Posts Tagged ‘Chris Britt’

Racism - good, old standby.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, August 21st, 2008 at 3:58 am

Chris Britt of The State Journal Register believes that Barack Obama’s recent poll numbers slide is due to America’s deeply-festered racism. Really? How about Obama’s lack of experience? That is a better explanation for Obama’s dipping poll numbers.

While Barack Obama was boogie boarding in Hawaii…

…John McCain was, and still is, talking tough against the Russians who illegally invaded their neighbor state, Georgia. McCain was, and still is, looking Presidential, while Obama is struggling to find his immaculate speaking voice. The American people, and the world, now knows which candidate will be the most effective, influential, and ready to lead from Day 1 in the White House.

However, the liberal media keep spinning the notion that if you are not going to vote for Obama, you must obviously be a racist. It’s funny that liberals and Democrats always bring up the racism charge whenever conservatives and Republicans attack Obama on his lack of experience. The good news is that the majority of the American people are getting tired of the liberal media’s racism tactic. Even better news, the majority of the American people are noticing Barack Obama for the inexperience politician that he is.

Democrats, it’s not too late to nominate Hillary Clinton.

Hat Tip:

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