Pro-Hamas doctors caught faking a civilian death!

Posted by Carlos C. on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 9:46 pm

Mads Gilbert, the radical Marxist Norwegian doctor that was the focus of a Fox News report earlier today for being an anti-Israeli Hamas apologist, has been positively identified as one of two doctors caught faking CPR on a Palestinian boy that “died” in video featured today on CNN.

The segment with Gilbert shows him and another doctor badly faking chest compressions and other life-saving measures on a live boy faking death in what can only be described as political theater. The video claims to be filmed by the brother of a Palestinian teen that claims the boy was one of two purposefully killed by a missile fired at them by an Israeli drone as they played.

Lawhawk has more on why the fake CPR is so pathetically obvious to those with actual CPR training.

CNN editors who swallowed the story of the poorly-acted video unquestioningly—no doubt because it fit the anti-Israeli narrative familiar to CNN viewers and critics—have now pulled the video without explanation, correction, or retraction.

It has also been determined that the videographer who filmed his brother’s “death” is the general manager of a company that hosts web sites for Hamas.

Dr. Gilbert was allowed into Gaza by the Israelis just 2 days ago to provide medical care. He was involved in faking war crimes less than 48 hours later.

Of course CNN and their liberal cronies would air such crap.

Hat Tip: Confederate Yankee

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9 Responses to “Pro-Hamas doctors caught faking a civilian death!”

  1. Ronnie says:

    Way to Wag the Dog…

  2. says:

    It’s an old story for the laundryheads and their media allies. Any wonder I don’t get my news from the Clinton Noose Nutwork or the Associated Pricks?

  3. Kelsey Golden says:

    I hope fox makes CNN swallow this story whole-heatedly. Journalism was once a bastion of freedom but today it is nothing more than a propaganda tool.

  4. says:

    This is pathetic! To fake this in a Hollywood style propaganda video on a station like CNN that is watched around the world means we have HARD WORK ahead of us to make sure the TRUTH is out there!

    - Doc

  5. says:

    Don’t worry, Kelsey, O’Reilly, Hannity, and Scarface are about to hand the Clinton Noose Nutwork and the Associated Pricks their asses on a platter over this one.

  6. I DO NOT trust CNN! Especially now! GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRR!
    The boy who videotaped the “scene” is the manager for hamas website! HAH! What LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!
    This does not surprise me after reading a blog that CNN put Sarah Palin on thier criminal list! I read in the blog that after the
    blog was recognized by some prominent people that her name was queitly removed. No apologies or anything! :o

  7. norwegian doctor says:

    Mads Gilbert was a teacher of mine in Tromsø, Norway. I was one of those student that made a complaint about him to the board, e.g. he was turning the anaesthetic lession into an anti-American/anti-Israel propaganda session.
    Being now myself a surgeon, somewhat in despice of these self-righteous gas-personell (they administer narcotic gases during my operations), I have taken a special interest in Mads Gilbert, and in particular, how he treats his women. And…there have been many of them…. My suggestion to you is to trace them, find some of his ex’es, and ask them, what a peaceloving nice guy he is… It’s hard being a freshman medical student, to go to the police with your bruices, knowing it can totally ruin all your chanses of ever hangig that stetoscope around your neck.

  8. Smeagol says:

    It`d difficult to seperate “truth” from propaganda these Days….

  9. Assman says:

    This asshole actually defended the 9/11 attacks. He probably lost his political eyesight by over-admiring Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin back in the 1970s.
