Posts Tagged ‘abortion’

22 Weeks!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 11:33 am

22 Weeks

A young woman is locked in the bathroom of an abortion clinic after her aborted baby was born alive.

A film about decisions, their affects and the echoes they leave behind. Based on the shocking World Net Daily article by Ron Strom, on victim’s testimonies, and real 911 calls about one of the most controversial subjects of our time, “22 Weeks” achieves to confront both sides of the spectrum and their perspective to the ongoing question: “what would you do?”


I definitely want to see this movie.

The scary part about all of this is that it is - true.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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President Obama lifts ban on funding abortions abroad.

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 6:17 am

I was going to originally title this blog “President Obama kills babies!”, but why be controversial?


President Obama will issue an executive order on Thursday reversing the Bush administration policy that bans the use of federal dollars by non-govermental organizations that discuss or provide abortions outside of the United States.

Obama will sign the executive order on the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

The policy, known in governmental circles as the “Mexico City policy,” requires any non-governmental organization to agree before receiving U.S. funds that they will “neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations.”

The language was announced at the United Nations International Conference on Population in 1984, and was approved by President Reagan and originally drafted by his assistant secretary of state, Alan Keyes.

I guess this ad was ineffective in swaying President Obama’s decision.


Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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Will President Obama protect unborn babies?

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 4:33 pm

WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Barack Obama is considering issuing an executive order to reverse a controversial Bush administration abortion policy in his first week in office, three Democratic sources said Monday.

Obama’s second full day as president falls on the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in the United States.

The sources said Obama may use the occasion to reverse the “Mexico City policy” reinstated in 2001 by Bush that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family planning groups that promote abortion or provide information, counseling or referrals about abortion services. It bans any organization receiving family planning funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development from offering abortions or abortion counseling.

The “Mexico City policy,” commonly referred to by critics as “the global gag rule,” was devised by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 at a population conference in Mexico City.

President Bill Clinton lifted the ban in January 1993 as one of his first acts as president, but President George W. Bush reinstated it in his first executive order on January 22, 2001, the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

At the time, critics — including Planned Parenthood — called the move a “legislative ambush.”

Bush defended the action, saying then: “It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortion or actively promote abortion.”

Do the right thing, President Obama. Keep this policy in this place.

Do not let our taxpayer money go towards such a heinous and horrendous act.

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Vatican official calls Democrats “the party of death”!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 at 4:03 pm

Vatican officials seldom single out political leaders who differ with the Church on issues like abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research. But now that the Vatican’s highest court is led by an American, the former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, we can expect things to get more explicit in Vatican City — at least when when it comes to U.S. politics.

Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire that the U.S. Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.” He then attacked two of the party’s most high profile Catholics — vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion.

He said Biden and Pelosi, “while presenting themselves as good Catholics, have presented Church doctrine on abortion in a false and tendentious way.”

I believe Archbishop Raymond Burke is almost spot on, however, not all Democrats are pro-abortion / pro-death. There are Democrats, both in the political arena and American voters, that are pro-life. Also, not all Republicans are wholly pro-life because they support abortion in cases of rape and incest, such as Vice President Dick Cheney. Some Republicans, unfortunately, are pro-abortion / pro-death, such as former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Personally, I find it disgusting that any Catholic Christian politician, regardless of political party, has the gall to receive the Eucharist, and then support pro-abortion / pro-death legislation. This same personal sentiment applies to Catholic Christians that are pro-abortion / pro-death advocates. Abortion is murder, and murder is a sin. Any Catholic Christian that does not understand that needs to read the Book of Exodus, chapter 21, versus 22 and 23.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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Pro-Life Obama?

Posted by Carlos C. on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 5:47 pm

Barack Obama may be pro-choice, but don’t tell that to the Matthew 25 Network. They are a PAC supporting Barack Obama for president and they believe his policies are definitely pro-life.

The Brody File has been give an exclusive sneak peek to the Web site “Pro-Life, Pro-Obama.

Pro-Life Obama (website sneak peak - PDF file)

The Democratic Party has been making this pro-life case for a long time now, not just with Obama, but with Democrats who want to see abortion reduced in this country. They don’t want to get hung up on Roe v. Wade. The Web site lays out their case in a succinct and pretty easy to understand way.

But this Web site is going to tick off the pro-life community because this is pretty in your face. Calling Obama “pro-life” won’t go down well with conservative Evangelicals. Additionally, it will be really interesting to see the fallout and reaction from this, especially from the McCain campaign.

How in the blue hell is Barack Hussein Obama pro-life?!

This is a father that does not want his daughter punished with a baby.

This is a Senator that has voted four times to approve infanticide!

This is a Presidential candidate that has, through his voting record, promised to promote abortion and protect Roe v Wade.

Barack Obama’s pro-abortion / pro-death record is beyond his soul’s salvation. And is above his pay grade, too.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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Barack Obama’s rape victim ad?

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 at 1:50 pm

Well, it is not going to happen now, thanks to the conservative blogosphere.

Jonathan Martin of the blog reports:

Barack Obama’s campaign earlier this month sought to find a rape victim to appear in a campaign commercial, according to an e-mail obtained by Politico.

Kiersten Steward, director of public policy at the Family Violence Prevention Fund, served as a conduit between the campaign and victims and women’s advocates.

“Obviously, this is a big ask and I haven’t seen a script but presumably it will be a brief ‘this is what happened to me, we need someone who will fight for women like me, these are the guys to do it,’” Steward wrote in a Sept. 15 e-mail. “Again, that’s just my assumption, given how these things
usually go.”

Steward, a former top aide to Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.), said the Obama campaign would have a crew in Washington and was hoping to film that week.

She didn’t respond to a message.

The Obama campaign wouldn’t detail the strategy behind finding an individual to discuss such a sensitive topic but did suggest the ad may be aimed at underscoring their candidate’s support for abortion rights and ongoing effort to retain those women who backed Hillary Clinton in the primary.

“Choice is an important issue, and we’re going to continue talking about it in battleground states through the election,” said spokesman Bill Burton.

I knew about this ad yesterday, but I held off posting about it. I wanted to wait for confirmation that this is true, and it is!

Needs of the Many
blog originally posted this picture of the casting sheet ad!

The ad reads:

Role: Pregnant Daughter (15-19)

Role Type: Lead

Gender / Age / Ethnicities: Female / 15 to 19 / Caucasian (White)

Description Note: Brunette or Dark Blonde - Caucasian girl 15 to 19 years old. She should be able to evoke a lot of emotion without talking. A girl that can break your heart. She’s your sister, your cousin, your daughter, your neighbor. She is a victim of incest and pregnant now….forced to keep her child b/c Roe v Wade overturned means no exception for rape or incest.

This ad was sought by Barack Obama through Carol Rosenthal Casting. This was supposed to be an attack ad against McCain and Palin because they are both Pro-Life. Also, the “lucky” girl who would have won the role would not receive any payment except a DVD of the commercial for her acting portfolio.

Not only is Barack Obama pro-abortion / pro-murder / pro-death, but he is cheap to boot!

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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Abortion survivor, Gianna Jessen, blasts Obama’s abortion record!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 at 5:11 am

Gianna Jessen has joined Born Alive Truth in order to say: “If Barack Obama had his way, I would not be here.”

Damn! Jessen’s message cannot get any clearer than that. However, Obama will continue his heartless pro-death, pro-abortion liberal mantra. It is sad that liberals believe everyone has the right to exist unless that person is still in their mother’s womb. Regarding the value of human life, President Ronald Reagan’s words still ring true today: “Regrettably, we live at a time when some persons do not value all human life. They want to pick and choose which individuals have value.” Barack Obama is one of those persons that President Reagan spoke about.

More pro-life quotes by President Ronald Reagan at Wikiquote.

Hat Tip:
Gateway Pundit

UPDATE 1: Check out Hot Air and read their articles about Barack Obama’s track record on INFANTICIDE!!!

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