Jay-Z and Young Jeezy toast Barack Obama!

Posted by Carlos C. on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 6:04 am


Michelle writes:

Here’s the Hollywood inaugural celebration you didn’t see splashed all over TV: Rappers Young Jeezy and Jay-Z crazily cursing their heads off and screaming “Nigga” this and “Nigga” that as a crowd goes wild to Jeezy’s national anthem: “My President Is Black.”

Young Jeezy thanks the Iraqi shoe thrower.

MTV reported:

All hail the chief! Young Jeezy made immediate impact his first night in D.C.: Jeezy debuted a remix of the hip-hop national anthem right now, “My President.” Not too long after T.I. performed at D.C. club Love, the Snowman took to the stage for his “Presidential Status” inaugural ball — and his guest on the new version of “My President” was Jay-Z.

“My president is black, he’s black, he’s half white/ So even in a racist mind, he’s half right/ So if you got a racist mind, it’s alright/ My president is black, but his house is all white,” Jay spit a capella as the DJ pulled the music for his verse.

“No more white lies, my president is black!” Hov finished, as the crowd in the club repeated his last line over and over again.


Martin Luther King’s Jr. dream has come true.

My niggas.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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Tags: , Jay-Z, Young Jeezy
Filed Under: News & Politics

11 Responses to “Jay-Z and Young Jeezy toast Barack Obama!”

  1. What an IDIOT! Sorry just had to say it. HeeHee ;)

  2. Duh says:

    Let them keep it up. This will ensure that they will not be included in future events. This also has a bearing on those close to them.

    Beyonce may not have another opportunity to even sing the subway song to the Obama’s due to the idiotic behavior of her husband and his choice of associates.

    If this is a way to slowly phase out the hiphop generation, then let them keep up the nonsense. I want them to go away like gangsta rap.

  3. Anne says:

    Wow, listening to that was such a downer after a wonderful day in America. Beyonce must have been crazy when she married that guy. I hope that fades away fast and is never included in any more “we are one” festivities. One big step backward for mankind.

  4. Cole says:

    No more white lies? So, everything white people have done has been based of false pretenses or information, Jay-Z and Jeezy?

    This is the kind of shit that infuriates me because it’s the same damn shit Spike Lee does in ALL of his movies. GET OVER YOUR FUCKING SELVES! Slavery has been abolished! The Civil Rights Movement is done. Martin Luther King Jr.’s work is over.

    Be happy your people got elected but don’t take a day out to bash whites. If anything, there should be no racism anymore if a minority or a person of color can be elected to the highest office.

  5. joe says:

    They are all like that. We will never all get along, send em’ back to africa so they can thrive on their own.. N*****

  6. Ragazza says:

    I can only express sadness for the demonstration put on by ingrates. I was so impressed with Jay Z as of late - of course he is talented but I felt he was maturing emotionally and becoming comfortable with what he could offer based on his own unrealized potential. But after such a powerful day, a moment that he was privileged to a be a part of, that he could deduce it to that moment and going forth that is what will be on the minds of journalists, fellow performers, his wife’s heart, the public, and certainly the President Obama and his wife. I am certain going forward that the President and wife will not care to associate with such divisve figures that show their face once the sun goes down.

  7. umm hello says:

    DO you people not hear yourselves?? You are discusted by what Jay Z and Jezzy are saying, but yet you say things like \your people got elected,\ and your saying stuff like send them back to africa? I mean come on. Everything that your saying is no diffrent then what they are saying, its just in a diffrent context. Like you Cole saying that there shouldn’t be racism anymore but then you use terms like \your people.\ alitte contradicting dont you think?? Joe your comment is discusting. Its the 21st century people, and yes much to most of your dismay our president is black…but think about it this way if George Bush was a black man would you have still supported him?? MM makes you think doesn’t it and if it doesn’t, maybe you don’t deserve to be an American.

    • Cole says:

      Learn how to spell disgusting. Next, anyone who makes a racist comment out of “your people” has alot of fricking time on his or her hands. I don’t like the n-word comments made by some people on here to me that is more racist then someone saying “you people” or “you people.” Anyone who considers that racist has a gutter-brain.

  8. E says:

    Typical no class Thugs with money, TRUE Niggazzzz….. as they say.

    Sure makes me take a whole another look at Beyonce…. she can’t be that bright.

  9. mary winn says:

    We need Sarah Palin. She is as close to being honest as anyone I know. I think she is a peoples person. Go Sarah. Hope to see you kick Obama’s ass within the 4 year term. You got my vote. Mavrick……Cool.

  10. mary winn says:

    Hell with them all. All of them are crooked.
