Mrs. Biden can’t keep her mouth shut.

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 5:26 am


ABC News

During the taping of the Oprah Winfrey show today, Dr. Jill Biden said that her husband, the vice president-elect, was given a choice of being either vice president or secretary of State.

This revelation came after Vice President-elect Joe Biden told Oprah that after then-Sen. Obama offered the job of VP he asked for some time to think about it and talk it over with his family.

Mrs. Biden interjected: “Joe had the choice of being secretary of State or vice president.” She then seemed to realize she’d said something she wasn’t supposed to have said.

Her husband laughed.

Said Oprah, trying to continue the conversation, “You said, ‘Joe…?’”

“I said, ‘Joe if you are secretary of State you will be away, I’ll never see you,’” Mrs. Biden said. “We will see you at a state dinner once in a while. But I said if you are vice president, the entire family, because they worked so hard for the election, they can be involved … They can come to our home, they can go to events, they can be with us and that is what is important to us.”

Oprah turned to the VP-elect, asking “Were you worried about being number 2 because you wanted to be number one?”


Vice-President elect Biden picked the right position because since he is prone to making audible gaffes, he would have most likely embarrassed himself, and America, while meeting foreign dignitaries as Secretary of State.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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Tags: Jill Biden,
Filed Under: News & Politics

One Response to “Mrs. Biden can’t keep her mouth shut.”

  1. What a selfish woman!
