Archive for the ‘ScoopThis.Org’ Category

Upgrades to ScoopThis

Posted by Ricky Minton on Thursday, January 15th, 2009 at 7:28 pm

I have been working to upgrade some of the features on ScoopThis.Org.  One feature that has been upgraded, and I want to encourage people to use it, is the ability to reply to specific comments.  This will make the conversation folow much better when you leave comments.

To reply, click “Reply” under the comment that you want to reply to.

Thanks for making ScoopThis.Org a success!

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Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 1st, 2009 at 1:05 am

The editors of Scoop This wish all of our readers a Happy New Year!

We are going to come back strong with new opinion editorials and breaking news in 2009!

UPDATE 1: I just received an email from thanking Scoop This for tracking back to their website.

Personally, I am a huge fan of Andrew Breitbart and his media savvy.

2009 is starting off right!

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Happy Hanukkah!

Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, December 21st, 2008 at 8:54 pm


Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah.

The editors of Scoop This would like to wish all of our Jewish readers and friends a joyous and blessed Hanukkah.

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Real life gets in the way of passion.

Posted by Carlos C. on Friday, December 5th, 2008 at 1:32 am

Unfortunately, real life does get in the way of passion, so allow me this one excuse as to why I have not blogged on Scoop This in the past few days. I have had several physical ailments and a bit of a flu bug, but thankfully the mental fatigue is starting to subside. Plus, I have had some drama that needed to be quelled. Hopefully, everything will go as planned for the rest of month.

After a few hours of rest, I hope to blog later on today. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Thank you for reading Scoop This, and thank you for your loyalty.

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A Modern Story of Hanukkah: What the PC Police Never Wanted You to Know

Posted by Kelsey Golden on Monday, December 1st, 2008 at 4:57 pm

What’s this nonsense about people saying “Happy Holidays” to me just because Hanukkah happens to be coming up in the same month as Christmas? Is it because some politically correct, first amendment suppressing fascist came along and decided I should be offended as a Jew when someone wishes me a “Merry Christmas” just because there happens to be a Jewish holiday coming up?  What if I told you that I’m not offended when wished a “Merry Christmas?” What if I told you that I don’t care if you do or do not know about a Jewish holiday which I will start thinking about only hours, perhaps even minutes, before carrying out its traditions?

Here’s the problem with what the PC Police have done: they’ve made Hanukkah out to be something it’s not. Today, if you were to follow what’s talked about in the fiction and non-fiction media, it would almost seem as though Hanukkah is the Jew’s “answer” to Christmas and to some, the single most, if not, the only holiday on the Jewish Calendar. First and foremost, Hanukkah is a MINOR holiday and the only reason most people (even Jews) know more about it than any other Jewish Holiday, is because of its proximity to Christmas which by comparison, is a much more important holiday to Christians than Hanukkah is to Jews.

Hanukkah commemorates a Jewish Revolt against the Syrians 2200 years ago which culminated in the rebuilding and re-dedication of the second Temple in Jerusalem. It was, before the PC Police got ahold of it, celebrated by merely lighting candles, singing a few songs, and playing a gambling game called dradle which signifies the fact that Judaism was outlawed up to the time of the Maccabean Revolt and when Jews were worshipping together, they’d pretend to be gambling when the authorities walked by so they wouldn’t draw suspicion. A happy occasion though the rebuilding of the second temple might’ve been, it’s nothing compared to G-d’s miraculous delivery of the Nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt (commemorated by Passover) or the day in which we atone for our sins (Yom Kippur). There are others, but you get the idea.

Prior to the most recent 4 to 5 decades, The closest thing to a “gift” during the celebration of Hanukkah was a piece of candy or a very small amount of coined money, either of which was used as “tokens” when playing the dradle game. Ah, but a handful of “secular” which is another word for “uncommitted” Jews, decided that they needed an “alternative to Christmas” so they decided to start giving larger gifts to their children than just the traditional gambling candy or coins. If we know anything about children, occasions involving gifts can be among the most significant and anticipated events in their childhoods. Thus the gift giving magnified, rather inaccurately, the spirit and importance of the holiday to an entire generation of Jewish Children and perhaps outside observers. One could say that this gift giving is the same way that Christmas became more important to Secular Christians than the Holiday of Easter which from the theological viewpoint, is much more significant. Nonetheless, these children with their misled sense of importance in the Hanukkah Festival, grew up in the 1960s, and like the many extreme leftist libtards of their generation, later became a part of the politically correct movement that strangles our culture today. Once again, I am reminded to say “thanks a pant-load” to the baby boomers!

On the other hand, I’m sure that no retailer, on the day after Thanksgiving, would object to the extra Jewish shoppers going into massive credit card debt to buy gifts. But like many Jews even despite the baby boomer’s misinterpretation of Hanukkah and perhaps the entire Jewish Religion, you won’t see me waiting outside the mall at 4 in the morning.  I’m just not interested in trampling bystanders to death as I rush for the advertised insanely low priced  electronic items that the store didn’t bother to stock anyway. Thanks but no thanks.

Also, thanks but no thanks for greetings of “Happy Holidays” though I’m sure such greetings are well intended and happily delivered. Saying “Happy Holidays”, as I hope I’ve outlined here, is implying that Hanukkah is important enough for non-Jews to care about when in reality, were it not for Christmas, most secular Jews wouldn’t even know about Hanukkah in the first place! So keep this “happy holidays” nonsense to yourself and stop encouraging those trying to destroy and secularize my religion with the filthy spirit of materialism that has previously engulfed and possibly ruined, the spirit and meaning of Christmas.

I will be delighted when I hear “Merry Christmas” again because that my friends, is what is really happening this season and that is the real reason behind all the lights, the decorations, the massive debt, the chaotic retail sales, the obnoxious music, and the damned good traditional cocktails that accompany this time of year. None of this has anything to do with and G-d willing, will ever have anything to do with any Jewish Holiday nor should it.

Consider this your permission, from a minority supposedly “victimized” by your enjoyment of Christmas, to flip the proverbial bird to the PC Police once and for all. Celebrate who you are, what you believe, and don’t worry about what others may think of you. If you feel the need, wish anybody and everybody a “Merry Christmas.” Know that I wish the same for you.

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Where is Joe the Plumber?

Posted by Carlos C. on Saturday, November 22nd, 2008 at 10:51 am

My septic tank blew up last night! I had to stay at a local hotel. I came back this morning to my apartment, and the stench was not as bad as I thought it would be.

Danny the Plumber from Mr. Rooter was able to fix my septic tank. He found baby wipes clogging the drain pipe. What the hell? I do not have any kids.

I was able to clean one of my bathrooms. I will clean the other bathroom as soon as I go buy some more Clorox bleach.

I will have to hire someone to rip out the carpeting that was damaged by the septic tank water.

I will post pictures later on today of Danny the Plumber and the disgusting aftermath left by the septic tank. First, I have to figure out how to decrease the size of the pictures I took.

More to come. Stay tuned…

UPDATE 1: Well, there goes $150.00 down the drain!

Hopefully, I will be able to blog today. I am super tired.

Danny the Plumber.

I am debating with myself whether or not to post the “aftermath” pictures. Perhaps I will post them later on today.

And the disgusting, horrible aftermath.

If I ruined your breakfast, sorry.

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Have your blog featured on ScoopThis

Posted by Ricky Minton on Thursday, November 20th, 2008 at 10:18 pm

I am always looking for ways to allow people to interact more with ScoopThis. One way that I believe will help us spread the word about this blog and help blogger’s receive more traffic to their blog is a link exchange program.

The way it would work is as follows:

  • Readers would create a image ad for their blog (, MySpace, etc.) (200×200 only)
  • Your ad would be placed in a rotation in the right column directly below the categories menu
  • In exchange, an ad from ScoopThis (200×200) would be placed on your blog or website.
  • There is no requirement that your blog be self-hosted (like ScoopThis). Your link could be to your personal MySpace or Facebook page.  All we ask is for an image ad linking back to ScoopThis be provided on your site.

If anyone is interested in helping us with obtaining new readers as well as sending some of our traffic your way, please Contact Us.  Be sure to select Ricky Minton as the receipiant.

This project is in the early stages.  I would like to gauge participation before putting forth much of an effort in this project!

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    Sending tips to ScoopThis just got easier…

    Posted by Ricky Minton on Thursday, November 20th, 2008 at 4:20 am

    We’ve made it a bit easier to send information to ScoopThis.  Click on the Contact Us button above, and fill out the simple form.

    That isn’t new, but now you can send attachments up to a 2 MB limit.  If it will be larger than 2MB, send an email and let us know what you are sending and we’ll reply with the correct email address to send it to us.

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    Please register to comment on ScoopThis.Org!

    Posted by Carlos C. on Sunday, November 16th, 2008 at 4:21 am

    I will be back by Monday with new blogs. I have had to take a couple of days off for my birthday and my sister’s birthday, as well as other family and friend commitments.

    Thanks to all of our readers for their loyalty. Ricky has been working real hard to battle the spam issue so our readers can post comments in peace.

    Again, thank you for your understanding!

    Register to comment on ScoopThis.Org

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    UPDATE: New Registration Process in Effect

    Posted by Ricky Minton on Friday, November 14th, 2008 at 3:23 am

    Ok, I have gotten the registration process online.  In addition, I have updated the blog software to the latest version.  These steps, we are hoping will assist us with keeping our hosting service.

    You will still need to be registered in order to post comments.  This is the only measure to prevent spam.  If you do not want to register, remember, you can get a free email account anywhere, you can use a false name, and we don’t sell or release your personal information anyway.  There is really, nothing to worry about.

    Update:  You can now post comments without being logged in. To do so, you will have to solve a CAPTCHA.  In addition, to register, you will be asked to solve a CAPTCHA.

    UPDATE (4:45 AM - 11/15/2008):  I deleted all of the accounts that have characteristics of being spammers. IF YOUR ACCOUNT WAS DELETED AND YOU ARE NOT A SPAMMER, I APOLOGIZE!  Please re-register, send me an email that says, “Go to Hell” and forgive me.

    Thanks for your support!

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