CAIR sponsors Islam Buses.
Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, January 18th, 2009 at 9:50 amCAIR (The Council of American-Islamic Relations) has paid the counties of Broward and Miami-Dade in Florida $60,000 to place inflammatory advertising on public city buses that read:
Islam: The Way of Life of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
Click Here for a larger view of the bus.
Campaign to debunk fallacies about Islam in full swing: A two-county advertising campaign asks those who have questions about Islam to call a toll-free number. The aim is to educate.
City buses in Broward and Miami-Dade counties have been advertising information on a religious topic that some people have found surprising — Islam.
The advertisement reads ”Islam: Got Questions? Get answers,” and gives this telephone phone number: 1-888-ISLAM-55. It is an effort to educate Americans about a faith that has been villainized in the media, said Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, a physician from Chicago who is director of the effort.
Well, if this advertising is a call to “educate”, then CAIR should know that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus did not practice Islam.
Also, radical Muslims in Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups have villianized Islam, not the media.
UPDATE 1: Scoop This first reported this story on January 8th.
The Jawa Report has picked up on it, so the story will now garner much more attention (since the Jawas have about a billion readers.)
Filed Under: Crime, News & Politics, Science
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