Posts Tagged ‘death penalty’

‘Please Kill Me,’ Says Canada Bus Killer

Posted by Ricky Minton on Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 at 11:44 pm

Vince Weiguang LiWe couldn’t agree more.  Why not?  Go ahead and execute Vince Weiguang Li.

Sure, there are some that will say, “Give this man help, he is clearly mentally disturbed.”  And to those people, my response is, “Ok, let him live with you for six-months when he gets out of the treatment.”

Oh, not so quick to do that, are they?

CNN provides us with one of the first images of Li, a cold blooded killer, who appeared in court today where he told the judge, “please kill me.”  Confirmed that he said this by everyone in attendance, but the judge, who ignored it, continued on.  He was ordered to undergo psychological tests.

Everyone that knew Li said he was a nice person and never showed signs of anger or emotional problems.  I guess he had them all fooled, but his psychological state should not be a factor in his punishment.  This person should never be on the street. 

Canada should take a long, hard look at their stand on the death penalty.  Congratulations Canada, you get to house and feed a cold blooded killer for how ever long your government gives him in prison.

The problem with Li’s request is that Canada would never kill him.  No, in fact, they are dead set against the death penalty no matter how horrific the crime.

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Tags: Canada, , Tim McLean, Vince Weiguang Li
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Man Claims He’s Too Fat to Be Executed

Posted by Ricky Minton on Monday, August 4th, 2008 at 11:56 pm

richardcooey Meet Richard Cooey.  According to ProDeathPenalty.Com, the 41-year-old man is scheduled to be put to death in Ohio for the 1986 rape and murder of Dawn McCreery, 20 and Wendy Offredo, 21.

Cooey doesn’t want to die.  In fact, Cooey believes he has the way out of having to succumb to his punishment.  Cooey received a last minute reprieve in 2003 when he was last scheduled to have justice served on him.

It’s his turn again.  He doesn’t want to do it, however, and has an unusual argument (although I’ve grown accustomed to the innovation in death penalty appeals).

Fox News reports that Cooey’s attorney’s are prepared to make this argument:

“…Cooey had poor veins when he faced execution five years ago and that the problem has been worsened by weight gain.”

His attorney’s are relying on a document prepared by a prison nurse in 2003 that claimed that Cooey had “sparse veins” and that extra time would be needed in completing his execution.

let me get this straight:  He rapes and murders two women.  Lives on tax dollars for over 20-years and is now too fat to be executed.

Oh, I almost forgot.

He also claims his migraine headache medication, Topamax,  could cause the first of the three drugs to be less effective.  I don’t know how valid this argument is, but it seems just complicated enough for a liberal judge to give him a stay while we spend thousands of dollars refuting it.

If Cooey had any initiative, he would just go on a diet like Darryl Layne Norris did prior to his escape from the Waller, Texas County Jail.

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Tags: , Ohio, Richard Cooey
Filed Under: Crime
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