Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

CNN insists Gaza video is genuine.

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, January 10th, 2009 at 2:59 am

Remember when the conservative blogosphere caught pro-Hamas doctors faking a civilian death?


(CNN) — There’s no truth to accusations by bloggers that a Palestinian camera crew staged a video showing the death of the videographer’s brother after an Israeli rocket attack, said the team’s employer.

Really, no truth?

Let’s look at the video again.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air writes:

* Take a look at the blood on the operating table. For penetrating wounds, there is almost no blood, and what little there is looks washed out — almost orange. The body should have been covered in blood, and much more than that should have transferred to the sheets, especially if someone was giving CPR.

* The video alleges that the Israelis used a missile from an unmanned drone to attack the rooftop, but look carefully at that roof. A missile hitting that roof would have left much more than a six-inch-diameter impact crater, even if it didn’t explode.

* Also, the plastic chair is sitting normally in the blast zone, and the clothes remain on the clothesline in the background. A missile blast that killed two boys on that roof would have done much more extensive damage.

CNN removed the video from its website, but now it is back, without the ability to embed, of course.

Also, CNN cites World News & Features as a reputable news website for “news from Gaza”. CNN is just grabbing at straws with that lame claim.

CNN, in their efforts to contribute to liberals anti-Semitic fervor, are now caught up in a huge lie! CNN has now lost all journalistic integrity and all of their future news stories should be considered suspect.

Conservative bloggers, once again, destroy the credibility of the liberal media.

Hat Tips: Confederate Yankee, Hot Air, Little Green Footballs, and InstaPundit

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Pro-Hamas doctors caught faking a civilian death!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 9:46 pm

Mads Gilbert, the radical Marxist Norwegian doctor that was the focus of a Fox News report earlier today for being an anti-Israeli Hamas apologist, has been positively identified as one of two doctors caught faking CPR on a Palestinian boy that “died” in video featured today on CNN.

The segment with Gilbert shows him and another doctor badly faking chest compressions and other life-saving measures on a live boy faking death in what can only be described as political theater. The video claims to be filmed by the brother of a Palestinian teen that claims the boy was one of two purposefully killed by a missile fired at them by an Israeli drone as they played.

Lawhawk has more on why the fake CPR is so pathetically obvious to those with actual CPR training.

CNN editors who swallowed the story of the poorly-acted video unquestioningly—no doubt because it fit the anti-Israeli narrative familiar to CNN viewers and critics—have now pulled the video without explanation, correction, or retraction.

It has also been determined that the videographer who filmed his brother’s “death” is the general manager of a company that hosts web sites for Hamas.

Dr. Gilbert was allowed into Gaza by the Israelis just 2 days ago to provide medical care. He was involved in faking war crimes less than 48 hours later.

Of course CNN and their liberal cronies would air such crap.

Hat Tip: Confederate Yankee

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Kathy Griffin said a naughty word.

Posted by Carlos C. on Monday, January 5th, 2009 at 9:54 pm

NY Post

The “whoops!” moment occurred after midnight as Griffin, co-hosting with Anderson Cooper, lashed out at a heckler. “Screw you!” she yelled. “Why don’t you get a job buddy? You know what, I don’t go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth.”

Kathy Griffin’s comments are heard 40 seconds into the video.


I thought Kathy Griffin supported “gay pride”?

I doubt CNN asks her to co-host next New Year’s Eve, or ever.

Maybe she will get a lifetime ban!

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Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, November 21st, 2008 at 8:20 am

CNN’s Rick Sanchez says that President Bush has “cooties”.

I am not surprised that the liberals at CNN possess such loquacious ignorance.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

UPDATE 1: President Bush shook hands with everyone before this video was shot.

Great fact-less reporting, CNN. Did the liberal producers at MSNBC take over the CNN news room?

UPDATE 2: Michelle Malkin is also reporting that President Bush “had been shaking hands and slapping backs all day long with the world’s heads of state” before this video was shot.

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Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 at 12:56 am

They must be Dallas Cowboys fans.


Hat Tip: The Jawa Report

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CNN Did a ‘Fact Check’ Against Palin’s Statements and shot down every one of them based upon little to no credible evidence.

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Saturday, September 6th, 2008 at 1:57 am

I just finished watching Anderson Cooper 360 which would be a first to me. During the last segment of the show, Mr. Cooper introduced a “fact check” series on Palin’s statements. To counter most of Palin’s points, CNN merely interviewed two of Palin’s political enemies, one Democrat, and one Republican. What they both had in common was they didn’t much care for Palin and CNN basically presented everything they had to say as fact.

Their conclusion? Nothing Palin said was true and her popularity rating in Alaska is based upon a “honeymoon” period since she was elected just two years ago. Most politicians would kill to have a two year honeymoon period. CNN went further to point out that Palin didn’t make a profit when she sold that luxury  jet she said she didn’t need which demonstrated that CNN, Cooper, or both completely misunderstood why she sold it: fiscal conservatism, principle, and saving the taxpayers of Alaska.

This segment reminded me once again why I think watching political hack news anchors like Cooper is a complete waste of my intellectual capacity. I’m smarter than CNN must think the average voter is and I hope everyone who reads this blog is smarter as well.

To their credit, CNN did interview the Alaskan State Trooper at the center of a controversy where Palin might’ve been involved in a campaign to fire the state trooper because of divorce proceedings with a member of Palin’s family. The trooper was caught drinking while driving and on duty, improperly using a taser against a family member, issuing death threats to members of Palin’s family as well as hunting illegally all while employed by the State of Alaska as an officer of the Law. Yeah, sounds like he shouldn’t have been fired to me.

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Did CNN leak Obama’s VP pick early?!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 at 12:36 am

According to a leaked CNN story, Obama’s VP pick will be Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana! captured a CNN story screen shot stating that Evan Bayh will be Barack Obama’s vice presidential running mate!

Also, Hot Air is stating that if this screen shot is NOT a hoax, then CNN figured out the pick, ran a story, then removed the story at the command request of the Obama campaign!

UPDATE 1: It looks like the screen shot is a fake. I never said it was real.

That’s how gossip goes - sometimes it’s real, and sometimes it’s B.S.

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