will most definitely win.

In being consistent with our other analysis of political polls, it is important to understand the demographic that took this poll. First, unlike many polls has covered, this poll actually interviewed an equal number of liberals, conservative, and moderates. Most polls interview more liberals and moderates than conservatives which may explain Obama’s commanding lead in them in addition to their rampant inaccuracy when it comes to actually reflecting election outcomes as we’ve seen in the past two presidential elections. Another significant difference between this and other polls is that they actually called cell phone numbers in addition to land line numbers. This is significant because there is a growing segment of the population who do not have a landline and we speculate that a move to include that demographic in a political poll would not only reflect a more accurate sample of the voting public, it also might give McCain a boost since more affluent voters tend to lean Republican than poor voters who don’t qualify for or can’t afford a cell phone.

What this poll shows as that this election will be a nail biter to the very end and anything could happen on November 4th.

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Polls Narrowing, Obama 48%, McCain 47%

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 2:54 pm

With the Obama News Network (formerly Clinton News Network) already giving Obama more than the 270 electoral votes needed to win the WhiteHouse, it may come as quite a suprise to many that Obama’s so-called lead in the polls is narrowing signifigantly as the election approaches. Some polls are now projecting a mere 1% lead for Obama over McCain!This is exactly what I said would happen in the blog where I asserted, and proved, that polls were deliberatly skewed towards the democrats except in times where their credibility might be at stake. The same sequence of events has played out in every election in recent memory! What do we expect from polls who don’t even interview an equal number of Republicans to Democrats most of the time?

In reality, this race is very close and with Obama performing worse than Kerry at this time in 2004, there’s reason to believe that Obama might even lose! Well, not if ACORN has anything to say about it but let’s hope that ACORN’s illegal impact on this election will be inconsequential.

The bradley effect might get blamed when/if Obama loses but let’s not lose sight of the fact that the polls always intended to shoot for swaying the results of the election rather than accurately reporting American Opinion. The only time they narrow in order to more closely match reality is the last two weeks of the election. Watch for more polls to narrow Obama’s “lead” in the coming days.

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US intelligence: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February 2009

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 1:59 pm


“US intelligence’s amended estimate, that Iran will be ready to build its first bomb just one month after the next US president is sworn in, is disclosed by DEBKAfile’s Washington sources as having been relayed as a guideline to the Middle East teams of both presidential candidates, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama.” READ MORE

Could this be one of the “tests” that Biden was talking about? Afterall, McCain and Obama have received breifings from US Intel in order to make the Presidential Transition smoother. Biden, Obama, and McCain should have a pretty good idea of what may be happening in the World within the next “6 months” and from Biden’s recent controversial comments that “Obama would be ‘Tested’”, we have to wonder just how serious some of that intelligence was.

We’ve already talked about the fact that Iran was days away from exploding a dirty bomb off the shore of Israel, what if Obama’s “test” will involve a nuclear armed Iran actually trying to use its weapons to attack the United States or our allies? Will Obama’s ‘unpopular’ response be to not protect us?  Will it be to stay in Iraq even though the Democrats have favored a US defeat if it meant it would get them elected? I’d rather just elect John McCain so we can avoid the ‘international crisis’ alltogether.


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McCain Press Release On Obama’s Poor Response to Voter Fraud

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Saturday, October 18th, 2008 at 8:30 am

Statement On Obama Campaign’s Letter To Justice Department On Voter Fraud

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, McCain-Palin 2008 Spokesman Ben Porritt issued the following statement in response to the Obama campaign’s letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey:

"After a week of shifting stories and clumsy corrections regarding Barack Obama’s connections to ACORN, the Obama campaign resorted to their now-customary heavy handed tactic of attempting to criminalize political discourse. Today’s outrageous letter to Attorney General Mukasey and Special Prosecutor Dannehy at the Justice Department asking for a special prosecutor to investigate Senator McCain and Governor Palin’s public statements about ACORN’s record of fraudulent voter registrations (including in this week’s Presidential debate) is absurd. It is a typical time-worn Washington attempt to criminalize political differences. For someone who promises ‘change,’ it is certainly only more of the same.

"The letter’s request that the Department of Justice investigate ‘recent partisan Republican activities throughout the country’ is almost a parody of the Obama campaign’s attempt to intimidate their political opponents. In case Sen. Obama’s lawyer did not notice, we are in the midst of a political campaign, not a coronation, and the alleged criminal activity he calls ‘recent partisan Republican activities’ are what the rest of us call campaign speeches and debates. All of this is unfortunately reminiscent of the Obama campaign’s recent creation of a ‘truth squad’ of Missouri prosecutors and sheriffs to ‘target’ people who criticize Sen. Obama. Rest assured that, despite these threats, the McCain-Palin campaign will continue to address the serious issue of voter registration fraud by ACORN and other partisan groups, and compliance by states with the Help America Vote Act’s requirement of matching new voter registrations with state data bases to prevent voter fraud." LINK

It seems I’m not the only one that sees Obama as the undemocratic fascist that he really is. I looked at the letter for myself and what McCain is saying is all too accurate. In it, the Obama campaign calls investigating voter fraud "an abuse of law enforcement." The letter also goes into the so-called controversial attorney firings a while back where Att. Gen Gonzales fired corrupt federal prosecutors who would not investigate voter fraud. The Democrats didn’t like that one bit.

With these recent Acorn scams coming to light across the country in the form of hundreds of thousands of false registrations in just Ohio alone, we really start to see why the Democrats were so upset about Bush’s firings of attorneys who refused to help prosecute voter fraud. We also see why they oppose things like having to show a photo ID when you vote since it makes it much harder to vote under a fake registration. These are indeed scary times we live in.

Additional Reading: Obama Demands Department of Justice Block Free Speech: demanding "criminal charges" against those who say things he does not like.

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Obama Will Cut Taxes for 95%?! BULL-$%*#!

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Saturday, October 18th, 2008 at 12:13 am



The Cartoon is absolutely correct. The Bush Tax Cuts, which Democrats want to repeal or allow to expire, represent an across the board tax cut for every American Taxpayer. If the Tax cuts do not get renewed in 2010 which is likely under a Democrat Controlled congress, it means that EVERYONE will be paying more in taxes during what is very likely to be an economic recession at that time!

This is absolute Insanity Folks! If you don’t believe me, take a look at your own tax return from the year 2000 which was before the Bush Cuts went into effect and redo your taxes for that year’s income under today’s tax code. Chances are, your taxes from 2000 are higher than what you would’ve paid for the same income under the Bush Tax Cuts! I did this and at that time, I made less than $30,000 and yet, my taxes in 2000 were 25% higher than they would’ve been if I were generating the same income today!

It is absolutely astounding that the people Obama is targeting for votes, are stupid enough to believe that their taxes are not going up! Perhaps even ‘Joe The Plumber’ does not realize that he doesn’t even have to buy a $250,000 business for Obama to raise his taxes and redistribute his wealth. All he has to do is keep making whatever amount he currently makes and if his employer can still afford to pay him after Obama begins further punishment of success, his taxes will be higher, guaranteed.


Additional Reading: "Searching for Obama’s 95%"

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‘Joe the Plumber’ on Debate: ‘Infuriated’ by Obama’s Tax Plan"

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 16th, 2008 at 9:48 am


"[Obama's Wealth Redistribution] ‘it infuriates me.’ If you worked for it… it’s not right for someone to say you earned ‘too much’."

Here’s the full video of Obama’s now infamous exchange with Mr. Worzelbacher:

At about 3:50 in this video, Obama speaks of his take on the "fairtax" idea. It’s obvious that he knows nothing about it. But all in all, Obama basically tells Joe why the Government is more deserving of his hard earned money than he is.

On a less serious note:

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The Truth is Out: Obama Intends to Redistribute Wealth (words of the Messiah in Red)

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Wednesday, October 15th, 2008 at 11:44 am

Breaking News…

"I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year," Wurzelbacher had told Obama. "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?"

"It’s not that I want to punish your success," Obama replied. "I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success, too … When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody." SOURCE

Have you any doubts about Obama’s intentions to "punish your success" now? Here’s a tip: make all the money you can before he’s elected because over the next 4 years, he’s going to tell you that someone else is entitled to the fruits of your hard work. And more people are going to need that money too… because more companies will send jobs overseas if they continue to get raped by the government for daring to provide products and services that we need. And small business jobs which make up 80% of employment? Well, kiss many of those goodbye as well… if the small businesses can even stay in business!

I will be finishing my engineering degree in the middle of Obama’s term. I wonder what my job prospects will look like? I know one thing, I won’t be starting a small business until we boot him out of office.

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Liberal Fascism Chronicles: Voter Fraud Edition

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 1:57 am

More fuel to the fire:

Federal Election Commission reports show ACORN-affiliated Citizens Services Inc. got $832,598 from the Obama campaign for get-out-the-vote work during the primaries. - Washington Times

207706_votefraud This comes amid several raids of ACORN offices across the country in swing states alleging voter fraud. If Obama wins by a few hundred to a few thousand votes in these swing states which is very possible, we could be seeing the first president in our country’s history that didn’t win the election through legal means. Not even Nixon could top this!

It’s no wonder that the political party which is advocating against something as common sense as having to show a valid photo ID at the polling place, is the Democratic Party. They are trying to fix elections folks. If they keep geting away with it, it’s the end of our self Government experiment.

Watergate-Nixon1974 In the 1970s, we recall another Presidential Candidate (and incumbent) in one Richard Millhouse Nixon who was eventually connected, by a capable and truly investigative press, to a robbery against Democrat offices in the Watergate Hotel. Today, we have a presidential candidate who’s worked for and has recently funded an organization actively engaged in making sure democrat votes count more than once. Obama and his cronies are actively trying to steal this election and unlike the 1970s, when such behavior would not be tolerated by a responsible press, today, we have a press corps that largely ignores these fundamental dangers to our constitutional right to choose our leaders.

Photo of the Constitution of the United States of America. A feather quill is included in the photo.The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America and is the oldest codified written national constitution still in force. It was completed on September 17, 1787.

The founding father’s vision was that we were to maintain a Government by the people and for the people. According to ACORN, who was about to get funding from the recently passed the bailout no thanks to congressional Democrats, their vision of our government is a Government by the few who vote more than once and for the few who voted more than once. The media shares ACORN’s vision as is apparent by their inaction on this issue despite numerous instances of voter fraud over several years in favor of Democrats.

This stuff is serious folks! Freedom itself is at stake when a mainstream political party is regularly getting away with illegally tampering with our elections. Remember to vote on November 4th. We need every vote we can in order to counter the thousands of Jane Does registered thousands of times by ACORN.

Additional Reading: ACORN Fraud during 2004 Ohio Election, ACORN FRAUD in 2006 Missouri Election, ACORN Workers Admit Fraud in April 2008, ACORN Fraud in Michigan, 2008, ,  ACORN Fraud in Ohio, 2008, ACORN Submits 7000 Fraudulent Voter Registrations in Indiana, 2008… the list keeps growing.

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