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U.S. authorities remove ‘Adolf Hitler,’ 2 siblings with Nazi-like names from family home

Posted by Ricky Minton on Thursday, January 15th, 2009 at 6:08 pm

Last month, Carlos found an interesting story about Adolf Hitler… no, not that one.  Adolf Hitler Campbell — he’s only 3-years-old.   His parents tried to get a birthday cake with his name on it.  A request denied by the grocery store.  Thank God there was a Wal-Mart nearby with no morales to make the cake for them in time for little Adolf’s birthday bash!

Well, the family is in the news again.  This time, family services have removed all of the children from the Campbell home.

No details as to why the children were removed, but not hard to make a decent guess, huh?

Oh yes, his sisters were also removed from the home.  They are JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell.  We’re not making this stuff up folks!

Thanks to Kristie for this story.

UPDATE 1 (from Carlos): The children were NOT removed from the parents due to their Nazi names.


Lehigh Valley Live

“Just to be clear, removal of a child from a family is only done when there’s an imminent danger to a child and that wouldn’t include the child’s name alone,” spokeswoman Kate Bernyk said. “We wouldn’t remove a child based on their name.”

This was not the first run-in the New Jersey DCF has had with this family.


In the foyer, Heath Campbell, who said he has German ancestry and a relative who fought for the SS, took off boots he said were worn by a Nazi solider named Daniel.

He laid them next to a skull with a swastika on its forehead, the first of dozens of swastikas seen by the Campbells’ rare guests.

There are swastikas on walls, on jackets, on the freezer and on a pillow. The family car had swastikas, Heath Campbell said, until New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families told him they could endanger the children.

This story keeps getting weirder and weirder!

Hat Tip:
Hot Air

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A Modern Story of Hanukkah: What the PC Police Never Wanted You to Know

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Monday, December 1st, 2008 at 4:57 pm

What’s this nonsense about people saying “Happy Holidays” to me just because Hanukkah happens to be coming up in the same month as Christmas? Is it because some politically correct, first amendment suppressing fascist came along and decided I should be offended as a Jew when someone wishes me a “Merry Christmas” just because there happens to be a Jewish holiday coming up?  What if I told you that I’m not offended when wished a “Merry Christmas?” What if I told you that I don’t care if you do or do not know about a Jewish holiday which I will start thinking about only hours, perhaps even minutes, before carrying out its traditions?

Here’s the problem with what the PC Police have done: they’ve made Hanukkah out to be something it’s not. Today, if you were to follow what’s talked about in the fiction and non-fiction media, it would almost seem as though Hanukkah is the Jew’s “answer” to Christmas and to some, the single most, if not, the only holiday on the Jewish Calendar. First and foremost, Hanukkah is a MINOR holiday and the only reason most people (even Jews) know more about it than any other Jewish Holiday, is because of its proximity to Christmas which by comparison, is a much more important holiday to Christians than Hanukkah is to Jews.

Hanukkah commemorates a Jewish Revolt against the Syrians 2200 years ago which culminated in the rebuilding and re-dedication of the second Temple in Jerusalem. It was, before the PC Police got ahold of it, celebrated by merely lighting candles, singing a few songs, and playing a gambling game called dradle which signifies the fact that Judaism was outlawed up to the time of the Maccabean Revolt and when Jews were worshipping together, they’d pretend to be gambling when the authorities walked by so they wouldn’t draw suspicion. A happy occasion though the rebuilding of the second temple might’ve been, it’s nothing compared to G-d’s miraculous delivery of the Nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt (commemorated by Passover) or the day in which we atone for our sins (Yom Kippur). There are others, but you get the idea.

Prior to the most recent 4 to 5 decades, The closest thing to a “gift” during the celebration of Hanukkah was a piece of candy or a very small amount of coined money, either of which was used as “tokens” when playing the dradle game. Ah, but a handful of “secular” which is another word for “uncommitted” Jews, decided that they needed an “alternative to Christmas” so they decided to start giving larger gifts to their children than just the traditional gambling candy or coins. If we know anything about children, occasions involving gifts can be among the most significant and anticipated events in their childhoods. Thus the gift giving magnified, rather inaccurately, the spirit and importance of the holiday to an entire generation of Jewish Children and perhaps outside observers. One could say that this gift giving is the same way that Christmas became more important to Secular Christians than the Holiday of Easter which from the theological viewpoint, is much more significant. Nonetheless, these children with their misled sense of importance in the Hanukkah Festival, grew up in the 1960s, and like the many extreme leftist libtards of their generation, later became a part of the politically correct movement that strangles our culture today. Once again, I am reminded to say “thanks a pant-load” to the baby boomers!

On the other hand, I’m sure that no retailer, on the day after Thanksgiving, would object to the extra Jewish shoppers going into massive credit card debt to buy gifts. But like many Jews even despite the baby boomer’s misinterpretation of Hanukkah and perhaps the entire Jewish Religion, you won’t see me waiting outside the mall at 4 in the morning.  I’m just not interested in trampling bystanders to death as I rush for the advertised insanely low priced  electronic items that the store didn’t bother to stock anyway. Thanks but no thanks.

Also, thanks but no thanks for greetings of “Happy Holidays” though I’m sure such greetings are well intended and happily delivered. Saying “Happy Holidays”, as I hope I’ve outlined here, is implying that Hanukkah is important enough for non-Jews to care about when in reality, were it not for Christmas, most secular Jews wouldn’t even know about Hanukkah in the first place! So keep this “happy holidays” nonsense to yourself and stop encouraging those trying to destroy and secularize my religion with the filthy spirit of materialism that has previously engulfed and possibly ruined, the spirit and meaning of Christmas.

I will be delighted when I hear “Merry Christmas” again because that my friends, is what is really happening this season and that is the real reason behind all the lights, the decorations, the massive debt, the chaotic retail sales, the obnoxious music, and the damned good traditional cocktails that accompany this time of year. None of this has anything to do with and G-d willing, will ever have anything to do with any Jewish Holiday nor should it.

Consider this your permission, from a minority supposedly “victimized” by your enjoyment of Christmas, to flip the proverbial bird to the PC Police once and for all. Celebrate who you are, what you believe, and don’t worry about what others may think of you. If you feel the need, wish anybody and everybody a “Merry Christmas.” Know that I wish the same for you.

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Who’s Throwing an Obama Party?

Posted by LoneStar on Thursday, November 6th, 2008 at 9:01 pm

Besides liberals. Why, Hamas of course.

They doggedly supported Obama during his campaign, as John Hawkins of Right Wing News reported back on April 16, 2008:

On the eve of a planned meeting with former President Jimmy Carter, the isolated Hamas terrorist organization has expressed “hope” Sen. Barack Obama will win the presidential elections and “change” America’s foreign policy.

 “We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections,” Ahmed Yousuf, Hamas’ top political adviser in the Gaza Strip, said in an exclusive interview with WND and with the John Batchelor Show on WABC Radio in New York.

“I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political discourse. … I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principal. And he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance,” Yousuf said, speaking from Gaza.

…Together with presidential candidates John McCain and Hillary Clinton, Obama called Hamas a “terrorist organization” that should remain isolated until it renounces violence and recognizes Israel. Obama told reporters he opposed Carter’s meeting with Hamas.

But Yousuf chalked up Obama’s statements to political posturing.

“I understand American politics and this is the season for elections and everybody tries to sound like he’s a friend of the Israelis … so whatever [the] Israelis didn’t like they will take from all those candidates,” he said.

Yousuf said that in Hamas’ view, Obama has “a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with humiliation and arrogance.”

I think Yousef just insulted John Kennedy, who for all his faults didn’t just hide under his desk with threats to our country, or kiss the terrorists’ butts in the name of “peace at any price” like Dumbo is going to. But Yousef is likely right on the “he’s just acting like a friend of Israelies to get elected” quote. We with a brain in our head think its posturing too, that he’s pretending to be friends of Israel. Especially since liberals hate Israel and label anyone who supports them “evil Zionists” and “hawkish”, and Obama said Israel needs to make more concessions because the conflict, which is all their fault, is a “constant sore”.

Somehow I doubt Mr. Personality 2008 will take a stand for Israel when he hates his own damn country, along with his loudmouth wife. For that matter, we think he’s pretending to be friends even of true Americans, which he has yet to prove that he is. Coward.

 But apparently, Hamas got their wish, thanks to the liberals. Merry Chistmas, Hamas! Uh, wait a minute…

Wonder how it feels to know you’re doing exactly what terrorists wish you to do.

These same people that celebrated the death of THOUSANDS of our citizens with candy and revelry:

Are now celebrating the election of Barack Obama: Hamas Celebrates Obama Victory with Massive Rocket Attack. So is Iran: Iranian Islamo-Nazis Cheer. Guess ol’ McCain should have grown a set and agreed with the guy that said terrorists would be dancing in the street if Obama won. Truth isn’t always nice.

And you liberals think you’re on the right side.

I want a president where the terrorist mofo’s are pissed off, not celebrating.

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Ratings Terrorist Lurking On Scoopthis

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 at 3:29 pm

This isn’t really news. This isn’t really blogworthy either. I just thought it was kind of funny.

Apparently, somebody who likely doesn’t like the kinds of things we write here, is going through our blogs and giving them “one star.” What’s especially funny about this are the types of blogs he or she is doing this on. Namely, the blogs about voter fraud and voter intimidation. This could be a glimpse into how this person must view the democratic process IE… don’t make sure every vote is counted and certainly don’t worry about people voting more than once (if they’re voting democrat, that is).

Whoever you are, you’re doing a great service there giving us one star. Very productive.

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Liberal Semantics, Communist Conundrums, and Nonsensical Anathema

Posted by LoneStar on Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 at 10:08 pm

At exactly 5:41, Bill Burton, the Obama Campaign Spokesman, puts his liberal jackass hoof right in his mouth:

“We’ve tried these policies for the last 8 years, where you give tax cuts to the corporations, where you give tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans; its not working. The wealth is not trickling down.”

This is a tactic commonly referred to as playing semantics.

Or as William Shakespeare so eloquently put it: “A rose by any other name…”

Or in this case, a Marxist skunk by any other name…

When he is complaining about the tax cuts on the wealthy who pay more taxes than the middle class could envision in their worst nightmare, and saying the wealth isn’t trickling down, this is what he is saying:

“The wealth is not being re-distributed properly by giving tax cuts to people with the highest tax burden, along with tax cuts for everyone else too, as happened with President Bush’s tax cuts. We think the wealth should be re-distributing from the richest Americans to the middle class.”

Allow me to break this down into simple terms. We’ll start with two very simple questions:

1) Who do the “evil” wealthy corporations employ?

2) What do the “evil” wealthy Americans do with the money that is invested in various places in our economy?

If you answered:

1) the middle class 


2) pay the salaries of the middle class by funding (through various means) the corporations where the majority of the middle class works 

…you would be correct.

Now, one other question. We’ll make it multiple choice. If Barack Obama shifts the tax burden more heavily on the shoulders of the “wealthiest Americans”, what do you think will happen to the corporations:

A) Utopia. Corporations and wealthy Americans, who are mostly entrepreneurs anyway, don’t mind paying more and decidely unfair taxes to the government just because they happen to be successful where others are not. Ludicrously high taxes are patriotic. Joe Biden said so. They’ll just cheerfully pull more money out of their butt, take the loss, and we’ll all live happily ever after.

B) Disaster. Corporations will raise prices, slash “middle class” jobs, and cut “middle class” salaries to keep their business profitable. Research and development into new technology will shrivel due to lack of available funding. Wealth and businesses will be “re-distributed” outside of our country and more “middle class” jobs will be lost. The “middle class” won’t be able to get a tax break because they’ll be lucky if they still have an income to tax after Obama gets through with them.

You may post your answer in the comments, if you so choose.

And just as an aside. This is a question for liberals. Think very carefully (if such is not anathema or outright impossible):

If it is wrong to be a wealthy, corporate American and their wealth needs to “trickle down” to the middle class who deserves the riches of the wealthy more than the wealthy do, then what incentive is there for a middle class man to better himself? What incentive is there for a middle class man to save and work toward earning more money, when as soon as the middle-class man becomes wealthy he is viewed as selfish and undeserving of his profits by liberals, and they take his money and re-distribute it to some other ”middle-class” man?

What a conundrum…

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AP: House GOP Leader asks Bush to Cut Off Acorn Funds

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 at 1:09 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republican leader John Boehner on Wednesday urged President Bush to block all federal funds to a grass-roots community group that has been accused of voter registration fraud.

"It is evident that ACORN is incapable of using federal funds in a manner that is consistent with the law," Boehner, R-Ohio, wrote Bush, saying that funds should be blocked until all federal investigations into the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now are completed.

Read the rest of the story

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