Posts Tagged ‘liberals’

Michelle Malkin on the “My President is Black” controversy.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 7:41 pm

This story has really blown up.

I thought that Young Jeezy saying he was glad shoes were thrown at President Bush would be a big controversy, but many people are offended by the “N” word, as well as the rude and outlandish behavior exhibited by Jay Z and Young Jeezy.

The Huffington Post totally missed the entire point of the outrage and freely called all Conservatives “racists”. They do not fact check at that website.

Many people, especially Blacks, are offended by the actions and words of Jay Z and Young Jeezy. As a fan of Jay Z myself, I thought he was more mature than going on a rant against President Bush. I listened to conservative talk radio today and many Blacks called into Limbaugh, Hannity, and Schnitt today expressing their disgust at Jay Z and Young Jeezy.

Hopefully, President Obama denounces Jay Z and Young Jeezy, but I doubt that happens.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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I whore for the right, too.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 10:38 am

Some idiot at the Huffington Post writes:

Michelle Malkin Doesn’t Care About Black People

To mark the day, Michelle Malkin kept a whimsical inauguration cliché count, supposedly monitoring utterances of the “First black president in American history” and “We are witnessing history.”

Michelle didn’t hide her contempt for all this attention being paid to Obama or for the credit he’s getting for being our first black president. She also made space on her blog to point out that no one in the media was covering how Obama inauguration celebrant Jay-Z often uses the word “nigga.” Then she uploaded a video on her site to prove it and sniffed, “And you wonder why some of us don’t believe MLK’s dream has been completely fulfilled …”

Now, many of you may be wondering why someone who is of Asian decent would be so antagonistic toward Obama and his background. And while Michelle may be a whore for the far-right — and she is certainly being a good one by discounting this momentous event — it still gives us pause. While most whores love to bring joy to people, it seems this one only seeks to spread hate.

No, I do not link to the Huffington Post. Their entire website is comprised of true hatemongers. The same is true of Daily Kos.

Anyways, who says that all conservatives have to be “white”? That is what the “writer” of this article is implying.

Who cares if Barack Obama is black? Or half-black and half-white? What will matter in the end will be President Obama’s policies, and so far, he has made mostly liberal and Socialist decisions.

As a Conservative (and a Puerto Rican, if people are Huffington Post are wondering about my nationality), President Obama’s liberal and Socialist policies worry me.

To my fellow Scoop This bloggers, are you guys and gals whores as well?

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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President Bush mocked at Inauguration.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 1:23 pm


The Hill reported:

The crowd packed on the west side of the Capitol grounds serenaded President Bush in mocking fashion when he took to the inaugural stage alongside Vice President Dick Cheney.

“Nah nah nah nah, hey hey, good-bye,” a section of the crowd chanted.

The crowd packed immediately below the podium received Bush in stony silence when he took his seat on the stage surrounding the podium where Barack Obama was scheduled to take the oath office to become the 44th president of the United States.

The jeers are among the final public feedback Bush will receive as president.

First Lady Laura Bush and Lynne Cheney received light applause when they were announced to the crowd.

Bush is scheduled to depart from the East Front of the Capitol by helicopter after the swearing-in ceremony.

Obama received the loudest sustained cheers from thousands who chanted his name.

Liberals, I am being nice today.

Tomorrow, and for the next four years, I can promise eternal hostility against liberalism and against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

UPDATE 1: Here is the video.


Another video.

Yeah, we are united.

The LEFT and the RIGHT are going to verbal war for the next four years.

AllahPundit at Hot Air writes: How classless is this? Even Chris Matthews is embarrassed.

I doubt Matthews has the ability to feel any type of shame.

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Obama naysayers speak out: No O-kumbaya!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, January 18th, 2009 at 10:50 am

With Barack Obama’s approval ratings in the 70s and his visage plastered on every shop window and Metro card in Washington, it’s hard to remember that 58 million Americans voted for the other guy.

Even President Bush — who presumably counts himself among that group — said last week that Obama’s inauguration is “a moment of hope and pride.”

That’s not exactly how Michelle Malkin describes it.

“Jan. 20 has turned into a schlock inauguration, (where) every last moocher has come to cash in on Obama,” says the conservative blogger and pundit. “There are some of us who want to bang our heads against the wall.”

While most Republicans now in office are saying all the right things about Tuesday’s proceedings — roll tape on “peaceful transfer of power” and “historic moment for the country” sound bites — some conservatives can’t quite get themselves in the “We Are One” mood.

Not even for a day.

On his radio show last week, Rush Limbaugh railed against “people on our side of the aisle who have caved and who say, ‘Well, I hope he succeeds. We have to give him a chance.’”

“Why?” Limbaugh demanded. “They didn’t give Bush a chance in 2000. Before he was inaugurated, the search-and-destroy mission had begun. I’m not talking about search-and-destroy, but I’ve been listening to Barack Obama for a year and a half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don’t want them to succeed.”

Every television channel, including HBO, is going to have wall-to-wall coverage of the inauguration. The coverage will be saturated with music and movie stars getting their “me” time and nauseating the masses with their bullcrap of faux peace and love well-wishes. And yes, the historical aspect is good, but I am over that. I do not care about Obama’s skin color. I care about exposing Obama’s Socialist policies that he has so deceptively wrapped up as “hope and change”.

While I do not care for Barack Obama’s upcoming policies, I do care about Barack Obama the man. He is a husband and father. He will be the President of the United States on Tuesday. I am disgusted by all of the assassination attempts and plots that have been formulated in the past few months. Scoop This has reported each one (here, here, here, here, and here).

Really, do you want Joe Biden to be the President?

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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Chris Matthews does not believe in freedom.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, January 16th, 2009 at 9:50 am

Well, liberals in general do not believe in freedom.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: The scary thing about the last eight years is that George Bush, whatever you think of him, came to office pretty much tabula rasa in terms of philosophy. He didn’t have much. He was a rich kid driving his father’s car. He got to be President because of his father, let’s face it, the same way he got into school and everything else, the same way he got his car probably. But the scary thing about Bush is somewhere he came to meet people like Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby and Paul Wolfowitz and Feith and the rest of them. They had this ideology that he bought in to, this ideology that somehow the United States in waging war and taking over countries somehow was fighting for freedom, and somehow in doing so we would encourage a moderation in the Arab world. Well, history would have taught him, and I know he just put down history by quoting Jefferson which was unfair to Jefferson, history would have told him that in the Arab world, it’s the Arab street, it’s the regular people out there, the vast population in numbers, who oppose the state of Israel, who have always been radicalized. It’s been the leaders that you could deal with, the potentates, the kings we set up over there, the British did, the people that were propped up with oil wealth. We could deal with those people, but the minute the street had a hand in the politics over there, it was radical.

He decided he’s going to start listening to the intellectuals, so he said this Paul Wolfowitz is such a smart guy, let’s go with this neo-conservative idea, let’s go into Iraq. He listened to Dick Cheney, he listened to the rest of them. And, all of a sudden, he became this new scholar of freedom, and he’s going to spend the rest of his life selling this stuff. This stuff cost the lives of 100,000 Iraqis, it cost the lives of 4,000 U.S. service people, and we don’t know what’s coming around the corner in Iraq. The Brits took over that part of the world and turned it into a series of monarchies. We’ve taken over and we supply it with our ideology. Well, we’ll see if it lasts because, in the end, the Arabs are going to have their own culture, their own politics, and down the road, we’re going to have to make peace with the elements we can find to make peace with.

The idea that we have some brand new neo-conservative ideology of freedom that’s going to bring peace over in that part of the world is not true, and he’s still selling it, and that’s the tragedy of the last eight years. He’s learned the wrong lessons, and he’s out there selling them again tonight.

Chris Matthews list the Iraqi and American dead, yet fails to mention the millions of lives lost in Saddam Hussein’s personal genocide of the Iraqi people.

Chris Matthews actually believes that Saddam Hussein and other dictators should have free reign to rule and should not be disposed of and defeated.

The scary thing about Chris Matthews is that 53% of the country agrees with him.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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Associated Press disses President Bush one last time.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, January 16th, 2009 at 6:14 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — In his farewell address to the nation, President George W. Bush is acknowledging that many of his decisions are unpopular with the American people. But he says there can be no debate about the results.

Indeed, a text of the speech comes with a laundry list of what Bush says are successes.

In the text, released by the White House in advance of the address Thursday night, the president says Afghanistan and Iraq have changed for the better.

Bush credits his administration for improving public schools, creating a new Medicare prescription drug benefit and finding more money for veterans.

What about the bad economy? Bush says his team took decisive measures to safeguard it.

The bottom line, Bush says, is there have been good days and tough days during his term.

On that, even his critics would agree.

(I just corrected two misspelled words in the Associated Press article. And these liberal idiots are considered “professional journalists”?)

President Bush made many socialist decisions to “safeguard” the economy.

Why are liberals complaining? Liberals should love President Bush when it comes to the economy.

Well, what goes around, comes around, and when President-elect Obama takes office, it will be my turn to disrespect Obama and give him an EPIC FAIL every time he screws up.

I cannot wait to be called a “racist”, too! (Will liberals dare call me, a Puerto Rican, a “minority”, a racist?)

Let us grade President Bush’s tenure:

Response after 9/11/01: A+

Afghanistan: B+ (The job is not done, yet. Victory is within our grasp, though.)

Iraq: B+ (Again, the job is not done, but victory is within our grasp. Our brave military will have to mop-up the terrorist bastards that are still hiding.)

Al Qaeda: B+ (They are still out there, however, they have been severely cut off from the outside world.)

Osama bin Laden: Grade pending. President Bush still has a few more days to find him and kill him.

AIDS in Africa: A+. Not even liberals can spin this as a “failure”.

Pro-Life: A+. Abortions have dropped during the past 8 years.

Economy: D-. President Bush inherited President Clinton’s recession, 9/11 and Enron screwed the economy, President Bush then cut taxes, the economy rebounded and the Dow Jones index went past 14,000 points. The economy tanked in September of 2008, especially with Bear Stearns becoming worthless, and John McCain lost the presidency due to the economy. More and more banks lost money, the auto manufacturers lost money, more businesses spanning several different sectors went out of business, Bernard Madoff ripped off the world (including his own sister) of $50 billion dollars, and now the nation is facing 7.2% unemployment.

Final Grade: B-

Those are the only issues I really care about.

Oh, wait. One more issue.

Pissing of liberals: A+++


Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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CNN insists Gaza video is genuine.

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, January 10th, 2009 at 2:59 am

Remember when the conservative blogosphere caught pro-Hamas doctors faking a civilian death?


(CNN) — There’s no truth to accusations by bloggers that a Palestinian camera crew staged a video showing the death of the videographer’s brother after an Israeli rocket attack, said the team’s employer.

Really, no truth?

Let’s look at the video again.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air writes:

* Take a look at the blood on the operating table. For penetrating wounds, there is almost no blood, and what little there is looks washed out — almost orange. The body should have been covered in blood, and much more than that should have transferred to the sheets, especially if someone was giving CPR.

* The video alleges that the Israelis used a missile from an unmanned drone to attack the rooftop, but look carefully at that roof. A missile hitting that roof would have left much more than a six-inch-diameter impact crater, even if it didn’t explode.

* Also, the plastic chair is sitting normally in the blast zone, and the clothes remain on the clothesline in the background. A missile blast that killed two boys on that roof would have done much more extensive damage.

CNN removed the video from its website, but now it is back, without the ability to embed, of course.

Also, CNN cites World News & Features as a reputable news website for “news from Gaza”. CNN is just grabbing at straws with that lame claim.

CNN, in their efforts to contribute to liberals anti-Semitic fervor, are now caught up in a huge lie! CNN has now lost all journalistic integrity and all of their future news stories should be considered suspect.

Conservative bloggers, once again, destroy the credibility of the liberal media.

Hat Tips: Confederate Yankee, Hot Air, Little Green Footballs, and InstaPundit

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Riots in Oakland!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 4:33 pm

Train Station Shooting

So, an unarmed black man, Oscar Grant, was shot and killed by police.

A black mob responds by rioting and destroying black-owned and other minority-owned business storefronts and other property.



A protest over the fatal shooting by a BART police officer of an unarmed black man mushroomed into several hours of violence Wednesday night as demonstrators smashed storefronts and cars, set several cars ablaze and blocked streets in downtown Oakland.

The roving mob expressed fury at police and frustration over society’s racial injustice. Yet the demonstrators were often indiscriminate, frequently targeting the businesses and prized possessions of people of color.

They smashed a hair salon, a pharmacy and several restaurants. Police in riot gear tried to control the crowd, but some people retreated along 14th Street and bashed cars along the way.

The mob smashed the windows at Creative African Braids on 14th Street, and a woman walked out of the shop holding a baby in her arms.

“This is our business,” shouted Leemu Topka, the black owner of the salon she started four years ago. “This is our shop. This is what you call a protest?”

Wednesday night’s vandalism victims had nothing to do with the shooting death by a BART police officer of Oscar Grant on New Year’s Day - but that did little to sway the mob.

“I feel like the night is going great,” said Nia Sykes, 24, of San Francisco, one of the demonstrators. “I feel like Oakland should make some noise. This is how we need to fight back. It’s for the murder of a black male.”

Sykes, who is black, had little sympathy for the owner of Creative African Braids.

“She should be glad she just lost her business and not her life,” Sykes said. She added that she did have one worry for the night: “I just hope nobody gets shot or killed.”

Near 14th and Alice streets, Myron Bell was taking dance lessons in “step,” a form of dance popular among African Americans, when he looked out the window and saw people jumping on his Lexus sedan.

Bell, 42, came out to find that almost all of the car’s windows, including the front and back had been smashed and it appeared that someone had tried to set the car on fire.

“I’m for the cause,” said Bell, who is black. “But I’m against the violence and destruction.”

Nearby, Godhuli Bose stood near her smashed Toyota Corolla as a man walked by, repeatedly called her a misogynist slur and then added, “F- your car.”

Bose, a high school teacher, said: “I can’t afford this.”

Some in the mob wore masks over their faces as they yelled at police. Roughly a dozen stood just a few feet away from police as they screamed at them. Chants included “pigs go home,” “the fascist police, no justice, no peace” and “we are all Oscar Grant.”

Mandingo Hayes, who is black, said he participated in the protest because “we’re tired of all these police agencies getting away with shooting unarmed black and Latino males.”

The core group of the mob appeared to be about 40 people, several of whom were with Revolution Books, a Berkeley bookstore. A man distributed the “Revolution” newspaper - whose tagline is “voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A.” - as he shouted “This whole damn system is guilty!”

Soo Jung Sung, an Asian American, didn’t understand why she was to blame. She wept as she looked at the shattered front windshield of her Nissan Montero.

“Emotionally, I totally understand them,” she said of the upset over Grant’s shooting. “But it’s not nice.”

So, the mob is a liberal communist group.

Yup. Liberals are peaceful.

UPDATE 1: Here is dramatic video of the officer shooting and killing Oscar Grant.

Carlos reports that the officer may have been reaching for his taser instead of his gun.

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Conservative bloggers break the news!

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 at 8:32 am

Michelle Malkin posted a blog a few days ago detailing the extensive efforts conservative bloggers have made during the past year alone. These efforts include breaking news stories as well as original reporting including digging up dirt on Barack Obama and his mysterious cohorts. These conservative bloggers report the news that the liberal media does not have the cojones to mention.

Also, Michelle Malkin states that some conservative bloggers do not get recognition by the mainstream media when they uncover a story that will make headline, front-page story news. Most of the time, the legitimate reports posted by conservative bloggers are ignored.

I personally have been accused by our liberal readers that I just steal content from other conservative websites. Scoop This is still in its infancy, but there are many blogs posted within this website containing original reporting. Most of the time, it is just me posting on the website, and the website may not be updated for days at a time. I am only human and I have physical ailments, and the other editors of Scoop This have lives outside of this website, so we may not always get the “scoop”.

However, there are times when this website has been first with the news. Scoop This was the first website to report that O.J. Simpson was convicted on all counts on October 4th. I happened to have been watching ESPN on television, and they broke into late-night coverage of the trial. I would argue that Scoop This was the first website in the world with that story. I am also sure that Scoop This has had other breaking news stories just as fast as other websites.

There are many other stories that other websites break and I have the incredible luck of being the first to read their content, then posting it on Scoop This. However, I have always given a Hat Tip and recognized the website from which I found the story.

If any website or blogger should be accused of stealing original content, it should be The Huffington Post.

Anyways, Scoop This stories have been featured on radio shows, national websites, and other websites have track backed to our posts. Scoop This has tens of thousands of original views every month and we are barely six months old (when considering the re-launch of this website, of course).

Conservative bloggers across the entire internet are united in advancing the conservative platform and making sure that the liberal media are constantly harassed when they report utter bullshit, as well as are keeping an eagle eye on the corruption perpetrated by liberal politicians. Scoop This will continue to join the fight with our conservative brothers and sisters who have been fighting for the past few years, and their entire lives, in the pursuit of conservatism, freedom, and justice.

Scoop This reinforcements have arrived, Mrs. Malkin.

Hat Tip: InstaPundit

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Who hates America?

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008 at 11:14 am

According to 43-year-old Tommy: Dictators, Terrorists and Communists!

That’s who.


The liberal main stream media lies? And their polls are skewed? Shocking.

Tommy’s description of poverty in Communism is spot-on. If you were lucky enough, you had the privilege to stand in food lines, bread lines, and gasoline lines, which were commonplace in Europe’s eastern bloc of nations. 50% unemployment was rampant. Zero health care. Thanks, USSR. Tommy also describes that this same dire situation is occurring in North Korea. (And let’s not forget Cuba and Venezuela, among many others.) Tommy is correct by stating that dictators use starvation as a means of population control.

I remember reading a story about Communism in my elementary history textbook, and I saw a picture of a woman staring at eggs she could not afford. Before Ronald Reagan freed Europe from Communism’s death grip, people could not afford to buy a single egg! Americans can purchase three dozen eggs at Wal-Mart for $1.69! Or, if you hate Wal-Mart, you can go to another supermarket and purchase those same eggs for $1.00 more. Save me from Wal-Mart’s low prices, liberals!

I also agree with Tommy’s view that our military provides security for all Americans and for our friends around the world. We need each other. Why? Well, terrorists hate us and our friends because we love, fight for, and die for freedom. Terrorists hate us because we vote, and sometimes we vote for women! Terrorists hate us because we do not adhere to a strict religious or political ideology. We have the freedom to change our minds.

Yes, Tommy, America does stand for what is good in this world.

I love how Tommy ends the video: “WAKE THE FUCK UP!”

“And Merry Christmas.”

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