Obama’s new attack ad: “Seven”
Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, August 21st, 2008 at 1:59 pmWhile interviewing with Politico, John McCain forgot that he and his wife Cindy own seven houses. The LEFT has decided to use McCain’s answer as an attack ad, painting McCain as someone with an “outlandishly rich lifestyle.” Tim Kaine, possible Vice Presidential nominee, chided McCain and said, “He couldn’t count high enough.”
What the LEFT fails to mention is that most of the property McCain and his wife Cindy own is investment property. Once again, Democrats distort the truth for political expediency. But, if we are going to talk about housing, let’s focus on Barack Obama’s half-brother, George Obama, who lives on $1 a month and lives in a small hut. While Barack Obama ignores his brother’s plight (since they barely speak), Obama recorded $4 million in book sales, spent a week in Hawaii on a private beach, and purchased his million-dollar mansion with the help of convicted slum-lord, Tony Rezko.
When will Democrats stop crying about people that work hard and make money? Democrats are hypocrites. Many rich Democrats have the same lifestyle as rich Republicans! The wealth both sides argue about is the same wealth that has been accumulated through a lifetime of hard work. Are Democrats demonizing the American dream?
UPDATE 1: Hot Air has all of the details regarding the RNC’s release of the Tony Rezko memo! Hopefully, the RNC or McCain campaign releases an ad highlighting Obama’s friendship and business dealings with Tony Rezko
UPDATE 3: Here is a of Obama using condescending, playground, cry-baby language when describing McCain’s success.
UPDATE 4: Politico.com is reporting that McCain does NOT own any property. However, Cindy McCain and her children own 8 properties.
UDPATE 5: Ed Morrisey at Hot Air is suspecting that John and Cindy have a pre-nuptial agreement that separates their finances. Cindy McCain has investment properties in her name only. Again, the 8 properties in the McCain family solely belong to Cindy McCain and her children.
Filed Under: News & Politics
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