In light of Obama’s recent ad attacking McCain for not using the daily spam receptacle we call email (largely due to POW injuries preventing him from using a keyboard), Scoopthis feels that it is time to put things into perspective. Today, we take a look at Obama’s stance and intentions on three important issues all of which are far more relevant to the presidency than being able to get the latest scam letter from Nigeria: The War, The Economy, and fighting corruption.
On the war:
Some say that Obama’s downfall began with his trip overseas as a “citizen of the world” and as the presumptive President of the United States of America. The people saying this really have no idea of the “October Surprise” in store for Obama as a result of that trip nor the extent to which he has yet to fall.
It has been brought to the attention of Scoopthis that during Obama’s trip to Iraq, he begged the Iraqi leaders to delay negotiations for troop withdrawal in light of the fact that there would, 6 months later, be a “new administration.”
According to an article in the New York Post yesterday, Iraq’s foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari had this to say about Obama’s visit to Iraq:
“[Obama] asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington.”
In this case, Obama wanted credit for any troop withdrawals since that was his campaign promise. It simply wouldn’t do for George Bush to beat him to the punch, merely based upon the realities on the ground of political consolidation and security successes brought by the troop surge, which Obama was of course, against. What’s more is that Obama’s attempt at representing the United States to a foreign country is illegal. Ah, but we know that democrats get a pass when they break the law… just ask Charlie Rangle, William Jefferson, or Nancy Pelosi. But I digress away from the real point which is Obama’s desire to run a war based upon politics rather than strategy or the best interests of our military.
Comparatively, on the recommendations of his commanders as well as the desires of the rapidly politically consolidating leadership of Iraq, and not career motivated politicians, Bush ordered the very withdrawals that Obama wanted delayed. It is even believed that due to successes, a time table for total withdrawal, due to victory, could occur even before Obama’s flip/flop suggestion that troops would remain to the end of his first administration. Unlike Obama, Bush has always advocated for the best interests of his country as he saw them, regardless of the political consequences.
This issue is but a scratch on the surface of the political expediency that will govern an Obama Administration’s foreign policy.
UPDATE 09/18/2008
Scoopthis has just confirmed that Barak Obama made the following statement to the New York Times prior his trip to Iraq which confirmed his intent to talk about delaying negotiations between the US an Iraq:
“My concern is that the Bush administration, in a weakened state politically, ends up trying to rush an agreement that in some ways might be binding to the next adminsitration, whether it’s my administration or Senator McCain’s administration. The foreign minister agreed that the next administration should not be bound by an agreement that’s currently made.”
Ironically, the above quote was brought to our attention by one of our more liberal posters who was attempting to somehow defend Obama’s actions.
Perhaps even more damning, is Obama Spokeswoman Wendy Morgi’s response to the allegations in this . While attempting to deny the charges, and I quote:
“In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a “Strategic Framework Agreement” governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office.”
What a denial that was!
Scoopthis believes that Obama should add “Breaking the Law” by Judas Priest to his I-POD short list. I sincerely hope that the McCain camp milks this scandal until it’s dry. We could use a landslide.
On the Economy
To examine how Obama might govern the economy, we need look no further than the people he’s currently relying on for economic advice and some of the characters contributing to his campaign. Let’s take a look at his funding sources and advisors, shall we?
Consider this: while Obama blames George W Bush for the economic crisis, he ranks second, behind Hillary Clinton, in campaign contributions from the now bankrupt Lehman Brothers.
Or how about two of his key economic advisers being former CEOs of the now failed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? If the fact that he’s relying on advice from two of the most corrupt and failed CEOs in American history doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will.
Do I even need to mention that the Glass-Steagle Act, which was designed to prevent the very banking collapses occuring today, was repealed in 1999 by none other than President Bill Clinton? Ah, but that would be suggesting that a Democrat and not Bush, was responsible for all of this rampant deregulation we keep hearing Obama talking about. But even if the left won’t acknowledge that the democrats were responsible for this mortgage crises, their buddies at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and now, Lehman brothers knew which party to thank via campaign contributions, for their reaping/raping the benefits of deregulation at the expense of taxpayers.
From campaign contributions, to these failed and now government rescued companies, to Obama’s economic advisers, it kind of shed’s light on why McCain and not Obama, is the one calling for these investment firms to be investigated. Which brings us to our next point…
On Corruption and Integrity
Let’s start with pork, shall we? Direct from a weekly standard blog, a list of Obama’s record on pork-barrel spending:
Against three amendments to kill three pork-barrel projects and redirect the money to housing for victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Against an amendment to shift transportation funds from bike paths and to structurally deficient bridges.
Against an amendment to cut the $100 million taxpayer subsidy for the 2008 party political conventions.
Against an amendment to express the sense of the Senate that there is a moral obligation to offset the cost of new spending.
Against an amendment to shift unspent Department of Agriculture funds to farm assistance.
Against an amendment to kill the Advanced Technology Program — regarded by many as a classic example of corporate welfare.
Failed to vote on an amendment to kill John Murtha’s pork-barrel NDIC and spend the money on counter-drug intelligence.
Failed to vote on an amendment to prioritize Sacramento flood protection over more sand for San Diego beaches.
Failed to vote on an amendment to prioritize UN assistance for life-saving programs over those demonstrated to be corrupt.
Against an amendment to cut 6 out of 600 earmarks from an appropriations bill, and use the $1.6 million in savings to increase funding for solving civil rights crimes.
Against an amendment to eliminate all pork-barrel projects until Congress provides health care for all American children.
Against an amendment to express the sense of the Senate that the cost of new spending should be offset.
Against an amendment to require Congress to re-assess the America Competes Act after four years.
(Right Back At You, Obama)
In fact, in 2007, Obama had a score from the Council Against Government waste of a mere “10%” attributing to the fact that he voted for 90% of the pork laden measures introduced in 2007. By Comparison, John McCain scored 100% which means he didn’t vote for a single pork laden measure in 2007! Astounding, isn’t it? “The Candidate of ‘Change’ indeed, if by ‘change’ you mean more government corruption and waste!
And this is without even getting into Tony Rezco, Obama’s resume/experience lies, or his ties to the terrorist Bill Ayers. Again, we’re merely scratching the surface here.
So while Obama claims that he will “change Washington” and insists on running “against Bush” even though Bush isn’t running, those who are paying close attention to the world of reality know that despite his skill at using an IPOD, Obama is a corrupt liberal who’s record reflects incompetence, inexperience, and an outright lack of understanding on the matters of leadership and running a multi-trillion dollar federal government operation.