Posts Tagged ‘election’

McCain camp is watching Pennsylvania, Florida, and the West.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 5:57 pm

Not to be outdone, the McCain camp is watching North Carolina and Virginia, too.

First Read

McCain-RNC political director Mike DuHaime gave a peek into what the campaign will be watching tonight.

In Pennsylvania, he will be watching the Democratic margin in Philadelphia, he told NBC’s Chuck Todd on MSNBC today. Kerry won the city by about 412,000 votes. DuHaime said he’ll be watching to see if Obama gets to a 500,000 margin, as Democrats hope. If he doesn’t, he thinks it could be a good sign for McCain camp and may signify a long night of counting the vote in the Keystone State.

He’s also watching the margins in the Eastern Pennsylvania Philadelphia suburbs, where Democrats hope to do better than Kerry’s margins.

Kerry got the third most votes out of any county from Montgomery, northwest of Philadelphia.

DuHaime said the campaign expects to do well in rural counties. It will be interesting to see if McCain can beat Bush’s margins in the so-called T and if he shrinks margins in or flip Western PA counties won by Kerry, like Fayette, Beaver and Washington.

McCain’s team will also be watching Florida and Virginia on the East Coast and Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada in the West, DuHaime said.

Duhaime stressed that 8% of the vote came out of the Republican stronghold of the Central Time Zone Panhandle. And they’ll be watching the swing counties around Tampa as well as the margins in the I-4 corridor.

John McCain must win the following 3 of 4 states to have a legitimate shot at winning the entire election.

These states are: Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia.

President Bush won all four states in 2004.

If Indiana trends towards and votes for Barack Obama, then that will be a bad omen for John McCain. However, President Bush did win Indiana in 2004 and 2000.

Vote! Vote! Vote!

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The McCain camp is very optimistic!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 6:36 am

When you look at what’s happened in the polls in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida- They believe that they’ve strengthened. Essentially, the conservative districts in those states are now secured. That they still have a little bit of work to do particularly in the much vaunted GOP ground game; knocking on doors, making phone calls, lots of emails to shore them up entirely. But, most of the Red States they think they’re now safe in… In places like Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri expect a late night. No quick calls tomorrow.

Will the Conservative “Silent Majority” raise their voices high and make their presence felt?

Or will we sell out America to Socialism?

Hey, at least you get free coffee. Is that socialist?

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Starbucks offers free coffee on Election Day.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 5:49 am

If you vote on November 4th, Starbucks will give you a free cup of coffee!

Since I have friends that work at my local Starbucks, I am going to get a free frappacino.

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Dixville Notch and Hart’s Location vote…

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 2:55 am reports that the town of Dixville Notch voted 15 to 6 in favor of Barack Obama.

Also, the town of Hart’s Location voted 17 to 10 in favor of Barack Obama.

Is this the start of Barack Obama’s landslide victory?

Or will John McCain give Obama the ultimate middle finger by winning the election?

Hat Tip: Hot Air and Michelle Malkin

UPDATE 1: CNN has started the “landslide” biased media coverage.

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McCain sues to make sure that the military vote counts!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 12:40 am

RICHMOND, Va. — Republican John McCain’s presidential campaign sued the Virginia election board Monday, claiming absentee ballots weren’t mailed on time to military members serving overseas.

The complaint asks the U.S. District Court in Richmond to order the state to count absentee ballots postmarked by Tuesday and received by Nov. 14. It contends that thousands of troops’ ballots — many of which would go to McCain — will not be counted.

The deadline for ballots to be received is 7 p.m. Election Day, which is Tuesday.

The lawsuit is the second in a week to challenge preparations for the presidential election in Virginia, where Barack Obama hopes to become the first Democrat since 1964 to win the state’s 13 electoral votes. Polls over the past week show him about even with or slightly ahead of McCain.

More than 436,000 new Virginia voters have registered since Jan. 1, and about 500,000 people — a tenth of the state’s electorate— have cast absentee ballots.

The NAACP sued the state last week, alleging it allotted too few voting machines for the enormous number of voters in majority black precincts expected to be drawn by the prospect of electing Obama as the first black president.

U.S. District Judge Richard L. Williams on Monday declined to order longer voting hours and other changes requested by the NAACP. He did order the elections board to publicize the availability of curbside voting for older or disabled voters and the fact that people in line by 7 p.m. will be allowed to vote.

A hearing on McCain’s lawsuit is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday before Williams.

That lawsuit alleges that ballots for overseas military voters were mailed too late to ensure they are returned by the deadline. Defendants are the chairwoman, vice chairman and executive secretary of the state elections board.

A 1986 federal law requires ballots to be mailed to military voters in foreign countries at least 45 days before the election, which this year would have been Sept. 20. The lawsuit alleges the state didn’t have the ballots printed and sent to local officials by then, meaning they may not have been mailed overseas until October.

Ashley L. Taylor Jr., an attorney for McCain, said tens of thousands of oversees military absentee ballots could be voided unless the deadline is extended.

“The last thing you want is to have a service member in Afghanistan or Iraq who received his ballot too late not being able to vote in this election,” Taylor said.

Board Chairwoman Jean Cunningham said late Monday afternoon the board had not seen the lawsuit and could not comment.

Scoop This reader, Staff Sergeant Jim H. writes:

Military members, if you did not receive your ballot in time for it to be sent back in time to be counted, contact your Voting Assistance Officer. This can be more ammunition in Senator McCain’s lawsuit to allow your vote to count.

Just like Gore and Kerry, Obama will try to block your vote, because they all know that the military supports Republican candidates much more than Democrats.

Scoop This will do its part in monitoring all of the election coverage and we will make sure that every vote is counted!

Remember Conservatives… Vote! Vote! Vote!

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Air Force Airman’s thoughts on the election.

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 at 3:27 am

My friend, Staff Sergeant Jim H., writes into Scoop This with his thoughts on the election.

I have 1 year and 4 months left on my enlistment. I love my job, I love flying, I love fighting the war and doing what I do best. I love the Air Force, I love my life the way it is. However, I really do not want to serve under another Democrat. I served under President Clinton. That was the worst part of my service, the worst pay, and the worst feeling about my career and job. Although I do not agree with everything President Bush has done, he is by far a much better President than that asshole, President Clinton.

Barack Hussein Obama is a Socialist. Plain and simple. Socialism is the bastard economic brother of Communism. We’ve been fighting for decades to put Communism to rest, and yet, with some pretty words and eloquent speeches, America is enamored with an untested Socialist who has voted against the troops, against American interests, and is friends with freaking terrorists, for God’s sake! He’s a radical with ideas that have been proven to fail, he supports abortion and supports letting babies die through infanticide. He is connected to so many criminals, radicals and terrorists, I can’t even count. He WILL take your guns (for your own good, he says), he will tax the shit out of you (again for your own good), and he will sell out American pride and sovereignty in order to appease terrorists, Communists, and Socialists.

Don’t believe me? I don’t blame you. You’ve only been shown what Barack Hussein Obama wants you to see because the media is in his pocket. And that’s not me just making an assumption, its been proven by the media, they did a study and found that there were more than two times the number of negative ads against McCain than Obama, and all the bad things against Obama have been swept under the rug. Hell, the guy won’t even release his birth certificate!.

I want to stay military, I have a great job, I don’t mind going to the desert, or anywhere else for my country, but I really can’t see myself re-enlisting under Obama.



Staff Sergeant Jim H.

It is no wonder that American military members prefer a McCain Administration over an Obama Administration 3 to 1.

Remember, when you vote on November 4th, a vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin is a vote for our military.

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McCain 49% - Obama 45% in Florida! (Early Voting)

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 30th, 2008 at 7:25 pm

Florida Today

TALLAHASSEE — Governor Charlie Crist is taking heat from fellow Republicans for a last-minute decision to extend early voting in Florida, but any Democratic advantage might not be as overwhelming as conventional wisdom suggests.

Democrats are beaming that their party is outperforming the Republicans in early voting, releasing numbers Wednesday that show registrants of their party ahead 54 percent to 30 percent among the 1.4 million voters who have gone to the polls early.

“We’re thrilled at the record turnout so far,” said Democratic Party of Florida spokesman Eric Jotkoff. “It’s a clear indication that Democrats want to elect Barack Obama and Democrats up and down the ballot so that we can start creating good jobs, rebuilding our economy and getting our nation back on track.”

But party breakdowns for turnout aren’t the same as final tallies, and at least one poll offered a different view for the campaign of Republican John McCain.

A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll gave McCain a 49-45 lead over Democrat Barack Obama among Floridians who have already voted.

And Republicans continued to show a traditional strength, leading 50 percent to the Democrats’ 30 percent in the 1.2 million absentee ballots already returned.

It looks like there are many Democrats voting for John McCain in Florida.

As a registered Democrat (who will re-register as a Republican after this election), my Democrat vote will go to John McCain and Sarah Palin.

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Another Poll Bites The Dust

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 at 1:43 am

Yesterday, reported that the battleground poll narrowed Obama’s lead to just 1 point above McCain which puts him well within not only the poll’s stated margin of error, but in signifigant danger of actually losing the election since polls tend to err on the side of Democrats in the first place.

Today, the AP Poll shows Obama with a mere 1% lead over McCain. A deeper look into the poll reveals some interesting details. When asked how ‘definite’ their voting preference was, 88% of Obama Supporters responded "yes" which was exactly equal to McCain supporters. While both candidates had the exact same number of "definite" voters, the remaining 12% of their supporters differed in their commitment. For Obama, 8% of his supports said they’d "probably vote for him" and 4% said "they could change their mind." On McCain’s side, 10 to 11% said "probably" when asked about their commitment while only 2% said they "could change their mind."

According to page 10 of the poll, more respondents thought the economy would get "a lot worse" under Obama compared to McCain. Even more of the respondents thought their taxes would go up under Obama (page 12).

Even more significant is that 71% thought McCain is qualified to be President while only 46% said the same of Barrack Obama. Yet, somehow we’re supposed to believe Obama commands a huge lead over McCain even though more than half the country won’t even say he’s qualified to be president! This is an astounding thing the media is trying to feed us when reports continue to suggest that Obama will most definitely win.

In being consistent with our other analysis of political polls, it is important to understand the demographic that took this poll. First, unlike many polls has covered, this poll actually interviewed an equal number of liberals, conservative, and moderates. Most polls interview more liberals and moderates than conservatives which may explain Obama’s commanding lead in them in addition to their rampant inaccuracy when it comes to actually reflecting election outcomes as we’ve seen in the past two presidential elections. Another significant difference between this and other polls is that they actually called cell phone numbers in addition to land line numbers. This is significant because there is a growing segment of the population who do not have a landline and we speculate that a move to include that demographic in a political poll would not only reflect a more accurate sample of the voting public, it also might give McCain a boost since more affluent voters tend to lean Republican than poor voters who don’t qualify for or can’t afford a cell phone.

What this poll shows as that this election will be a nail biter to the very end and anything could happen on November 4th.

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Photo Of The Day!

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 at 2:00 pm

A Naval Officer emails Michelle Malkin:

“I obviously can’t speak for all the troops, but I can definitely speak for one - I am a Naval officer currently deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom…The Taliban and al Qaeda don’t scare me nearly as bad as this election does…We’ll take care of things over here, but we’re counting on you and others like you to fight the fight back home, even after the election, whichever way it goes. Hang in there. We appreciate everything you do.”

No sir, thank you for what you do. We appreciate you and appreciate all that serve our great country. We blog in your defense and let everyone know that you are succeeding and will come home in victory. We pray for you and we thank you. We will not fail you!

Yes, that is a real picture.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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US intelligence: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February 2009

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 1:59 pm


“US intelligence’s amended estimate, that Iran will be ready to build its first bomb just one month after the next US president is sworn in, is disclosed by DEBKAfile’s Washington sources as having been relayed as a guideline to the Middle East teams of both presidential candidates, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama.” READ MORE

Could this be one of the “tests” that Biden was talking about? Afterall, McCain and Obama have received breifings from US Intel in order to make the Presidential Transition smoother. Biden, Obama, and McCain should have a pretty good idea of what may be happening in the World within the next “6 months” and from Biden’s recent controversial comments that “Obama would be ‘Tested’”, we have to wonder just how serious some of that intelligence was.

We’ve already talked about the fact that Iran was days away from exploding a dirty bomb off the shore of Israel, what if Obama’s “test” will involve a nuclear armed Iran actually trying to use its weapons to attack the United States or our allies? Will Obama’s ‘unpopular’ response be to not protect us?  Will it be to stay in Iraq even though the Democrats have favored a US defeat if it meant it would get them elected? I’d rather just elect John McCain so we can avoid the ‘international crisis’ alltogether.


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