Obama’s ‘Non-believer’ Remarks Already Causing Concern

Posted by Holly Martin on Saturday, January 24th, 2009 at 10:40 pm

In his inaugural address, President Barack Obama delivered a lofty speech about the future of America. A multitude of Americans walked away euphoric. Others…not so much.

One statement, or rather one particular word has ruffled the feathers of even his strongest supporters. During the speech, President Obama said, “”We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers.” The mention of atheism has people wondering if the new President is a closet heretic. Bishop E.W. Jackson of the Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Virginia says that this one statement suggests that Obama “seems to be trying to redefine American culture, which is distinctively Christian.” On ‘Janet Parshall’s America’ a Christian radio show, listeners called in, many of whom said they were African-Americans, to express their concern over Obama’s statement. One African-American man also criticized President Obama’s seemingly strong stand on civil rights. He claims that abortion rates are higher among blacks and declared, “Black kids are dying each day through abortion. President Obama is supportive of abortion, and that’s a genocide on black folks. Nobody wants to talk about that as a civil rights issue.”

On the other hand, Atheists are pleased as pie with Obama’s reference. One member of American Atheists pointed out Obama‘s mother‘s distance from religion stating, “His mother would have been proud. And so are we.”

Obviously, the issue is not with tolerance and acceptance of atheism, because most Christians respect the freedom of religion. Rather, the issue is with the President of the United States’ subliminal effort to mainstream atheism. No one can deny that America was founded on Christanity. Our entire system depends on the adherence to those principles. Suggesting otherwise is a clear slap in the face to our forefathers and to the millions of Americans. Obama’s presumptuous attempt to define America through atheism is reckless at the least, but could have much more disturbing implications.

As President George H.W. Bush once said, I don’t think that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.”

(3 Ratings)

Tags: American Atheists, Bishop E.W. Jackson, George H.W. Bush, Inagural address, Janet Parshall's America, President Barack Obama
Filed Under: News & Politics

One Response to “Obama’s ‘Non-believer’ Remarks Already Causing Concern”

  1. Kelsey g says:

    I never understood why atheists care when people talk about religion. It’s ljke they wanted to give up religion but didn’t want to give up their “being offended privelidges that go along with being a member of a religion.
