Posts Tagged ‘Media Bias’

Iran Dirty Bomb Plot Thwarted, days away from execution; No Media Coverage for 2 months and counting.

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 2:15 am

081011-iran-hijack You know that Country we know as “Iran” who’s government a certain Barrack Obama wants to dignify by meeting in direct high level talks without pre-conditions? Well, Iran was recently caught red handed trying to send a dirty bomb to Israel which could’ve killed MANY people. The only setback for Iran it seems, was the unknowing Somali Pirates who hijacked the ship en route to the Suez Canal.

When questioned about the contents of the ship, the Iranian Captain:

"was contacted by cell phone and demanded to disclose the actual nature of the mysterious “powdered cargo” but the captain and his officers were very evasive. Initially they said that the cargo contained “crude oil” but then claimed it contained “minerals.” Following this initial rebuff, the pirates broke open one of the containers and discovered it to be filled with packets of what they said was “a powdery fine sandy soil."

After boarding the ship, all of the pirates who inspected the cargo began to experience “strange illnesses” from symptoms consistent with radiation poisoning.

While US and Israeli Intelligence officials remain silent on this incident, Russian Intelligence says:

“[The Ship] was an enormous floating dirty bomb, intended to detonate after exiting the Suez Canal at the eastern end of the Mediterranean and in proximity to the coastal cities of Israel. The entire cargo of radioactive sand, obtained by Iran from China (the latter buys desperately needed oil from the former) and sealed in containers which, when the charges on the ship are set off after the crew took to the boats, will be blasted high into the air where prevailing winds will push the highly dangerous and radioactive cloud ashore.”

DirtyBomb The article also points out that for several months, Israel has been urging a Naval Blockade of Iran. It seems that the Pro-Obama media was too afraid to bring light to the story of Iran’s near attack on Israel which would’ve killed hundreds of thousands of people since it may remind the electorate of Obama’s pre-9/11 thinking in a post 9/11 world. This is coming in light of Biden’s recent gaff where he guaranteed that an Obama win in 2008 will all but guarantee an “international crisis" in order to test the new American President already viewed as weak by countries and terrorist organizations who wish us harm. Maybe it’s just me… but when Biden mentioned the "tests" against Kennedy, I was reminded that Kennedy royally screwed up the bay of pigs and consequently, enabled Russia to threaten us with near annihilation during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I’d rather elect a president who other nations won’t even try to mess with and not one who comes within a week of getting us all killed.

We also have to wonder if Iran, in carrying out such a major attack on Israel, would attempt a simultaneous attack on the United States since either attack would more than assure the obliteration of Iran. They might as well murder as many "infidels" as possible while they’re at it, right? This is a very dangerous world and we simply cannot take a chance with Barrack Obama especially since all indications suggest that he will pursue the type of foreign policy that failed to prevent the tragic events 9/11/01, a day whose lessons the liberals have chosen to forget. We can hope that the fact that Obama’s lead in the biased polls is lower than John Kerry’s (who still lost by over 1 million votes), still indicates a McCain victory but if Obama does become President, I greatly fear for the secure future of the United States and her allies.

Related Story Hat Tips: Directorblue, Free Republic, Prolife Blogs

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Same Media that won’t critique Obama is attacking ‘Joe the Plumber’

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 16th, 2008 at 2:43 pm

Apparently, "Joe The Plumber" doesn’t have a plumbing license. How do I know this? Because MSNBC says he doesn’t in this article.

Does it matter that Joe doesn’t have a license? Well, not really… since he actually works for someone that does has a license which is all that is legally required. But did that stop the MSM from presenting the headline as if it were some kind of "October Surprise" against… Joe the Plumber who isn’t running for president? Of course not!

This is coming from the same media that fails regularly to criticize Obama and his constant lies, gaffs, and associations. So while they won’t question a man running for the office of "leader of the free world," they will question Joe the Plumber and his ability to fix your water heater.

We couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried.

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NBC calls election for… Obama!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Like a 17-year-old kid having sex for the first time, NBC blows its load prematurely. Sorry for the crude sexual reference, but I am absolutely fed up with the liberal media. The sheer, unabashed lunatics that run the American media have made the election a mere formality, perhaps even hinting at the fact that voting on November 4th may be an inconvenience for the American electorate (that is you, my friends). Perhaps it will be an inconvenience to vote on November 4th. Who wants to wait around for hours just to cast a simple ballot? Our right to vote is just a perk. It is not like any men or women have died for this persistent, 4-year inconvenience. Not even Leonardo DiCaprio gives a anymore about this election.

Sarcasm aside, this rehearsal coronation for Barack Obama is reminiscent to another Democratic candidate who thought she won the Democratic nomination just by simply showing up. She won the electoral vote with 18 million votes, yet the media, and her beloved party, screwed her. Now, the media is trying to screw us. However, hell hath no fury, folks, so until then, do not believe the polls, do not believe the media, and definitely do not trust any pundits who work for NBC.

However, keep reading Scoop This.

Hat Tip: Say Anything Blog

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Gwen Ifill Did a Good Job

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, October 3rd, 2008 at 9:21 am

On Tuesday, Scoopthis reported that Gwen Ifill, who had possible conflicts of interest, would be moderating the Palin/Biden debate which aired last night. Let me first say that we were absolutely right to question her motives and objectivity since her book, about Barack Obama was set to go on sale on January 20th, 2009 which is inauguration day. If Obama was in fact elected, Ifill stood to gain financially from increased sales of her book. Scoopthis continues to assert that Ifill should’ve stepped down from moderating the debate in light of her conflict of interest.

Well, Ifill didn’t listen to us and did the debate anyway. Thankfully, she did a decent job and as far as this blogger could tell, kept her conflicts of interest and bias out of the debate. Once again, we were right to "worry" but it appears that what we "worried about" was not realized.

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Charlie Gibson needs Anger Management

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Friday, September 12th, 2008 at 12:12 am

Just watch Charlie Gibson as he questions Palin in his recent interview (videos at the bottom of article). His anger level rises every time he fails to nail her on a question. At some points, it seems like he can barely breathe.

He’s either in love with her or really really sad that she’s going to help McCain bring the Messiah back to his junior senate seat. Oh, and I hear the left thinks she was nailed on the G-d comments. Well, just like them to think there’s something wrong with talking about G-d at a church of all places.

The church of liberalism you see, is a monotheistic one and theirs is a truely angry god who couldn’t possibly tolerate the G-d of Abraham. Fortuneatly for the United States and its millions of soon to be offended believers in G-d, there aren’t as many people worshipping that golden donkey we call liberalism and drinking the kool-aid that comes from its teets as those on the left would believe.

But for the time being, let’s all just keep acting like "it really bothers us" that the left thinks this way. The longer we keep them focused on McCain’s number two and the longer we keep them thinking that they can fool the American Public by tying McCain, the "Maverick" and his female counterpart in that regard, to Bush, the more likely it becomes that this election will turn out on the "right" side of History. Once again, the American people will leave the left in the dust, wondering why they underestimated the intelligence of the American People.

Here’s the "G-d" Part. (How dare she ask congregants to pray that G-d guides our soldiers)

Here’s the "exact" quote of what Palin said to her church, not that it matters since there’s nothing wrong with G-d or "Praying." But ABC of course, wanted to make a point rather than just objectively report the news so they just used the part that fit their silly little bigoted anti-religion attack.

""Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan."

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Exposing Media Bias.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, August 10th, 2008 at 6:37 pm

When it comes to media bias in American politics, exposing that bias is like exposing your lawn is green (unless you live in New Jersey). Everyone knows that it is there, and the media still continues to do it. But recently, when it comes to extramarital affairs and allegations of an affair, the media will protect you… if you are a Democrat. Shocking, huh?

This past February, the New York Times alleged that Senator McCain had an affair with lobbyist Vicki Iseman during McCain’s first White House run 8 years ago. The New York Times cited “low-level” staff members “close” to McCain who had “knowledge” of the affair. Right. Both McCain and Iseman denied the affair, however, the idiots at the Huffington Post ran with the story. It’s safe to say that all liberal media outlets and blogs were quick to accept the allegations as true. Of course it has to be true - it was in the New York Times! However, the American people laughed off the New York Times report as sensationalist and dishonest.

Last October, while John Edwards was still running for President, the National Enquirer ran a story alleging Edwards was having an affair with Rielle Hunter. Edwards called the story “tabloid trash”. Edwards was given the benefit of the doubt, especially since news reports in the National Enquirer are perceived as Hollywood gossip. The writers and editors of the National Enquirer kept working the story and finally cornered Edwards visiting Hunter at the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.

However, after the National Enquirer story was posted, the media moved quickly to protect Edwards and the Democratic Party. The media did not report the story. Wikipedia closed Edwards page entry. The Los Angeles Times banned its bloggers from writing about the story. It took a Fox News report to at least give the National Enquirer story some sense of credibility.

Now, John Edwards is furious that ABC News released a news story BEFORE the Olympic Games opening ceremony started on Friday, saying that his confession was to be aired exclusively at 11:30pm on ABC’s Nightline, when no one would be watching. ABC News posted the story at 3:01pm. Drudge Report linked to the ABC News story at 3:02pm, and Scoop This posted a breaking news blog at 3:03pm. Scoop This believes that ABC News did this in order to keep the story away from Rush Limbaugh, whose radio show ends at 3:00pm, and his 20 million listeners. However, Todd Schnitt and Sean Hannity, both with millions of listeners, covered the story on their 3:00pm radio shows.

Exposing credible Democratic scandals and affairs has been left up to less-than-credible print media, while a Republican who has a friend that was a lobbyist 8 years ago leads to reports and allegations of an affair by prestigious newspaper outlets. And liberals bitch about Fox News being “fair and balanced”? Right.

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Media Continues Four Day Blackout on House Republican Energy Revolt

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 at 12:23 am

Several months ago, The House Republicans put fourth an “All of the Above” energy plan titled “The American Energy Act.” The bill sought to lower prices at the pump by vastly decreasing our dependence on foreign supplies of energy. Even though the bill included provisions for wind, solar, clean coal, nuclear, and alternative energy solutions in addition to drilling and polls show that an overwhelming majority of Americans support such measures, the Democratic leadership of the House has refused to allow debate or a vote on the bill. Instead, they chose on Friday to go on a five week recess while their constituents continue to suffer at the pump.

In response to Nancy Pelosi’s decision to adjourn congress without considering the act, House Republicans immediately and spontaneously ceased the floor and began demanding that congress not be adjourned until they voted on the American Energy Act. Pelosi responded with an order to shut off the lights, the microphones, and turned off the CSPAN cameras in the House Chambers.

Following the congressional adjournment, several Republican Congressmen continued, without microphones, to demand that the people’s voice be heard and a vote on the act occur. Bystanders began recording video on cell phones and posting them to which is still the only way to see footage of the revolt. The minutes became hours and as word spread, more Republican Congressmen began filtering back into the chambers to participate, having canceled their flights home. After ordering Pizza, they remained for another five hours before retiring to their Washington DC residences and not before vowing to return on Monday.

As I anxiously awaited the evening news, I was certain the revolt would be one of the top stories. But from my local news to the national network news, there was not a single mention of what house republicans were continuing to do even as the news networks went live! I then awaited the next morning’s paper and I was certain that the story would be on the front page. Alas, the story was not in the paper at all! Sunday morning - more of the same. Across the Internet, I’ve found token mention of the story most often in Newspaper blogs but I have yet to see the story mentioned during prime time or in an actual printed newspaper where the vast majority of American voters will notice it.

Then came Monday when the morning paper yielded no new surprises in their lack of willingness to cover the story.  Despite their lack of media attention, the GOP Congressmen not only returned to the floor, they held a press conference and they vowed to stay through the week, if not the entire recess! Despite this, there was little if any mention of it in the national newspapers, the 24/7 television news networks, or the major network evening news. Below is today’s press conference, split into 3 parts:

When and if the media finally does decide to start giving this story the attention it deserves, I wonder what the headline will look like. Maybe It’ll begin with something like “Two weeks ago…”

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